Right form of verbs exercises for SSC
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2020
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board-2020;Sylhet Board 2020]
drive | solve | create | suffer | occur |
reach | cause | carry | violate | give |
Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities of our country. Increasing number of vehicles (a) ---traffic jam. Mainly it (b) --- in the congested areas. Overtaking tendency also (c) ---traffic jam. Some drivers (d) --- the traffic rules and (e) ---carelessly. It (f) ---a lot of pains to the people. Ambulances (g) ---patients cannot (h) --- hospital timely. Students and office-going people also (i) ---due to traffic jam. This problem should be (j) ---immediately.
Answer: (a) create/cause (b) occurs (c) causes /creates (d) violate (e) drive (f) gives (g) carrying (h) reach (i) suffer (j) solved
2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Cumilla Board-2020; Rajshahi Board-2015]
contribute | confine | keep | prove | work |
develop | receive | become | adopt | be |
According to history, women in the past were (a) ---within the four walls. But at present, they (b) ---no longer captive to their parents’ or husbands’ house. With the passage of time, the outlook and attitude have been (c) ---as men and women are (d) ---themselves to the changing society. By (e) ---education, they are (f) ---pilots, doctors, engineers, high officials, etc. They are (g) ---hand in hand with men in all worthy programmes. They are now able to (h) ---their worth. They (i) ---much to the economy of the country. Now, it has come to the realization of men that no development is possible by (j) ---half of our population idle at home.
Answer: (a) confined (b) are (c) developed (d) adopting (e) receiving (f) becoming (g) working (h) prove (i) are contributing (j) keeping.
3. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Rajshahi Board-2020]
bestow | be | enable | lose | be |
have | owe | belong | cause | show |
We (a)---to our nature for (b)---us with her gifts lavishly. We (c)---a large area of land but the negligible area of land that (d) ---to us, is very fertile. We (e) ---ungrateful to our soil. But our activities (f) ---that we have (g) ---ungrateful to our soil. We are constantly (h)---soil pollution by our unwise activities. As a result, our fertile land is (i) ---its fertility which has (j) ---us to grow crops easily.
Answer: (a) owe (b) bestowing (c) do not have (d) belongs (e) should not be (f) show (g) been (h) causing (i) losing (j) enabled
4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Jashore Board -2020]
take | eat | deserve | be | thrive |
cause | run | know | fall | do |
Everybody (a)---- that food adulteration (b) ---a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and (c)--- diseases. People (d) ---this kind of food (e) ----victim to liver disease, cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessman who are avaricious and (f) ---after money only (g) --- heinous work. They (h) ----- the miseries of others. They (i) --- punishment. Some strict measures should be (j)---- to stop this abominable task of the greedy businessmen.
Answer: (a) knows (b) is (c) causes (d) eating (e) fall (f) run (g) do (h) thrive (i) deserve (j) taken
5. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Barishal Board-2020]
ensure | imagine | refer | create | treat |
take | eliminate | establish | broaden | keep |
Gender inequality is a barrier to the overall development of a country. Gender equality (a) ---to the condition in which both men and women (b) ---equally and fairly in all circumstances Without (c) ---the participation of the both, the social and economic development (d) ---. Elimination of gender disparity is a demand of the day with a view to (e) ---human rights. Our government, already (f) ---some initiatives in different sectors so that women can (g) — peace with men. But our social set up is (h) ---a barrier in different ways. We should (i) ---our outlook and come forward to (j) ---gender inequality from the society.
Answer: a) refers b) are treated c) ensuring d) cannot be imagined e) establishing f) has taken f) keep g) creating i) change j) eliminating
6. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Chattogram Board-2020]
act | damage | breed | rise | result |
consider | overcome | compare | build | endeavour |
Self-control (a) ---a great power. It (b) ---all other virtues. Man generally (c) ---on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desires (d) ---the purity of heart and mind (e) ---the degradation of human nature. It is the self-control that can help a man (f) ---up a pure character which is very essential (g) ---above the level of inhumanity. Nothing can (h) ---to self-control to (i) ---inhumanity. So, everybody (j)---for being self-controlled.
