One Hundred years of solitude writing history

Over the years, the reader's interest in Gabriel Garcia Márquez's writings is rising increasingly r. Especially about his 'Sien Anos de Soledad' (one-hundred-year solitude), curiosity levels are rising higher than before.

Recently, the Harry Ransom Center of Texas University bought the rights to archives for $ 22 million. Other compositions include the original copy of the Spanish language of his own typed 'Sien Anos de Soledad'.His fourth novel 'Sien Anos de Soledad' The end of writing ended in late 1966. It was published from Buenos Aires in Argentina in the form of books, on May 30, in 1967. Three years later, in 1970, the novel was published in English translation. In 1982 he got Nobel Prize, his novel came to the court of 'Don Quixote' in the court of Cervantes. There is a wonderful section behind writing such a big influential novel. Carmen Balsells, a literary agent from Barcelona, was curious about the writings of Márquez.

Balaselas and her husband, Lewis, used to read books lying on a bed. At such a time, Balasellas was reading a book at the beginning of Marquez. She told her husband about the book. He also liked the book. In 1965 they came to Mexico City to meet with Marquez. When they met with Marquez, two men who knew better about his writings were also with them. MARKS showed the city of guests during the day. At night, they took part in the dinner with the local writers. It is good, to be honest with all of them. At one stage, he took out a piece of paper from the pocket and signed the contract with Balasellas.

As a witness, Basel's husband, Lewis, was present. This same publishing agent also arranged for another agreement to publish the book of Marquez. That is, to publish the English translation of the writings of Marquez. In the preceding week, in New York, Balasellas met with publisher Harper and Row. The agreement is about the four books that will be written in front. According to the agreement, Marcus will be given one thousand dollars for four books. That contract was brought with Balcelece to Marquez. According to the agreement will be a lot of difficulties, we can understand that Marquez, But alluring was also the condition of the contract. Under the condition, regardless of the quality of the subsequent literary work, Harper and Roe are ready to publish it. Marquez signed the contract as usual. Balasellas returned to Barcelona.
One Hundred years of solitude writing history
Meanwhile, Marquez went to the family to spend the holiday in Acapulco, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. He was driving a 1962 model vehicle for a day's southward. He suddenly stopped the car midway. At that moment it seemed that the work of his next novel suddenly appeared in front of him. That moment made a huge change in his life, literature in Latin America and many other places in the world. For nearly two decades, he was trying to capture the story of a big family of a small village. Everything in the novel has evaporated in front of the eyes: as the person standing in front of the firing squad comes in front of all of the past, just like that. To him, the imagery is absolutely clear. In this context, he later said, "The image becomes so eloquent and clear to me that if there were any typists in front, I would have given him the full name of the first chapter. '

Then started the work of novel writing. The manuscript of the novel began to be typed continuously in the reading room. He also brought literature into dreams. Month-by-month typewriters continued to grow. He guesses how far the weight of the novel can be, how far his fame can be given to his novel. Later on, Marquez said about the type of work that was done, "I have been typing continuously for eighteen months, and I have not gone anywhere. 'Once typed, some pages would be sent to the professional typist for a non-spamming type. Calling friends and asking to read the pages of the manuscript prepared for the moment.

His wife Marseedes began to fulfil all the responsibilities of the family. Mercedes tried to stop the creditors. For the cash money, many things in the house are pledged: telephone, fridge, radio, jewellery etc. Under those circumstances, Marquez sold his hobby's Opel car. After completing the novel, Márquez and Mercedes went to the post office. But they did not even have that much peso to send a manuscript to the publisher in Buenos Aires. He sent half of the manuscript for that time. After that, the person who mortgages the goods ran to him. After collecting the money sent the rest of the manuscript.

To finish 'One Hundred Years of solitude', Marquez spent 30 thousand cigarettes. Around 100,000 pesos or 10 thousand dollars was borrowed from the people around. Even though Mercedes expressed his identity with Marquez, he still feared: If this novel is not successful!

In the first week of publication, eight thousand copies were sold in Argentina. In South American novels, the highest sale was 'One Hundred Years of solitude' in such a short time. As the professors read, the people of the working class have read, the housewives have read, the novels have also been read by giants. Marquez went to Argentina, travelled to Peru, moved to Venezuela for the novel. The people who welcomed him in Caracas were stuck in the hand: 'It is forbidden to say anything about One Hundred years of solitude. 'Woman readers wanted to submit themselves to Marquez. Nobody ever met someone sending photographs.

To avoid any frenzy by readers, Marcus went to Barcelona with family members. There the poet Pablo Neruda met him there. Neruda also wrote poetry about his novel. Mario Berges Llosa has received great fame for his novel 'The Green House.

Queens College professor and translator Gregory Rabas bought a copy from Manhattan. He was fascinated by reading this book. A few days ago, he translated Hulio Kortajer's 'Haschchach'. He said, 'I did not buy a book for translation. In the meantime, while translating the book of Quartz, I learned about his writings. I knew about Borges' writings beforehand.

As he progressed in his novel's translation of the novel, the friend asked Kortasara, who could be translated by this book, he said  Ravazza name. According to his words, the responsibility of English translation is given to the Ravazza. He started translating a house out of Hampton, Long Island. At that time, Richard Locke was working as the editor-in-chief of The New York Times Book Review. From the novelist Thomas MacGuenen, he heard about this book from Marquez. Just a few days later, in the early 1970s, Advanced Proof was sent to Harper and Row from Locke. He saw that the readers of the English language are going to get a completely different novel of a different writer. English translation was published in March 1970. John Leonardo praised the book in the Daily Times. He wrote that the end of reading the book means the experience of coming out of the dream. 'He compared Marquez to Gunter's Grass and Nabokov. He said, "Marquez's imagination is as huge, his creativity is so big. In one word he is amazing. '

The English translation of the Harper and Row edition itself reads and admired, the translation of Rasbah has been better than the original novel written in Spanish. He said the Ravazza English Best Writer of Latin America'.

