Homonymous Works in English Literature

Homonymous Works in English Literature

1. P.B Shelley --------- Adonis (Epic)
William Shakespeare --------Venus And Adonis (Poem)

2. William Shakespeare ------- Antony and Cleopatra (Play)
G.B. Shaw ------- Caesar and Cleopatra (Play)

3. William Shakespeare -------A Midsummer Night's Dream (Play)
John Mansfield ------ Midsummer Nights (Poetry)

4. Nirad C Chaudhury ------ A Pass  to England (Travel)
E.M Forster ------- A Passage to India (Novel)

5. Jonathan Swift -------A Tale of Tub (Non-fiction)
Charlesles Dickens ------- A Tale of Two Cites (Novel)

6. G.B. Shaw -------Candida (Play)
Voltaire ------Candide (Novel)

7. William Wordsworth -------Daffodils (Poem)
Robert Herrick -------To Daffodils (Poem)

8. Sir Thomas Malory -------Le Morte d'Arthur (Prose)
Alfred Tennyson ------- Morte d'Arther (Poem)

9. Aeschylus -------Prometheus Unbound (Play)
P.B. Shelley ------- Prometheus Unbound (Lyrical drama)

10. William Wordsworth -------Rainbow (Poem)
D.H.  Lawrence ------The Rainbow (Novel)

11. John Donne -------Sun Rising (Poem)
Emest Hemingway -------The Sun Also Rises (Novel)

12. Alfred Tennyson ------Ulysses (Poem)
James Joyce ------Ulysses (Novel)

13. Henry Fielding ------Tom Jones (Novel)
John Osborne ------Tom Jones (Play)

14. Robert Browning -------Patriot (Poem)
Sir Walter Scott ------ Patriotism (Poem)

15. Virginia Woolf -------To the Light House
Edgar Allan Poe ------ The Light House (Short Story)

16. Alexander Pope ------The Temple of Frame (Poem)
Geoffrey Chaucer ------ The House of Fame ( Poem)

17. John Donne ------ For Whom The Bell Tolls( Poem)
Earnest Hamingway ------ For Whom The Bell Tolls( Novel)

18. Troilus and Cressida ------ William Shakespeare (Play)
Geoffrey Chaucer ----- Troilus and Creseyde ( Poem)


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