Answer: (a) is considered (b) breeds (c) acts (d) damage (e) resulting (f) build (g) to rise (h) be compared (i) overcome (j) should endeavour
7. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Mymensingh Board-2020]
know | hear | call | inspire | bear |
hinder | begin | remember | be | join |
You must have (a) ---the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He (b) ---our national poet. He (c) ---as a rebel poet as well. He (d) ---into a poor family. But dire needs could not (e) ---his potentiality. When the First World War broke out, he (f) ---the army. After the war, he (g) ---to write poems. At that time, his poems and songs (h) ---people against oppression. He (i) ---the Shelley of Bangla literature. We should (j) ---him for his great deeds.
Answer: (a) heard (b) is (c) is known (d) was born (e) hinder (f) joined (g) began (h) inspired (i) is (j) called remember
8. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dinajpur Board 2020]
enlighten | limit | start | ensure | have |
get | remove | encourage | compare | educate |
Education (a)--- mankind. It (b)--- to light which (c)--- the darkness of ignorance and helps us to distinguish between right and wrong. The primary purpose of education is the liberation of man from the restrictions of habits and attitudes which (d)--- his humanity. In our country, the govt. (e)--- Food for Education Programme" so that every man (f)--- proper education. The govt, has taken such a programme with a view to (g)--- the poor. In order to (h)--- maximum benefit from education, we must (i)--- our children morally so that they (j)--- love for humanity.
Answer: a) enlightens b) is compared c) removes d) limit e) has started f) gets g) encouraging h) ensure i) educate j) have
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2019
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board-2019]
think | be | defend | honour | inspire |
remember | sacrifice | die |
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) ---a man to shed the last drop of blood to (b) ---the freedom of his country. A man without patriotism (c) ---not better than a beast. A true patriot (d) ---by all. He always (e) ---for the welfare of his country. On the other hand, the unpatriotic men (f)--- only for their own interest. Those who (g) ---for the country are true patriots. They (h) ---even after their death. That is why, the freedom fighters who (i) ---their lives in 1971 are remembered and (j) ---forever.
Answer: (a) inspires b) defend c) is d) is honoured e) thinks f) think g) die h) are remembered i) sacrificed j) will be honoured
2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Cumilla Board-2019]
work | commit | respect | occur | know |
Sacrifice | have | follow | remember | stand |
Love for one’s own country (a) ---as patriotism. Everyone should (b) ---a great love for his country. Many of our freedom fighters (c) ---their lives in 1971 for the sake of our country. The countryman (d) ---them forever. Some people are (e) ---persistently for the development of the country. They are also patriots. Everybody (f) ---a patriot. When any natural calamity (g) ---in the country, a patriot (h) ---by the affected people. We (i) ---the footprint of the patriots. We should refrain from (j) ---any crime that is harmful of our country.
Answer: a) is known b) have c) sacrificed d) will remember e) working r) respects g) occurs h) stands i) should follow j) committing
3. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
understand | form | consider | owe | take |
respect | succeed | acquire | admit | forget |
In an educational institution teacher-student relationship is (a) ---to be the most important matter. It is such a relationship that is (b) ---on the basis of mutual (c) ---. A student always (d) ---to his teachers because he cannot but (e) ---help from them in case of (f) ---knowledge. The sensible students never (g) ---their teachers. Moreover, they (h) ---their memorable teachers’ role which helps them (i) ---in life. So, they always (j) ---their teachers.
Answer: a) considered b) formed c) understanding d) owes e) take f) acquiring g) forget h) admit i) succeed j) respect
4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Jashore Board - 2019]
prepared | claim | memorize | develop | command |
help | do | thinking | make | exercise |
Most of the students of our country are expert in (a) ---answers. They do not (b) ---notes themselves. They get them (c) ---by their tutors. Their tutors (d) ---their brain for the students. So, the (e) ---power of the students does not (f) ---. They do not have any (g) ---of their language. They, of course, (h) ---well in the examination. But for this, they can (i) ---no credit of their own. This result does not (j) ---them in their later life.
Answer: memorizing b) make c) prepared d) exercise e) thinking f) develop g) command h) do i) claim j) help
5. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Sylhet Board 2019;Jashore Board 2016]
engage | do | face | be | help |
solve | make | try | create |
At present Bangladesh (a) ---unemployment problem. This problem already (b) ---an alarming dimension. The government (c) ---to cope with this problem. But this problem cannot be (d) ---without (e) ---. the unemployment skillful. So, education (f) ---a must. It (g) ---a man to get a job. Job does, not mean (h) ---official work only. Self-employment is a solution of this problem. It means (i) ---oneself in economic activities. The government is giving financial help and training to the educated youths with a view to (j) ---them self-reliant.