Fascinating response to teammates

Marquez himself was impressed by the English translation, as well as his teammate Mario Vargas Llosa, Tony Morrison, Salman Rushdie, Ian Stevens, Isabel Ayanday and Professor Junot Diaz.

Mario Vargas Llosa

Marquez's Nobel Prize winner friend strongly believe that it was a great novel. Nearly forty years have been silent, Marquez's friend Mario Vargas Llosa did not want to say anything about the unexplained context between two friends. Marquez expressed his grief after death. Commenting on the life of Marquez, the man will be able to surpass Marquez's memories. His creation will remain immortal. Marquez also said that he loved her. In addition to their first meeting at the Caracas airport, they talked about their growing up in Barcelona, the time spent in Paris, all-talked.In this novel, Llosa got her hands Within a week of publication of 'One Hundred Years of solitude'. He was then at Candlewood in northern London. In response, it said, "This book has spread to a wide range of Spanish-speaking readers. With a transparent style, the novel has brought everyone from the intellectual complex to the general reader.

At the same time, this book has represented Latin America: Latin American Civil War, Latin American Inequality, Latin America's Imagination, Latin American Music, Love, Latin America's colours-all contain a novel. Here the reality and the imagination have been presented in a compactly compact mixture. '
Toni Morrison
In response to the "One Hundred Years of solitude" by Marquez, Toni Morrison said, "I was sitting in my office at a random house one day. I was looking forward to the page of Marquez's "One Hundred Years of solitude" novel. It seemed to me that there is something very familiar, very familiar with the novel. There are freedoms in the novel: There is freedom in the concept of structural independence, beginning, middle stage and finishing. I really found my proximity to him. Because he was pleased to see the living and the dead together. I have seen the sincerity of his characters with the supernatural world. The story was told in my house as well.

After Toni Morrison's father died, he decided to write a novel about a male character. He said, 'I was hesitant about writing them. But now after reading the 'One Hundred Years of solitude' I have no hesitation. I got permission from Marquez. 'He meant that he was inspired to write' Song of Solomon '. At that time Morrison was an editor of the Random House publication. Two novels are published. After many days, in the late nineties, Marcus and he taught literature together at Princeton University.

Salman Rushdie

In London, Salman Rushdie was thinking of his childhood left in his country. At one such time, he read the "One Hundred Years of solitude" in Marquez. In response to the study of the Mercedes, he met his world. Rushdie said, "I knew the colonel and the generals of Marquez, at least I knew them as well as their Indian and Pakistani counterparts. His maternal grandfather was my best friend; The street of his market is my market is the same. His world is translated into my tongue, only in Spanish. I will fall in love with his writings - there is no surprise. But not for his magic, I have fallen in love with his reality. News of Marquez's new book covers the first page of the newspaper. The boys of Hagar ferry their copy of the book to the streets.

Ian Stevens

Expressing his appreciation about the novel by Marquez, Latin scholar Ian Stevens, living in the United States, said, "The book has not only changed the definition of Latin American literature, but has changed the definition of literacy itself, and has changed the literature of tomorrow. He also mentioned that he had read this book 30 times.

Isabel Aynde

Another novel of Latin American legend Isabel Ayandey said in a fascinating response to the novel by Marquez, "It is difficult to say briefly about him briefly. Talking about him is an emotional thing. He is the master of the master. He convinced the readers to win. He has won the world. He told the world about our Latin America. He also told us about their identity. We saw ourselves in the mirror of his novel page. While reading this novel for the first time, it seemed as if someone else was listening to my story. The explosion of Latin American literature has turned the world in the second half of the twentieth century. Their explosions began in 1963 in a novel by Mario Vargas Llosa. Only the world know that there are many great writers among us. There are synonyms in their voices. Our most powerful voice, the voice of the foundation of our movement, is the voice of 'One Hundred Years of solitude' Reading his novels is like reading the writings of Dickens or Balzac. People have read this novel on the streets. His books are popular at the highest level. '

Ayen expresses his favourite author and favourite novel with his own writing and personal life resemblance. He said, "I read one year after the publication of this novel by Márquez. After the birth of my son, when I joined the work again I read it. I used to work for a magazine of women at that time. I remember, started reading the book and could not go to work. Not able to leave until the end. I did not seem to have any magical experience here. All know me Like Marquez, I grew up in many races. The publisher did not have the money to send his manuscript to his novels. I had a similar situation when sending the manuscript of my novel 'The House of the Spirit'. Then I used to stay in Venezuela. I was forced to send manuscripts in two instalments. '

Professor Junot Diaz

Dominican American writer and Creative Writing Professor Junot Diaz of MIT said, "When I read the 'One Hundred Years of solitude', the world in front of me becomes black-and-blue technicolour.

As a rising young Latino-American-Caribbean writer, I was looking forward to the elder models. This novel by Marcus enters me like a thunderbolt. The inside of the head penetrates into the leaves of the feet and goes out. For some decades, I have been very motivated, still going on. "Like Rushdie, he also mixes with the world of the novel of Maret's novel. He said, 'The people of our world see the magic as a political weapon. Because of this, people can understand everything, because in their surreal world the number of dead people is more than the living; There is more to experience the silence and eradication than spoken words. The seven generations of Buendia's family have been found. And we are the eighth generation people. We are also children of Macondo.
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  • stenote
    stenote Wednesday, 24 October, 2018

    Good article.. keep up the good work.... May I share an Interview with Gabriel Garcia Marquez (imaginary) in

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