What are Metaphor and Simile? different between metaphor and simile

What are Metaphor and Simile?

Metaphor: The word metaphor means transference of meanings. An implicit comparison between two different things that are called Metaphor. It is a compressed form of a simile.“Rupa is a rose" is an example of the metaphor as there is an implied comparison between the colour, softness, fragrance, beauty etc. The lungi is an elaborate fig -leaf. It is an example of a metaphor. The metaphor is a figure of speech in which an indirect comparison is made between two different things. Here the lungi is indirectly compared to fig-leaf. A fig-leaf is the covering up of an act or object that is embarrassing or disagreeable. Thus the lungi is indirectly compared to the fig-leaf. Here the ''Lungi''is the tenor and the ''Fig-Leaf''' is the vehicle.

Simile: The word simile comes from the Latin word similes, which means like or likeness. A simile is an explicit comparison between two different things called simile. It clearly states the similarity existing between two different things using such as like, as, as so, such, similarly as if etc. Thus the essence of simile is:
1. The comparison is made between two different things.
2. There must be a similarity between the things compared.
3. There must be used such words as Like, As, Such, etc.

I wandered lonely as a cloud. This an example of a simile. Here we observe three things. One,  a comparison is made between two objects (I and Cloud). Second, the comparison is made explicit with the help of a word of comparison -''As''.And third, there is a point of a comparison _a common feature enabling two dissimilar things to be compared, and the point of comparison here is a ''Longly'' state which is common to both ''I'' and the ''Cloud''.

Different  Between Simile and Metaphor

As it is an implicit comparison, there are no such words as like, as like etc. Are used in the comparison between two different things, it is a simile. For example, a simile is - Rupa is like a rose. Here like is a simile. And such words as like, such, as etc. Are not used it is a metaphor. It is to be noted here that the two terms of a comparison in a metaphor are called tenor and vehicle. The tenor refers to the subject of the metaphor and the vehicle to the object. Another term of Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech in which an indirect comparison is made between two different things. Metaphor and simile are not the same things. They are different from each other. One is an implicit comparison between two different things and another is an explicit comparison between two different things. A metaphor is an important figure of speech .it is abundantly by the poets and writers. A simile is a literary term, in which the comparison is made between two relatively unlike things. In metaphor, words like and as do not use. Metaphor and simile have traditionally have been viewed as a closure device for creating an anomaly in language.
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