The Father Of Socialism Karl Marx

The Father Of Socialism

When capitalism triumphed, Karl Marx showed the inconsistencies of the social system. He has raised the finger on the class-discrimination between the capitalist and the labour class.

He said that the brutal truth in the possession of more than half of the world's assets is just one per cent of the capitalist. He has been working as a labour people, suffering people, in his lifetime. Let's talk to great philosopher's  Karl Marx-

Who saw the world differently

Marx went on to establish his doctrine with the aim of changing the world. So, along with revolutionary theory, he played a historic role in organizing revolutionary struggle. He was organizing the Communist League, and operating international labour organizations and he was the president. Labor Organizing was the goal of his whole life. Karl Marx is the world's most discussed personality for more than 150 years.

In 1841 Marx created a 'thesis' about the philosophy of 'Epicures' after completed the university's education. During this time, Marx took part in Hegel's theory and took part in the left-wing Hegelian cycle. After the university's education, Marx wanted to become a professor at 'Bonn' University.

But the government did not allow Marx to do this. He did not get hurt. At that time Marx started writing regularly in a newspaper. Thus, in 1842, Marx became the head editor of the magazine. Marx began Revolutionary democratic attitudes of this journal in the editorship to be exposed. In addition to that, the magazine started and people's getting support. When the popularity is rising, the government is upset to stop publication of this newspaper. Then Marx left the editor.

The Father Of Socialism Karl Marx
In the autumn of 1843, he went to Paris to publish a magazine. With the help of a communist Hegelian Arnold Reyes, Marx published a single number of the magazine from Paris. Because it was impossible to secretly publish copies of newspapers in Germany. Once upon a time, his differences with the Reforms. Frederick Engels came to Paris in September 1844, then, his friendships with Marx have developed. Together they established contact with the revolutionaries in Paris and engaged in the struggle. This struggle is the end of exploitation-deprivation and the dream of creating a healthy earth dream in this world. Both of them volunteered to write the theories and strategies of proletariat revolutionary socialism.

Karl Marx and his teachings are the sources of inspiration for their teachers, guides, and inspirations in the struggle. At that time Karl Marx and Marxism became targets for all exploiters of the world. But no one can deny that for almost a decade Marxism has illuminated the whole world. He founded Marxist doctrine with Marx's life partner Fredrik Engels. This doctrine is known as the doctrine of scientific socialism. This doctrine is not created from zero. The path of the advancement of human civilization is derived from the highway that is the doctrine of scientific socialism.

Mainly three sources of Marxism. In the world of the nineteenth century, there was enormous progress in the knowledge store. These three of the knowledge of the world are considered to be the source of Marxism. The theory of philosophy, economy and class struggle- Marxism of these three organs. Communist believe that socialism will be established in the form of the progress of human society, the collapse of capitalism. Human society will move towards communism. It is unrealistic. Marxism is of science. That science has taught us, this revolutionary transformation of society can be possible only through the collective revolutionary struggle of all exploited-deprived people under the leadership of the proletariat class. This revolutionary struggle will be conducted in the country. '

Marxist philosophy is not only materialism. The power of combined labour in the capitalist system develops. In the capitalist system, the uncertainty of living between the anarchy of production, crisis, competition for the market and the vast majority of the population arise. According to the Marxist doctrine, there are no class interests in all moral, religious, political and social statements and commitments. The interest of the absorbing class and the interests of the exploited class. Knowledge of Marx is dynamic. Marx never considered the doctrine as a revelation. Development of knowledge in dynamic human society is also inevitable. So there is nothing called final knowledge.


Marxism, based on the theory of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, is based on political practices and social theory. Marx himself explained the essence of Marxism, 'philosophers have explained the world in many ways so far. But the real thing is to change it. 'Marxism is the ideology of creating a better world without being useless. This Marxism is also called the most powerful tool of the working people of the whole world. In this theory, on the basis of dialectical social change and historical materialistic perspective, social dialectical and class-related relationships have been interpreted as globalization and process of social analysis.

In the role of class struggle in systemic economic change and criticism and analysis of the development of capitalism, the Marxist process is used in economic and socio-political questions and application. Considering this, Marxism is the liberating theory of the working class from exploitation, torture, oppression, and forced labour. This is the overall form of scientific theory and revolution. The Marxism of the nineteenth-century German philosophy, English economics and legal succession to French socialism Hagel's philosophy, Adam Smith, with the theory of the economics of David Ricardo and French socialism of the nineteenth century, Marx made a coherent expression of thought criticizing society.

His personal life

Karl Marx was born in 1818 in a Jewish family in Trier city, Germany. He was the third among the nine children of the family. During his birth, the name of Herschel Marx was Herschel Mordechai, his father's name was Levy Mordechai (1743-1804) and mother's name Eva Lwow (1753-1823). Even though the Jews were a scholar of birth, while Marx was only six years old in order to keep up with German society, his whole family accepted Christianity. Karl Marx studied at home until he was 13 years old. After completing her childhood graduation she started studying law at the University of Bonn. His desire was to read literature and philosophy, but his father believed that Karl could not prepare himself as a scholar.
Karl Marx wife Jenny Von Westphalen
Karl Marx and his Wife Jenny Von Westphalen
 His father disturbed and sent him to read the difficult rule of Berlin University. There he joined a small group of intellectuals in the class system and non-believer in a private property. The name of the party is the communist party. While working as a secret journalist of this group, Karl Marx got involved with an elite woman named Jenny von Westphalen. At that time Marx wrote poems and essays about life. His was writing the language of theological or ultra-Godism received from his father. In 1841, Marx received a PhD. His PhD topic was 'The difference between democracy and epicure science philosophy about nature'.

It is to be noted that after completing his PhD he did not submit to the University of Berlin at the University of Zenas. Because of the young Hegelian radicals, his image was not good in Berlin. Political reasons have to flee from Germany. Later they started living in London. In 1848, a lot of revolution took place across Europe. Marx was captured and later expelled from Belgium. In the meantime, the revolutionaries convinced King Louis-Philippe of France to bring Marx back to Paris. At the invitation of the king, he returned to Paris. At the time, a revolution known as the June Day Aparizing took place in Paris, which Marx witnessed.

Karl Marx major books

1.The critic of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1843)

2. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844)

3.The Holy Family (1845)

4.Theses On Feuerbach(1845)

5.The German Eidology (1845)

6.The Communist Manifesto (1848)

7.Critical of the Gotha Program (1875)

8.The Very Long Capital (1867-94)

In the field of writing, Marx did some work with his friendly Frederick Engels. Despite the popularity of living, Karl Marx's ideas are widely popular throughout the world. His view of Western capitalism was very far-reaching and conservative. There is no shortage of critics about the ideas introduced by Marx in the aftermath of the postwar period and even in the present time.

In his writings, there are several important problems related to 'capitalist society'. The highest development of revolutionary struggle took place in France. The greatest form of revolution is the French Revolutionary Theory. These three of the knowledge of the world are considered to be the source of Marxism. At the end of the eighteenth century, materialism was the only connotation of these three organs - the theory of philosophy, economy and class struggle.

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