1. Positive:
No other town in Malaysia is as old as Malacca.
Malacca is older than any other town in Malaysia.
{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}
2. Positive:
No other boy in the class is as clever as Peter.
Comparative: Peter is cleverer than any other boy in the class.
Superlative: Peter is the cleverest boy in the class.
3. Positive:
No other planets are as big as Jupiter.
Comparative: Jupiter is bigger than all other planets.
Superlative: Jupiter is the biggest of all planets.
4. Positive:
Very few boys are as industrious as John.
Comparative: John is more industrious than most other boys.
Superlative: John is one of the most industrious boys.
5. Positive:
No other democracy in the world is as large as India.
Comparative: India is larger than any other democracy in the world.
Superlative: India is the largest democracy in the world.
6. Positive:
No other playwright is as great as Shakespeare.
Comparative: Shakespeare was greater than any other playwright.
Superlative: Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights.
7. Positive:
Very few Indian kings were as great as Asoka.
Comparative: Asoka was greater than most other Indian kings.
Superlative: Asoka was one of the greatest Indian kings.
8. Positive:
No other island in the world is as large as Greenland.
Comparative: Greenland is larger than any other island in the world.
Superlative: Greenland is the largest island in the world.
9. Positive:
No other metal is as heavy as lead.
Comparative: Lead is heavier than any other metal.
Superlative: Lead is the heaviest of all metals.
10. Positive:
Very few animals are as useful as the cow.
Comparative: The cow is more useful than most other animals.
Superlative: The cow is one of the most useful animals.
11. Positive:
Few other minerals are as rare as Wolfram.
Comparative: Wolfram is rarer than most other minerals.
Superlative: Wolfram is one of the rarest minerals.
12. Positive:
Few other/very few Indian Kings were as great as Samudra Gupta.
Comparative: Samudra Gupta was greater than most other Indian Kings.
Superlative: Samudra Gupta was one of the greatest of all Indian Kings.
13. Positive:
No other girl in my class is as pretty as Janie.
Comparative: Janie is prettier than any other girl in my class.
Superlative: Janie is the prettiest girl in my class.
14. Positive:
No other animals are as faithful as dogs.
Comparative: Dogs are more faithful than all other animals.
Superlative: Dogs are the most faithful of all animals.
15. Positive:
No other woman in this town is as rich as Salome.
Comparative: Salome is richer than any other woman in this town.
Superlative: Salome is the richest woman in this town.
16. Positive:
No other island is as large as Greenland.
Comparative: Greenland is larger than any other island.
Superlative: Greenland is the largest island.
17. Positive:
Few other boys in the class are as industrious as James.
Comparative: James is more industrious than most other boys in the class.
Superlative: James is one of the most industrious boys in the class.
18. Positive:
Few other poets in English are as great as Tennyson.
Comparative: Tennyson is greater than most other poets in English.
Superlative: Tennyson is one of the greatest poets in English.
19. Positive:
No other dish on the menu is as cheap as mutton chop.
Comparative: Mutton chop is cheaper than any other dish on the menu.
Superlative: Mutton chop is the cheapest dish on the menu.
20. Positive:
No other kind of food is as nutritious as milk.
Comparative: Milk is more nutritious than all other kinds of food.
Superlative: Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of foods.
21. Positive:
No other sea-beach in the world is as large as Cox’s Bazar.
Comparative: Cox’s Bazar is larger than any other sea-beach in the world.
Superlative: Cox’s Bazar is the largest sea-beach in the world.
22. Positive:
No other city in Bangladesh is as crowded as Dhaka.
Comparative: Dhaka is more crowded than any other city in Bangladesh.
Superlative: Dhaka is the most crowded city in Bangladesh.
23. Positive:
Very few dramas are as popular as Hamlet.
Comparative: Hamlet is more popular than most other dramas.
Superlative: Hamlet is one of the most popular dramas.
26. Positive:
Very few pictures of the world are as great as Mona Lisa.
Comparative: Mona Lisa is greater than most other pictures of the world.
Superlative: Mona Lisa is one of the greatest pictures of the world.
27. Positive:
Very few insects are as busy a bee.
Comparative: A bee is busier than most other insects.
Superlative: A bee is one of the busiest insects.
28. Positive:
Very few animals are as ferocious as the tiger.
Comparative: The tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Superlative: The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
29. Positive:
Very few poets in the world are as great as Rabindranath Tagore.
Comparative: Rabindranath Tagore is greater than most other poets in the world.
Superlative: Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets in the world.
30. Positive:
Very few storybooks are as good as Arabian Nights.
Comparative: Arabian Nights is better than most other storybooks.
Superlative: Arabian
Nights is one of the best storybooks.
