Shakespeare most popular quotes

👉All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand._Macbeth

👉Fair is foul, and foul is fair._ Macbeth

👉Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player._ Macbeth

👉To be or not to be that is the question. _Hamlet

👉Frailty, thy name is women!_Hamlet 

👉Brevity is the soul of wit._Hamlet 

👉Though this be madness, yet there is method in it._Hamlet 

👉There is divinity that shapes our ends._Hamlet 

👉I will speak daggers to her, but use none._Hamlet 

👉I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind. _ Hamlet

👉There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so._ Hamlet

👉All the world's stage and all the men and women merely players. _As you like it

👉Sweet are the uses of adversity._ As You Like It.

👉There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. _ As You Like It.

👉True is that we have seen better days._ As You Like It.

👉When we are born, we cry, that we are come to this great stage of fools._King Lear

👉My love's more richer than my tongue._King Lear

👉Nothing will come of nothing._King Lear

👉A young man married is a man that's marred._ All's Well that Ends Well

👉Cowards die many times before their deaths._ Julius Caesar

👉A dish fit for the gods._Julius Caesar

👉For Brutus is an honourable man; so are they all honourable._Julius Caesar

👉It is the east, and Juliet is the sun._Romeo and Juliet

👉Tempt not a desperate man._Romeo and Juliet

👉For you and I are past our dancing days._Romeo and Juliet

👉What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet._Romeo and Juliet

About Williams Shakespeare

Shakespeare was a the age of the Elizabethan writer. William Shakespeare is the greatest dramatist, famous for the objective presentation of his deep knowledge of human psychology. He is often called the Bard of Avon.

 It's not potential to try and do full justice to the various sided genius of William Shakespeare in the short area at our disposal. Shakespeare was a poet, writer, dramatic. But Shakespeare the greatest dramatist is the master of the art. Shakespeare is not of an age but of all ages, not of one country but of countries. Not only did his works amuse and thrill the audience of his own age and country, but they have also amused and thrilled the audience in al,l ages and countries since they were composed by the world's immortal poet. Though they were written more than four hundred years ago and reflect the tastes, customs, and traditions of Shakespeare's own age, they are as popular today as before. He is the greatest dramatist in the world literature. The no different playwright has been non-hit in achieving the heights he has achieved. Shakespeare was living in the world which idealized self-realization, self-respect and boldness of thought and action .his characters are intensely individual and dynamic. His dramatic situations are precipitated by powerful impulses. The intensity of his plays reflects the ferment of the expanding Renaissance.

William Shakespeare dramatic career spreads over twenty-four years. During this period he has written Thirty Seven plays. And he writes One Hundred Fifty Four Sonnets. William Shakespeare who had started writing in the Elizabethan period wrote twelve serious plays in this period. Though William Shakespeare wrote these serious plays in the Jacobean Age. He is called an Elizabethan dramatist and never the Jacobean age. The period 1590 to 1616 in which he wrote his plays, is also called Shakespearean Age. Shakespeare writes all kinds of play. He writes tragedy, comedy, tragic-comedy, historical, romantic play. Most of all the plays are famous. His tragedy play is Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, etc. All's well that's end well, Measure for measure, are comedy plays. He writes Thirty Seven plays but some players are not complete.

Shakespeare's last play is The Tempest. Shakespeare's in his last plays, aims at a complete regeneration, at a melting down of the old vessel and a recasting of it into something new. His purpose is to portray the regenerative process completely and convincingly and so to develop the ''final phase of the tragic pattern''. Shakespeare had a deep insight into human life. He had his own conception of his world and how it should be. We can if we so desire, derive some moral or the other from his tragedies as well as his comedies. At certain moments he finds this life nothing but an empty dream.
Stamford On-Avon Stamford On-Avon

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