
Robert Frost Famous Poem Line

The Woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

[Explain: The woods are ominously tempting and acquire symbolic resonance in the fours line. One interpretation of these lines is that the speaker is tempted toward death which he considers "lovely, dark and deep," but that he has many responsibilities to fulfil before he can "sleep".  It's the main theme of this poem lines. The living on earth is difficult but complete our duties before death.]

The Road Not Taken

In the first stanza, the poet imagined two roads. He apologized - he cannot travel two ways together. Actually, in spite of explaining the road to poetry, here in the metaphorical sense, here's the goal of life.

Here, the poet has conveyed - He has survived the path due to his poorness. It is a beautiful way of morning and evening in the eyes, which is really good to see. It is as if the grass is touching its feet. In fact, due to very little reason, the goal of our lives is fixed. There is no profit in the sky.

Finally, he thought little and lived a good way. The way the grass has not yet fallen in the footsteps of a pedestrian. From this, the poet has inspired a new thing. He has inspired the motivation to walk on the path of determination. He has expressed fear - can he come back again? Yet he decided to walk on the path of uncertainty. He also inspired us.

In the last part - he is thinking - I'll talk with a sigh (it is not understood by sigh here that sigh of sorrow can be taken by anybody or both of them) - There were two different ways, I chose to walk less (understood, uncertain He walked on the way). "And what has made all the difference" - the best line. "And he made all the difference" - Changed all the accounts of life, instead of choosing the path.

Robert Frost Life

Robert Frost, an American poet. He was born on March 26, 1874. His father name is William Prescott Frost Jr. His father was a journalist and an ardent Democrat. When Robert Frost was about eleven years old his father died. He completed his graduation from a high school in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1892. Frost entered Dartmouth College, where he remained only for a few months. The routine of the study was too much for him and he decided to earn his living. Over the next ten years, he held a number of jobs, working, among others in the textile mill and teaching Latin at his mother's school in Methuen, Massachusetts. He had already begun to write a poem, a few of his verses had appeared in The Independent.

In 1895, Frost married a former schoolmate, Elinor Mariam White. In 1897 two years after his marriage, Frost moved his family to Cambridge, Massachusetts, entering Harvard in final determination to achieve a degree. But in 1899, he broke with the academic life at Harvard. Robert Frost "Home Burial" is a dramatic dialogue poem. In 1923 he won the first of his four Pulitzer prize. This is one of his longest poems. But one of the wittiest and wise. In 1930 he won him his second Pulitzer Prize. A Further Range published in 1936, brought him his third Pulitzer Prize. His later volumes of lyrics are A Witness Tree. In this book, he won fourth Pulitzer prize in 1942.

Robert Frost died in Boston on January 29, 1963.

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