31. Positive:
Very few tragedies of Shakespeare are as popular as King Lear.
Comparative: King Lear is more popular than most other tragedies of Shakespeare.
Superlative: King Lear is one of the most popular tragedies of Shakespeare.
32. Positive:
No other revolutionary poet in English is as famous as P.B Shelley.
Comparative: P.B Shelley is more famous than any other revolutionary poet in English.
Superlative: P.B Shelley is the most famous revolutionary poet in English.
33. Positive: Truthfulness is a great virtue.
Comparative: Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue.
Superlative: Truthfulness is the greatest virtue.
34. Positive: To tell a lie is a great sin.
Comparative: To tell a lie is greater than any other sin.
Superlative: To tell a lie is the greatest sin.
Superlative: Malacca is the oldest town in Malaysia.
Comparative: Peter is cleverer than any other boy in the class.
Superlative: Peter is the cleverest boy in the class.
Comparative: Jupiter is bigger than all other planets.
Superlative: Jupiter is the biggest of all planets.
Comparative: John is more industrious than most other boys.
Superlative: John is one of the most industrious boys.
Comparative: India is larger than any other democracy in the world.
Superlative: India is the largest democracy in the world.
Comparative: Shakespeare was greater than any other playwright.
Superlative: Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights.
Comparative: Asoka was greater than most other Indian kings.
Superlative: Asoka was one of the greatest Indian kings.
Comparative: Greenland is larger than any other island in the world.
Superlative: Greenland is the largest island in the world.
Comparative: Lead is heavier than any other metal.
Superlative: Lead is the heaviest of all metals.
Comparative: The cow is more useful than most other animals.
Superlative: The cow is one of the most useful animals.
Comparative: Wolfram is rarer than most other minerals.
Superlative: Wolfram is one of the rarest minerals.
Comparative: Samudra Gupta was greater than most other Indian Kings.
Superlative: Samudra Gupta was one of the greatest of all Indian Kings.
Comparative: Janie is prettier than any other girl in my class.
Superlative: Janie is the prettiest girl in my class.
Comparative: Dogs are more faithful than all other animals.
Superlative: Dogs are the most faithful of all animals.
Comparative: Salome is richer than any other woman in this town.
Superlative: Salome is the richest woman in this town.
Comparative: Greenland is larger than any other island.
Superlative: Greenland is the largest island.
Comparative: James is more industrious than most other boys in the class.
Superlative: James is one of the most industrious boys in the class.
Comparative: Tennyson is greater than most other poets in English.
Superlative: Tennyson is one of the greatest poets in English.
Comparative: Mutton chop is cheaper than any other dish on the menu.
Superlative: Mutton chop is the cheapest dish on the menu.
Comparative: Milk is more nutritious than all other kinds of food.
Superlative: Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of foods.
Comparative: Cox’s Bazar is larger than any other sea-beach in the world.
Superlative: Cox’s Bazar is the largest sea-beach in the world.
Comparative: Dhaka is more crowded than any other city in Bangladesh.
Superlative: Dhaka is the most crowded city in Bangladesh.
Comparative: Hamlet is more popular than most other dramas.
Superlative: Hamlet is one of the most popular dramas.
24. Positive: No other democracy in the world is as large as India.
Comparative: India is larger than any other democracy in the world.
Superlative: India is the largest democracy in the world.
25. Positive: Very few cities in England are as rich as London.
Comparative: London is richer than most other cities in England.
Superlative: London is one of the richest cities in England.
Comparative: Mona Lisa is greater than most other pictures of the world.
Superlative: Mona Lisa is one of the greatest pictures of the world.
Comparative: A bee is busier than most other insects.
Superlative: A bee is one of the busiest insects.
Comparative: The tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Superlative: The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
Comparative: Rabindranath Tagore is greater than most other poets in the world.
Superlative: Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets in the world.
Comparative: Arabian Nights is better than most other storybooks.
Comparative: King Lear is more popular than most other tragedies of Shakespeare.
Superlative: King Lear is one of the most popular tragedies of Shakespeare.
Comparative: P.B Shelley is more famous than any other revolutionary poet in English.
Superlative: P.B Shelley is the most famous revolutionary poet in English.
33. Positive: Truthfulness is a great virtue.
Comparative: Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue.
Superlative: Truthfulness is the greatest virtue.
34. Positive: To tell a lie is a great sin.
Comparative: To tell a lie is greater than any other sin.
Superlative: To tell a lie is the greatest sin.
35.Positive: No other country in the world is as Russia.
Comparative: Russia is bigger than any other country in the world.
Superlative: Russia is the biggest country in the world.
36. Positive: No other metal is as useful as iron.
Comparative: Iron is more useful than any other metal.