Answer: a) is facing b) has already created c) is trying d) solved e) making f) is g) helps h) doing i) engaging j) making
6. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Barishal Board-2019]
work | confine | emerge | find | earn | be | bring | give |
Over the last ten years or so, the garments industries have (a) ---as the largest foreign currency earning sector. Hundreds of garments factories have (b) ---set up throughout the country. The most remarkable characteristic of the garments industries (c) ---the revolutionary change that has (d) ---in the lives of thousands of poor women across the country. Women who (e) ---to the household work suddenly (f) ---a new way of earning. A job at a garments factory (g) ---a woman not only a steady income but also independence and dignity. In a garments factory most of the workers have to (h) ---above ten hours a day. But still the women working here (i) ---happy as they think they are (j) ---their own living.
Answer: a) emerged b) been c) is d) brought e) were confined f) found g) gives g) work i) are j) earning
7. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Chattogram Board-2019]
feel | wash | do | want | get |
notice | take | give | pick | climb |
One day Mina and her parrot, Mithu (a) ---a tall tree to pick a mango. She (b) ---the mango and (c) ---it to her mother. Although Mina had picked the mango, her mother (d) ---the largest share of the fruit to Raju. Mina (e)---very disappointed. At dinner Mina (f) ---that Raju as usual (g) ---an egg but she (h) ---not. Mithu was not pleased to see that. Mother (i) ---to see if the children (j) ---their hands before they started eating.
Answer: a) climbed b) picked c) took d) gave e) felt f) noticed g) got h) did i) wanted j) had washed
8. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dinajpur Board 2019]
allow | pass | treat | depend | be |
do | increase | earn | secure | take |
Adult allowance (a)---a noble programme initiated by the present government. In most of the developed countries of the world this kind of programmed is (b) ---by the government. The government should pursue that their old age is (c) ---and comfortable. But in our country the adult are (d) ---on their own sons or daughters. The adult lose the ability to work and (e) ---at this age. They (f) ---offensively by their own issues. They have to (g) ---their days depend on others. The allowance should be (h) ---and the true needy (i) ---to have this allowance. It is expected that the local leader (j) ---their duty impartially to select the right person for this purpose.
Answer: a) is b) taken c) secured d) dependent e) earn f) are treated g) pass h) increased i) should be allowed j) do
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2018
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [HSC Exam-Ka Set-2018]
promise | contain | be | return | finish |
agree | want | ask | refuse | compose |
One day the great poet Ferdousi (a) ---by Sulatan Mahmood to (b)---Shahanama in honor of the Sultan. The Sultan (c) ---to pay Ferdousi a gold coin for each verse. Ferdousi (d) ---the writing and it (e) ---found (f) ---sixty thousand verses. Now Sultan (g) ---to pay sixty thousand gold coins. He (h) ---to pay silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet (i) ---to take silver coins and (j) ---to his village.
Answer: a) was asked b) compose c) promised d) finished e) was f) to contain g) refused h) wanted i) refused/did not agree j) returned
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2017
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board-2017]
manage | invent | rescue | give | run |
acquire | teach | work | print | go |
Edison never (a) ---to school. All education that he ever got (b) ---to him by his mother. At the age of twelve, he was put to (c) ---on a railway. Having a great deal to do with newspapers, he (d) --- to pick up the art of (e) ---and he printed a newspaper of his own named “The Weekly herald”. One day he (f) ---a station master’s child which was nearly (g) ---over by a train. The station-master out of gratitude, (h) ---him how to use the telegraph. Young Edison soon (i) --- great skill at the telegraph. When only twenty, Edison (j) ---a new telegraph which was extremely useful.
Answer: a) went b) was given c) work d) managed e) printing f) rescued g) run h) taught i) acquired j) invented
2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Cumilla Board-2017]
prepare | maintain | form | succeed | get |
influence | should | use | be | call |
Student life (a) ---a golden season of life. This (b) ---the time when we should (c) ---ourselves for future. The very habits (d) --- in the student (c) ---the later phases of life. Right from the student life, they (f) ---be careful in (g) ---discipline. They should (h) ---their time properly. If they do not use their time, they will not (i) ---in life. They should (j) ---punctual from the very beginning of their student life.
