Christopher Marlowe co-playwriter of Shakespeare three plays

Christopher Marlowe was an English dramatist and poet and William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright and is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English literature. Both Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare were baptised in 1564.

Oxford University Publications has recognized that Queen Elizabeth's period play writer Christopher Marlowe was co-play writer of the Shakespeare three comedies play. From now on, the achievements of these three plays alone cannot be given to Shakespeare. Christopher Marlowe will also give credit.

Marlowe had long been suspicious of scholars of English literature, he has significant contribution in Shakespeare's writings. The names of these two playwrights will be released together in the play 'Henry Six' by the New Oxford Shakespeare. Gary Taylor, the editor, said, "After researching the results of many researchers, Marlow's contribution was strong and clear ".

Christopher's Marlowe co-playwriter of Shakespeare three plays
Christopher Marlow, who was famous for writing drama Doctor Faustus, was during the time of Queen Elizabeth period. In the 18th century, it was thought that Christopher Marlow contributed the first, second and third episodes of William Shakespeare's "Henry Six" and contributed a few other works. But for his contribution to this, he was officially recognized for the first time.

A team of 23-member international literary researchers discovered that 44 plays of Shakespeare's 17 plays were written with some other playwright. Other times, this study used computerized tools to examine textual analysis and original text. One of the editors of New Oxford Shakespeare, The Guardian, said, "We have found very strong and clear evidence that Christopher Marlowe is present co-play writer in those three plays."

We are very confident now that they have not only encouraged each other but they also jointly contributed to the writing. Competitors also work together for some time. 

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