Ernest Hemingway's novel 'The Old Man and the Sea'

the old man and the Sea
 Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 - July 1, 1961) is one of the most famous writers of the twentieth century English literature. There was a tremendous effect on the language of the decadent fiction which had cleansed and non-negative language. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1953. Next year he won the Nobel Prize for his novel 'The Old Man and the Sea' in 1954. The horrific situation of World War I wounds his heart, which appears in his numerous writings. A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, For Hum Due to Bell Tolls, his famous and widely read novel. He also made a remarkable talent in the formation of short stories.

Ernest Hemingway was an eventful life. Frequent physical and emotional injuries have been plagued. Such life-long spirit was strong in his creation. In the background of The Old Man and the Sea, he spoke of an indestructible man. People can be destroyed but cannot lose. Maybe it's the eternal intention of humans that is why man has changed the world. Human civilization has been fighting since the beginning of the human race on the ground in the interior. Sometimes he has ever been destroyed. But he never wanted to be convinced. In the novel 'The Old Man and the Sea', he said about the fatal fighting of the ever-struggling man. His short novel written by Cuba's old-helpless fisherman Santiago, which is akin to Hemingway himself. The old man is thin-body. There are many deep-wrinkled lines under the throat neck. In the stream of the Gulf Stream, a small boat floats in a fishery boat and catching fish in Santos.

From ancient times, people have been fighting against the hostile nature. Santiago is a brave warrior. In search of fish, he entered fearlessly alone in the deep sea.
He turned around for three months but did not receive any fish on the sea. Her only son, Manolin, was working with her parents, who think that the old man is old. That is why he forced him to send him to another boat.

The Old Man was returned empty hand eighty-four days, but he doesn't get frustrated. Even throw he can't hopeless. In the hope of having a little screech, the sea passes again. Luck does not disappoint Santiago, On the eighty-five days, a huge size Marlin stuck on his bellies. Although the elderly Santiago's body is weak, he is very experienced in the technique of fishing, and after using the experience, he started fishing after dreaming. Her sleepless nights cut. There is nothing except raw fish to eat. Salt around the sea. He did not even eat a little salt. On the back of the hand, Cattar Santiago often feels his friend's lack of mandolin. He alone But he is not the one to fall. He has kept the fish with all the force and kept him running. He has moved away far further. But he never of losing a dream. Hands were cut off by the rope and washed in the ocean water. When the fish grows, it tears in the face of the stomach, it causes injury in the eye, the throat of the cheek. He has never lost his sense of knowledge - he thinks it was finally understood that he No, he woke up - he started the pirate fight. Strong hardship tells you fish, you know only my death is your release Harpun threw in the boat with all the power and kept the fish bloody. The sea water was reducing it is a natural colour and red blood flowing out of the fish's heart. Once the fish was defeated in the depths of the water. Santiago cannot pick up a boat - fish bigger than that boat. At last, the tired, hard-pressed fishermen tied beside the boat. The journey will begin for the arrow. But in the long run, it has come a long way so it will take a long time to reach the port. Meanwhile, the smell of fish in the ocean is in the heart of the monster sharks, come on one after the other. One of the sharks came and attacked the fish and wanted to take a lot of thorns.

The second battle, he Struggles all the fatigue. Lonely resistance to harpoons, sittings, knives, gums, halts, and mugs are creating resistance against sharks. When Santiago returned to the countryside in a tough battle, nothing was left except the 18 feet tall skeleton of the fish. The sharks were taken away by the fish. Sharks did not hunt-but they took away the victims. Moderately Santiago's way - how the fate that comes with the human being cannot be understood from before.
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