Maxim Gorky was a world famous writing only single novel.

Maxim Gorky
Who does not know the story of the great novel‘The Mother'. But the story of Maxim Gorky, the author of this novel, is unknown to many people. His life was like a novel. He was committed to suicide at a mature age. But cannot do that.  Then, in the second life, the famous author Maxim Gorky, who became his autobiographical trilogy (my childhood, In Pathshala), they know about Gorky's childhood. Still, his life story was so thrilling that the Child can be read.

Let's hear the story of his success.

 We know Maxim Gorky, whose real name is Alexey Maksimovich Peskov. This Russian writer was born on 28 March 1868. Gorky lost his father when he was only a child when he was only four years old. Even though the fatherless boy was admitted to the school, he did not move much further. Her Mother is already married to elsewhere. The grandmother often beat her. Under such circumstance, he lost his mother at eleven years of age. He ran away from home after losing her mother. At the age of 16, he went to Kazan town. He stayed there for four years. Then she started her hard life. She started working in a fancy shoe shop. Then the teenager took the job of carrying the prisoner. His job was to wash the dishes of the employees of the ship.

As already mentioned, poverty was the constant companion of Peshawar. At one stage, he took a job in a bakery factory. From here in the evening to the next working day till noon, he had to work continuously. The horror of poverty and day after day, he lost his mental strength to the hard-working labour. He was worthless, unable to survive. He bought a pistol for ending his life.
On December 14, 1887, he was only 20. On his way to the banks of the river, Peshkov was shot in his chest. He was taken to the hospital while suffering from serious injuries. The doctors gave up hope of his life. But he survived miraculously.

The number of authors who have made the world concussion in writing a single novel is very few. Maxim Gorky is a Russian literary, whose 'The Mother' novel is still acclaimed around the world. Alexei Peshkov wrote the first story of Maxim Gorky's pseudonym, he was only twenty-four years old. At a young age, the person's intellectual capacity was very rarely born. He earned the bread, bitter and ardent experiences of the authors through his varied life and livelihood on the world stage, in the fate of very few writers of the world. Asked for the reason for writing, he said that writing to strengthen people's desire for survival. He also said that he picked up the pen for himself to engage himself in the struggle to make people rebel against the harsh reality and all its tortures.

Got some friends who got encouraged to achieve their self-taught learning in contact with them. The composition of Russian literary writers and thinkers Notable creative literature, philosophy and world literature. From 1888 to 92, he travelled with a wide range of Russian territories. He worked and turned around. Thus, the people of vast areas of the Volga river basin gained a lot of experience in the society and their society, socioeconomic status, behaviour, habits etc. Earlier, at the age of 19, two or two failed attempts to commit suicide. He was also punished for that crime. His intense hatred towards life wanted to kill his desire to survive! In every step of real life, he saw hardship and hard work as a constant companion of a friend. In his later life, he wrote the famous story 'Twenty-five people and one bread'. While working in the factory, the police suspected the suspect. Gorky was able to save himself spiritually. He had lost all power of the mind to work fracture. Being honest as a person was Gorky, but when he had doubts, mistrust; This writer lost all the trusts on himself. So choose the way of suicide. But there was some other desire at the time! So his suicide attempt is in vain. In 1898, Pittsburgh published his first book (design and storytelling) in two volumes.

On the one hand of Gorky's first-timers, we saw a picture of pain, deprivation, depression and exploitation of a large part of the general humanity, the workers, the people of the Russian public, on the other hand, the owner, businessman, the gross, greedy, and all-around robbery and motto of the wealthy. These characters Gorky realized so deeply and earnestly that it became alive in the drama, novel, and story. Before that many stories were published in the newspapers. In it, two poems, called 'Pesnia a Sokle' and 'Pesnia A Bueraviyenike' (respectively, the songs of Bajpakhi and the Windy Birds), gave him the fame of fame. After the publication of his famous 'Chelaksh' in 1895, a stir got stuck after a daily release. In that sense, getting a job opportunity in a large journal of Samarra. Then he decides to do his job and continue writing as well. Maxim Gorky, however, later published 'Leippis' (Crop) magazine in 1915 and six years later, since its editing in 1921, the Soviet literary magazine 'Krasnaya Nof' (the Land of God) was published.

 His writing maestro occupied the world after the novel Russia. According to many, the novel by Maxim Gorky, the most read and sold in the world, is the mother of the novel. Not only is it contributed to literature. This literary figure was also involved in politics. Maxim Gorky has a notable contribution to the Russian revolution. Maxim Gorky died suddenly due to tuberculosis. He did not get treatment even after treatment at home and abroad. Gorkhas could not accept his death. Many people thought it was murder. Many suspects Gorky suspected that Klein was poisoned by Russians. Maxim Gorky's death is normal or the mystery of the murder is still unknown. But he has been one of the world's greatest literary figures in the world for over a million years.
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