22th BCS questions solution

22th BCS English questions and answers

BCS questions solution

Read the following passage and answer question 1-5
On the face of it, telescope and data base sound like very different things. Telescope sit on the top of mountains, and are pointed at the skies; data base sit on computer hard disk, humming away and going no where. Yet they have something in common; both allow astronomers to explore the universe.
Modern telephone are highly automated pieces of machinery equipment with digital sensors that produce reams of observational data. Such data can be stored, processed and distributed just like other digital information. This means it is no longer necessary for astronomer actually to visit a telescope to make observation.

1. Which one is correct statement?
A. Telescope and data bases complement each other for the astronomer
B. Telescope and data bases are both becoming relevant for the astronomer
C. Telescope and data bases have nothing in common for the astronomer
D. Telescope and data bases can be confusing to the astronomer

Answer: A

2. Data bases sit on computer disk, humming away implies.
A. Data bases are singing instrument
B. Data bases are useless and static
C. Data bases make soft-sound but ate working away.
D. Data bases are things of the past.

Answer: C

3. Modern data base produce reams of observational data.
A. Data bases produce a lot of information.
B. Data bases are packed with paper.
C. Data bases crate information instantly.
D. Data bases are of limited use in strong information.

Answer: A

4. Which one is correct?
A. The contemporary astronomer needs to look at the sky from a mountain top.
B. The contemporary astronomer needs  telescope to explore universe.
C. The contemporary astronomer needs heavy machinery to explore the universe.
D. The contemporary astronomer needs a telescope equipment with digital sensors to explore the universe.

Answer: D

5. A good title for the passage will be__.
A. Telescope and exploration of the universe.
B. Digital telescope and exploration of the universe.
C. Astronomers and exploration of the universe.
D. Space exploration in the new mountain.

Answer: B

Each question below consists of a related pair of words; select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

6. Submission- Yielding
A. Restriction- Relaxation
B. Subjection- Liberation
C. Restrain- Indulge
D. Complaint- Acquiescent

Answer : C

7. Vacilate- Hesitate
A. Persevere- Waiver
B. Impulsive- Deliberate
C. Obstinate- Accommodating
D. Irresolute- Indecisive

Answer : D

8. Assert- Dissent
A. Affirm- Object
B. Reject- Disapprove
C. Acknowledge- Recognize
D. Endorse- Ratify

Answer : A

9. Distort- Twist
A. Straighten- Bend
B. Deform- Reform
C. Harmonize- Balance
D. Observe- Blur

Answer : C

Question No.10-14 are incomplete sentence. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

10. Government has been entrusted____elected politicians.
A. with
B. for
C. to
D. at

Answer : C

11. He has paid the penalty ___ his crimes ___ five years in prison.
A. for, with
B. at, by
C. about, at
D. after, in

Answer : A

12. The path ___ paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
B. had been
C. has been
D. being

Answer : B

13. In spite of my requests, he did not __.
A. give in
B. fall in
C. get off
D. give forth

Answer : A

14. The children studied in a class room __ windows were never opened.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. whose

Answer : D

Question No.15-17 are incomplete sentence. Fill in the gaps by choosing one word from the choices given.

15. To stay healthy, we must plan to have a balanced __.
A. food
B. diet
C. outlook
D. figure

Answer : B

16. We must keep our fingers __ that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.
A. raised
B. pointed
C. lifted
D. crossed (crossed)

Answer : D

17. They have __ their support for our case.
A. pledged
B. disavowed
C. provided
D. deferred

Answer : A

Choose the correct meaning of the following words:(18-20)
18. Cul-de-sac

A. selection
B. dead end
C. error
D. bubble

Answer : B

19. Parcel_

A. Quarrel
B. Piece of land
C. Postage
D. Unobstructed view

Answer : B

20. Rumminant_

A. Cud-chewing animal
B. Soup
C. Gossip
D. Noise-maker

Answer : A
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