31th BCS questions solution

31th BCS English questions and answers

In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word:

1. Sporadic_

A. Consistent
B. Uniform
C. Frequent
D. Scattered

Answer : D

2. Omnipotent_

A. Feeble
B. Supreme
C. Impotent
D. Vulnerable

Answer : B

In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:

3. Repeal

A. Abolish
B. Enact
C. Annul
D. Nullify

Answer : B

4. Equity

A. Uprightness
B. Justice
C. Integrity
D. Bias

Answer : D

In each of the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence:

5. A formal composition or speech expressing high praise of somebody-

A. elegy
B. eulogy
C. caricature
D. exaggeration

Answer : B

6. The word ‘Shrug’ indicating doubt or indifference is associated with-

A. Shoulders
B. Head
C. Forehead
D. Eyebrows

Answer : A

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate alternative:

7. He is quite _ in dealing with people.

A. unsubtle
B. imprudent
C. diplomatic
D. impolite

Answer : C

8. They suffered much _ tornado had hit their village.

A. until
B. since
C. as if
D. let alone

Answer : B

One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. 

9. Choose the wrong sentence:

A. The land is belonged to an old lady
B. They parted from one another suddenly
C. The leader expressed himself forcibly
D. Mother bought me an ice-cream

Answer : A

10. Choose the wrong sentence:

A. He was always arguing with his brother
B. His failure resulted for lack of attention
C. When will you write to him about your plan?
D. Who was the boy you were all laughing at?

Answer : B

11. Choose the correctly spelt word:-

B. Volantary
C. Voluntary
D. Voluntory

Answer : C

12. Choose the correctly spelt word:-

A. Accilerate
B. Accelerate
C. Accelerrate
D. Accilarate

Answer : B

13. Choose the correctly spelt word:-

A. Tsunami
B. Sunami
C. Suname
D. Sunamce

Answer : A

Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blanks space:

14. Which living in poverty,the poet had to _ a great deal of sufferings.

A. see through
B. put up with
C. pass by
D. fall back

Answer : B

15. _ his earlier study,the Professor’s new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.

A. In contrast of
B. In contrast to
C. In contrast by
D. In contrast as

Answer : B

16. Wordsworth introduced the readers _ a new kind of poetry.

A. with
B. at
C. to
D. by

Answer : C

17. Only those who are not serious to their success work by _ and start.

A. long odds
B. against time
C. every inch
D. fits

Answer : D

Of the four alternatives given below, choose the word/words that best fits into the underlined word given in the sentence:

18. ‘One day women will have what has so long been denied them _ leisure, money and “room” to themselves’.

A. Spece
B. Liberty
C. Office

Answer: A

19. Crafty men “condemn” studies, simple men admire them and wise men use them.

A. Denounce
B. Laud
C. Compliment
D. Acclaim

Answer : A

The following idiom is following by some alternatives. Choose the one that best expresses its meaning.

20. To end in smoke-

A. To create fire
B. To go through suffering
C. To come to nothing
D. To see fire

Answer : C

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