Functions Of Two Hemisphere

There are two hemispheres of the brain, connected to each other by a structure known as the corpus callosum. When the child is born, two hemispheres are not structurally identical but Lenneberg believes that they are functionally identical. He also believes that around eight months the two hemispheres begin to become functionally specialized which is called Lateralization. Each hemisphere is then responsible for each activity. The left hemisphere is responsible for language acquisition and the right hemisphere is responsible for understanding music fine arts etc. He also argues that by puberty this functional specialization becomes fixed. So if a person fails to acquire language during this period, language acquisition Will be difficult, if not impossible. Because his left hemisphere then will do other functions. Each hemisphere receives information primarily from the opposite side of the body. The right hemisphere is better at perceiving emotions. Damage to parts of the right hemisphere causes difficulty perceiving other emotions, failure to understand humour and sarcasm and a monotone voice. Associated with decreased interference from the left hemisphere. Right hemisphere reorganized to serve some of the left hemisphere function. Few people have very strong in the right hemisphere.
Two Hemisphere

Doreen Kimura has developed such a dichotic listening task and has found that listeners report verbal material more accurately from the right ear [which associates with the left hemisphere ] than the left and melodies more accurate from the left ear [Which associated with the right hemisphere] Another evidence of the lateralization that brain comes from the studies of patients who have had their corpus callosum separate after epilepsy. Studies show that the two parts of the brain continue to fun normally but independently of each. Again it's possible to see how various tasks are affected by this separation of the hemisphere by controlling the information sent to each half of the brain and observing how the patient carriages out various tests.
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