Social and Political condition of the Restoration Age
The Restoration poetry was marked by realism, intellect and satire. Those poetry were devoid of Elizabethan emotion and imagination. We did not find lyrical spirit in this period. The realistic pictures of city and court life and fashionable manners were presented. The witty, gay and licentious verse were the products of this age. The style of poetry became clear, playful and focal. It ends at clarity and consciousness.
All extravagant, fantastic and unnatural subjects, turbulent passion and fights of imagination were not accepted and they were barrowed from the ancient and the French. Their treatment of subject and style were in contrast with those of romantic poetry. A sort of literary formalism and elegance of style was in vogue. Classicism was the objective of the Restoration authors, though they merely imitated the classical matters.
But they heralded a change, a turn to novelty in the literary ideal from the good old order and the change should be deemed as sign of progress. Sir John Denhem and Edmund Waller played strict role in establishing the new poetic ideal. Odes were written during these age. The two odes of Dryden “On the Death of Mr. Anne Killgrew” are the best of any other English literature period. These odes are full of high passion, and were written in an irregular pindaric metre. Dryden also wrote narrative poetry. He translated and adapted sonnet works of Chaucer, Virgil, Ovid and Boccaccio.
The bitter political rivalry gave birth to the use of satire in this age. Dryden's “Absalom of Achitophel” is an excellent example of the political satire while his “Mac Flecnoe” shows the personal time. Absalom and Achitophel is undoubtedly the most powerful political satire in English. He adapted the Bible story of David and Absalom to ridicule the Whig leaders. The poem had an enormous political Influence and it raised the poet to the rank of an English poet. His excellent lyric poetry “All for Love” is another version of “Antony and Cleopatra” where he leaves his cherished heroic couplet for the blank verse of Marlowe and Shakespeare. This age is also marked with a severe reaction against Puritanism. “Butters Hudebras” is a satire on the Puritans.
Therefore, we can say that Restoration age sets a tremendous reaction from the restraints of Puritanism. The playwrights of the age turned to coarse and evil scenes from Elizabethan drama. People were disgusted and were drivers from the stage. Poets of the age turned from noble blank verse and melody to the monotonous heroic couplet with its mechanical perfection.
The restoration of king was the most remarkable occurrence of the age and the literature, therefore, was influenced by his French connection. The spontaneity of Elizabethan theatre seemed to have passed away. In fact, by the year 1660 Elizabethan romanticism had all but spent itself. Of the great figures of the earlier era only one survived, John Milton, and he had still to write “Paradise Lost” but in everything Milton was of the past.
At the Restoration he retired and worked in obscurity, and his great poem reveals no signs of the time in which his later years were cast. At the Restoration the split up the past was almost absolute. It involved our literature in the deepest degree; subject and style took on a new spirit and outlook, a different attitude and aim.
Hence the post-Restoration period is often set up as the converse and antithesis of the earlier Elizabethan age. It is called classical, as against the Elizabethan romanticism. Though the contrast between the two epochs needn't be over-emphasized; yet the differences are very great. Let us see in what respects the new spirit is shown.