Answer: a) is called b) is c) prepare d) formed e) influence f) should g) maintaining h) use i) succeed j) get
3. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
speak | enable | live | See | be |
choose | give | fail | suffer | take |
There are several reasons why friendship (a) ---so necessary in human life. A man without a friend is like a man (b) ---in wilderness. Moreover, it (c) ---him to understand his surrounding in a better way. By (d) ---to a friend, a man can get relief. The advice (e) --- by a friend is sometimes more reliable than his own judgment. Thus, it is (f) ---that friendship is really important. But a man must (g) ---time while (h) ---a friend. If he (i) ---to select the right person as a friend he (j) ---in the long run.
Answer: a) is b) living c) enables d) speaking e) given f) seen g) take h) choosing i) fails j) will suffer
4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Jashore Board - 2017]
tremble | say | ask | have | come |
cross | drown | begin | know | be |
One day a scholar (a) ---a river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b) ---to blow. The scholar (c) ---with fear. The boatman (d) ---him if he (e) ---how to swim. The answer from the scholar (f) ---negative. Then the boatman (g) ---,"Very soon you are going to (h) ---. You (i) ---a lot of knowledge but it (j) ---to use at this moment.”
Answer: a) was crossing b) began c) was trembling d) asked e) knew f) was g) said h) drown i) have j) doesn't come/ will not come
5. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Sylhet Board 2017]
get | be | refresh | enjoy | take |
reap | walk | avail | keep | do |
A walk by the riverside in the evening (a) ---very useful and pleasant. One (b)---not only beautiful sight but also (c)---fresh air. It (d) ---the mind when one (e) ---a walk by the river-side. Bangladesh is a reverie country and you can (f) ---yourself of this opportunity of (g) ---by the river side. In the cities there are parks where you can go for a walk. This will help you (h)---fit. But if you (i) ---it regularly, you will not be able to (j)---the benefit.
Answer: a) is b) enjoys c) gets d) refreshes e) takes f) avail g) walking h) keeping i) do not do j) reap
6. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Barishal Board-2017]
kill | have | fly | get | carry |
put | lay | bite | be | would be |
7. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Chattogram Board-2017]
have | think | try | be | buy | require | face | cheat |
Price hike of household products (a) ---now a problem for us. Every day we (b) ---it. Most of our people (c) ---low income are in danger. They (d) ---of purchasing meat and fish as they (e) ---. The price of vegetables is also high. We are to bargain (f) ---simple product. Many times the buyers (g) ---. There (h) ---a fixed price for every time. Then it (i) ---possible to came the buyers free from harassment. Government (j) ---to fulfill our expectation.
Answer: a) is b) face c) having d) cannot think e) require f) to buy g) are cheated h) should be i) will be j) should try
8. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dinajpur Board 2017]
dissuade | carry | go | employ | work |
address | forbid | do | be |
Child labor has (a) ---internationally by the UN. To make a child (b) ---the work that is suitable for a man is punishable. Yet in the third world countries, the number of child labor (c) ---up day by day. Bangladesh (d) ---one of these countries. Though government is committed to (e) ---rich people to engage children in laborious work, things are not so easy. Poverty (f) ---the first impediment in this field. The poor parents want to get additional earning by (g) ---their children in work. Many children (h) ---at different sectors now. But this should not be (i) ---on. We should immediately (j) ---this problem.
Answer: a) been forbidden b) do c) is going d) is e) dissuade f) is g) employing h) work/ are working i) carried j) address
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2016
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board-2016]
build | idle | remember | be | work |
lag | reach | depend | lead | follow |
Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country (a)---on the proper utilization of the resources. We should not (b) ---a lazy life. We should all (c) ---up our country. For this reason, we have to (d) ---hard. No nation can prosper without industry. It should be (e) ---that industry is the key to success. If we (f) ---the days away, we (g) ---behind. The nations that (h) ---industrious (i) ---the pinnacle of development. So we (j) ---them.
