Things Fall Apart Extraordinary Stories of Cultural Conflict

Nigerian's fiction writer Chinua Achebe is particularly well-known for its anti-colonial position in world science. His novel 'Things Fall Apart' novels revolve around the world. This novel has got a classical status in world literature. This novel, translated into more than 50 languages, has sold more than one crore copies worldwide.

The story of a village in Nigeria has been presented in the novel. It was the first time in the conflict with the European Christian missionaries with the Ethiopian aboriginal. Then the story of the novel goes forward. Chinua was born in Achaemenid on November 16, 1930. While writing 'Things Fall Appart', Chinua Achebe was just 28 years old. This was his first novel. Yet some of the novels Chinua Achebe wrote. Most of which are backgrounds, colonial rule-free Africa. Besides, he also wrote non-fiction and poetry. He won the Man Booker Award for Fiction.

Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is an all-Africa picture. This novel depicts the social lifestyle of the Igobian village of Omophia. The old society has remained unchanged for centuries after century. This society, which is used to cherish tradition, has no contact with the outside world. The person who opposes the system in this society is considered to be a threat to society. The social consciousness of an era has blown through the various aspects of the belief of society, ideology, economy, and ties of kinship. So, I believe it will not be wrong to say a social novel. On the other hand, by describing the psychology of how people of pre-industrial culture were living a traditional life, the novel has augmented itself by anthropological quality. When Western culture started the nude program of establishing its status as the Igbo society's many years of values, the continuity of tradition and the culture of tradition, and the main character of the novel, Okonkwo, strongly protested. And finally, he did not accept the culture imposed by him; he chooses the path of suicide; Nevertheless, he did not abandon his honour. In Africa, there is a spectrum of stories about storytelling. Though he grew up listening to stories from early childhood. So a trend of telling stories is not forgotten in any of his novels.

Though the 'Things Fall Apart' was written in English, many words and proverbs of their own language were included in it. According to him, words that are not translatable should be kept right or possible explanations can be given. However, in all cases the medium of English language Because in Africa, so many languages are scattered that the language of one ethnic group is confusing to another group. There is no single strong language in Africa, which everyone can understand or express their feelings. How African History, Heritage, and Culture Described in 'Things Fall Apart', it is one of the most remarkable examples. For the first time, the world leaders know Africa in a new way. This is different from all known at all. The difference was created only because of the Nigerian African voice. European authors did not maintain the ideality in all areas of African culture and history. This is the centre of Aachen's culture. The anarchy of other cultures is anarchy. Western culture has plagued African culture. Ask the question, but will your culture be dissolved? He did not give the answer. Born in a poor family, due to his talent, hard work and self-confidence he became one of the governors of the entire region, the central character of the novel, Okonkwo. In recognition of his talent, he also gets the responsibility of the representative of the neighbouring village. During the funeral of Agenda, a great man of the village, he had to live in exile for seven years when unexpectedly killing his son in the shooting of his gun. Returning from exile, he sees vast changes in the whole village. Many villagers including his son had converted to Christianity. The people of white skin are converting the common people into Christianity, over the ages, tradition has been destroyed in the thieves of British colonialism. Okonkwo burned the local church, unable to accept them.

At one stage, local British administration arrested him for various crimes. After that, the money was released in exchange for money. But all his dreams have ended in so many days. In anger, he killed the local British representative-chief. It is no longer left to understand that, if caught now, death is inevitable. Okonkwo committed suicide to protect self-respect. He committed suicide, said Igbo culture will disappear in Western culture; Igbo tradition will end. Here's the argument, small ethnic groups are destroyed because of their own weaknesses. The way to overcome is to mix your culture with foreign culture. According to him, culture is not a fixed object. It is impossible to stop cultural change. By embracing the change, maintaining the essential customs of our culture should be taken as good as the foreign culture.Things Fall Apart Extraordinary Stories of Cultural Conflict
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