Lateralization of Function
What is the Lateralization of Function?
Lateralization of the function refers to the idea that each hemisphere of the brain is specialized for a different function. Each hemisphere controls the contralateral or opposite side of the body. Each hemisphere sees the opposite side of the world. The left and right hemisphere exchange information primarily through the Corpus callosum.{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}
The two hemispheres are not mirrored images of each other. Division of labour between the two hemispheres is known as Lateralization. In most humans, the left side is specialized for language. The Corpus callosum allows each hemisphere of the brain access to information from both sides.
The mind is set cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory. The mind is the faculty a human being and thoughts. It holds the power of image recognition and appreciation and is responsible for processing felling and emotion. A mind is just like the software of the physical body. It is not like another part of an organ of the human body which can be shown. It exists between the brain and body, All the human mind work like an antenna.
Some True difference:
Left Brain: Controls the Right side of the body. Tends to be better suited for language. Receivers input from the Right visual field.
Right Brain: Controls the left side of the body. Tends to be better suited to spatial tasks. Receivers input from the Left visual field.
Lateralization of Function
Damage to left hemisphere results in language deficiencies. The left side seems to be specialized for language from the very beginning in most people. The Corpus callosum matures gradually through the first five to ten years. The left hemisphere in ninety-nine per cent of right-handed people. Most left-handers have left hemisphere or mixed dominance for speech. The right hemisphere is better at perceiving emotions. Damage to parts of the Right hemisphere causes difficulty perceiving others emotions, failure to understand humour and carcass and a monotone voice. Left hemisphere harm will increase the power to accurately choose to feel. Related to cut in interference from the Left hemisphere. Recovery to the language after damage to the brain varies. Age affects the extent of recovery. The brain is more plastic at an early age. Right hemisphere reorganization to serve some of the left hemisphere function. Few people have strong right hemisphere dominance.
Critical period
The mind is set cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory. The mind is the faculty a human being and thoughts. It holds the power of image recognition and appreciation and is responsible for processing felling and emotion. A mind is just like the software of the physical body. It is not like another part of an organ of the human body which can be shown. It exists between the brain and body, All the human mind work like an antenna.
Research suggests a critical period exists for the learning language. Learning of the second language differs as a function of age. Children are better at learning pronunciation and unfamiliar aspect of grammar.No Sharp cut off exists for second language learning. An adult learns a second language vocabulary better. Actually, adults, people learn not only a second language vocabulary better but also learn better the other language vocabulary better. Rare causes of children are not exposed to language indicates limited ability to learn a language later. Deaf children unable to learn spoken the Deaf children are unable to learn spoken the language because deaf children cannot hear sounds properly. Language and not given the opportunity to learn sign.