Answer: a) depends b) lead c) build d) work e) remembered f) idle g) will lag h) are i) reach/have reached j) should follow
SSC correct form of verbs
2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Cumilla Board-2016]
struggle | keep | purchase | harm | go |
invent | build | follow | be | borrow |
“Health (a) --- wealth,” (b) --- the proverb. We cannot (c) --- it. We cannot (d) --- it.We must (e) --- our body by (f) --- the rules of health. People (g) --- against germs that (h) --- the body since their birth. Medicines (i) --- to kill germs, but we have to (j) --- the body fit by ourselves through the maintenance of the rules of health.
Answer: a) is b) goes c) purchase d) borrow e) build f) following g) struggle h) harm i) are invented j) keep
3. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Rajshahi Board-2016]
live | vary | can | have | want |
live | may | spend | get | is |
Happiness (a) ---a relative term. A person with a crown (b) --- in a palace may not be happy whereas a day laborer may (c) --- happiness (d) ---in a shabby hut. Again happiness (e) --- from person to person. A beggar (f) --- be happy if he (g) ---a coin but a businessman who can (h) ---a huge sum of money a day (i) --- not be happy. Everyone (j) ---to be happy.
Answer: a) is b) living c) have d) living e) varies f) can g) gets h) spend i) may j) wants
4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Sylhet Board 2016]
lose | protect | ride | become | need |
provide | make | discover | travel | be |
Men (a) ---ever since they first appeared on the earth. In primitive time, they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places. They (b) ---themselves with simple weapons. Their journeys (c) ---long tiring and often dangerous. Being intelligent, they soon (d) ---easier ways of travelling. They (e) ---on the backs of their domestic animals. They (f) ---boat and used it to travel across water. Travelling, of course, has now (g) ---a highly organized business. There are vehicles which (h) ---us wroth comforts and security. If we want to go abroad, we (i) ---a passport and a visa. If we (j) ---any of them, our journey may be ruined.
Answer: a) have been travelling b) protected c) were d) discovered e) rode f) made g) become h) provide i) need j) lose
5. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Barishal Board-2016]
pollute | suffer | save | do | look |
fall | become | be | use | throw |
The other name of water is life. We cannot (a) ---a single moment without it. Water is (b) ---not only for drinking purposes but also for household works and industrial works. Water becomes (c) ---in many ways. The mills and factories pollute water by (d) ---waste into it. Water (e) ---polluted by chemicals and different elements. Sometimes people (f) ---from many diseases. We should (g) --- very careful about it. We must (h) ---for safe source of drinking water. Otherwise we must (i) ---in danger. Let us (j) ---water from pollution.
Answer: a) do b) used c) polluted d) throwing e) becomes f) suffer g) be h) look i) fall j) save
6. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Chattogram Board-2016]
do | understand | answer | approach | neglect |
memorize | read | collect | prepare | think |
Many students (a) ---their studies from the beginning of the year. When the examination (b) ---they start (e) ---very seriously. Sometimes they (d) ---notes from their friends. Most of the time they get their notes (e) ---by their private tutors. They (f) ---these notes without (g) ---. As a result their power of (h) ---does not develop. If they find any new question in the examination they can’t (i) ---it properly. As a result, many students can’t do well in the examination. If they had read seriously from the very beginning of the year, they (j) ---better result in the examinations.
Answer: a) neglect b) approaches c) reading d) collect e) prepared f) memorize g) understanding h) thinking i) answer j) would have done
7. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dinajpur Board 2016]
come | rank | be | gift | give |
has | earn | live | contribute | cluster |
The Republic of the Maldives (a) ---one of the smallest countries of South Asia. It (b) ---1199 islands that (c) ---into 26 major atolls. People who (d) ---to these islands from different parts of the world (e) ---here since 3000 years ago. The natural beauties (f) ---by the God attract the tourists to enjoy them. As a result, a lot of foreign currencies (g) ---every year from the tourism that (h) ---a lot to the national economy. So, the Maldives (i) ---as the best tourist destination. Special importance (j) ---by the government of the Maldives for the enhancement of tourism.
Answer: a) is b) has c) are clustered d) came e) have been living f) gifting g) is earned h) contributes i) is ranked/has been ranked j) is given/should be given.
SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2015
1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board - 2015]
take | work | come | dominate | confine |
be | need | keep | come | contribute |
Today women are playing an important role in all spheres of life. Once they were (a) ---by men. They are no longer (b) ---within the four walls of their parents’ or husbands’ house. They have (c) ---out of the kitchen and are (d) ---hand in hand with men. By (e) --- higher education, they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc. They have (f) --- able to prove their worth. They (g) ---much to the economy of the country. Now It (h) ---to the realization of the men that true development of the country is never possible (i) ---half of the population idle at home. So, it (j) ---no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of our country.
Answer: a) dominated b) confined c) come d) working e) taking f) been g) contribute/are contributing h) has come i) keeping j) needs
2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Cumilla Board - 2015]
overcome | rise | be | enjoy | come |
suffer | walk | pollute | have |
There (a) ---different kinds of exercises. Walking (b) ---one of them. We (c) ---early in the morning for (d) ---a morning walk. While (e) ---in the morning, we can (f) ---fresh air. But in towns and cities air is being (g) --- in many ways. As a result, people (h) --- from different problems. To (i) ---this problem, people and the government should (j) ---forward.
Answer: a) are b) is c) rise d) enjoying/having e) walking f) enjoy g) polluted h) suffer i) overcome j) come
3. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Jashore Board - 2015]
Stand | become | rain | see | go |
cause | remain | ply | know | take |
On a rainy day it (a) ---all day long. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not (b) ---.None can (c) ---out without an umbrella. Water (d) ---on roads. As a result, roads (e) ---muddy and slippery. In Dhaka city, the roads and streets (f) ---underwater for hours together (g) ---much inconvenience to the pedestrians. On some roads, motorized vehicles or even rickshaws can (h) ---. The sufferings of the city dwellers (i) ---no bounds. The government has already (j) --- some steps to solve this problem.
Answer: a) rains b) seen c) go d) stands e) become f) remain g) causing h) not ply i) know j) taken
4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Barishal Board - 2015]
cause | suffer | to be | drive | solve |
to be | obey | occur | carry |
Traffic Jam (a) ---a common affair in the big cities of our country. This problem (b) ---the ultimate consequence of rapid growth of population and the number of vehicles. Most often this problem (c) ---in the congested areas where the roads are very narrow. Overtaking tendency also (d) ---traffic jam. Some drivers (e) ---the traffic rules. They (f) ---the vehicles carelessly. Traffic jam (g) ---great sufferings to the ambulances (h) ---patients. Office goers and school-going children also (i) ---a lot due to traffic jam. However, this problem (j) ---to an extent by imposing traffic rules strictly.
Answer: a) is b) is c) occurs d) causes e) do not obey f) drive g) causes h) carrying i) suffer j) can be solved
5. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Chattogram Board - 2015]
contribute | come | become | play | keep |
need | receive | work | confine | be |
Today women (a) ---an important role in all spheres of life. They, no longer, (b) ---to the four walls of their husband’s house. They have come out of the kitchens and (c) ---hand in hand with men in all the development works of the government. By (d) ---higher education they (e)---pilots,doctors,engineers,teachers, administrators etc. They have (f) ---able to prove their worth. They (g) ---much to the economy of the country. Now it has (h) ---to the realization of the men the true development of the country is never possible (i) ---half of that population idle at home. So, it (j) ---no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of our country.
Answer: a)are playing b) are confined c) are working d) receiving e) are becoming f) been g) are contributing/contribute h) come i) keeping j) needs
6. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dinajpur Board- 2015]
be | get | know | sit | pass |
study | come | oppose | do | tease |
Abul Kasem Fazlul Huq popularly (a) ---as Sher – e - Bangla was a prominent statesman. He (b) ---of a respectable Muslim family in 14873. He (c) ---extraordinary brilliant. He (d) ---the Entrance Examination in 1890 and the FA Examination in 1892. He (e) ---his graduation with Honours in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from Presidency College. Then he (f) ---admitted in MA in English at Calcutta University. Just six months before the final examination a friend of his (g) ---him. He said, “The Muslims are weak in Mathematics and that’s the reason he (h) ---English.” He (i) ---the comment strongly. He challenged his friend that he (j) ---for Mathematics Examination instead of English.
Answer: a) known b) came c) was d) passed e) did f) got f) teased h) studies i) opposed j) sat
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