Superlative: Iron is the most useful of all metals.
37. Positive: Some other buildings in the city are at least as tall as Usha Kiran.
OR: Twin Tower is perhaps not as tall as some other buildings in the city.
Comparative: Twin Tower is not taller than some other buildings in the city.
OR: Some other buildings in the city are perhaps tatter than Twin Tower.
Superlative: Twin Tower is not the tallest of all the buildings in the city.
38. Positive: Nancy is not so clever as some other girls of the class.
Comparative: Some girls of the class are cleverer than Nancy.
OR, Nancy is less clever than some other girls of the class.
Superlative: Nancy is not one of the cleverest girls in the class.
Positive into Comparative Exercise
1. Positive: No other man in the village is as brave as he.
Comparative: He is braver than any other man in the village.
2. Positive: No other boy is as meritorious as Peter.
Comparative: Peter is more meritorious than any other boy.
3. Positive: No other player in the team is as good
as he.
Comparative: He is better than any other player in the team.
Comparative: He is better than any other player in the team.
4. Positive: No other country in the world is so/as cold as Canada.
Comparative: Canada is colder than any other country in the world.
Comparative: Canada is colder than any other country in the world.
5. Positive: No other boy in the class is as good
as he.
Comparative: He is better than any other boy in the class.
Comparative: He is better than any other boy in the class.
6. Positive: No other student in the class is as
brilliant as he.
Comparative: He is more
brilliant than any other student in the class.
7. Positive: No other fruit is as sweet as
Comparative: Mango is sweeter than any other fruit.
8. Positive: He is a good boy. (N.B. Plain Positive Degree)
Comparative: He is better than any other boy.
Comparative: Mango is sweeter than any other fruit.
Comparative: He is better than any other boy.
9. Positive: Very few students are as good as Liza.
Comparative: Liza is better than most other students.
10. Positive: Very few metals are so costly as gold.
Comparative: Gold is costlier than most other metals.
11. Positive: He is as good as his brother.
Comparative: His brother is not better than him.
Or: He is not less than good his brother.
12. Positive: Matt is not as good as John.
Comparative: John is better than Matt.
13. Positive: As soon as the doctor came, the patient felt better.
Comparative: No sooner had the doctor come than the patient felt better.
14. Positive: He is as strong as a lion.
Comparative: A lion is not stronger than he.
15. Positive: He is as dull as an ass.
Comparative: An ass is not duller than he.
Comparative: A lion is not stronger than he.
Comparative: An ass is not duller than he.
16. Positive: I am as strong as him.
Comparative: He is not stronger than me.
17. Positive: This razor is not as sharp as that one.
Comparative: That razor is sharper than this one.
18. Positive: Few historians write as interestingly as John.
Comparative: John writes more interestingly than most historians.
Positive into Superlative Exercise
1. Positive: No other player in the team is as good as Raj.
Superlative: Raj is the best player in the team.
2. Positive: No other boy in the class is as tall as he.
Superlative: He is the tallest boy in the class.
3. Positive: No other fruit is as sweet as mango.
Superlative: Mango is the sweetest (of all) fruits.
4. Positive: Very few men in the village are as tall as Rana.
Superlative: Rana is one of the tallest men in the village.
5. Positive: Very few boys in the class are as tall as he.
Superlative: He is one of the tallest boys in the class.
Comparative into Positive Exercise
1. Comparative: John is greater than any other boy in the class.
Positive: No other boy in the class is as good as John.
2. Comparative: Dhaka is larger than all other cities in Bangladesh.
Positive: No other city in Bangladesh is so/as large as Dhaka.
3. Comparative: Erica is greater than any other girl in the school.
Positive: No other girl in the school is as great as Erica.
4. Comparative: Gold is more useful than most other metals.
Positive: Very few metals are as/so useful as gold.
5. Comparative: The cow is more useful than most other animals.
Positive: Very few animals are as useful as the cow.
4. Comparative: Peter is more active than any other boy.
Positive: No other boy is as active as Peter.
5. Comparative: Erica is more beautiful than Eva.
Positive: Eva is not as beautiful as Erica.
6. Comparative: He is no less/not less intelligent than you.
Positive: He is as intelligent as you.
7. Comparative: Sher-E-Bangla was not less powerful than a tiger.
Positive: Sher-E-Bangla was at least/as powerful as a tiger.
8. Comparative: He is not less strong than you.
Positive: He is as strong as you.
9. Comparative: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
Positive: As soon as he saw me, he ran away.
Comparative into superlative Exercise
1. Comparative: He is better than any other player in the team.
Superlative: He is the best player in the team.
2. Comparative: He is bigger than all other boys.
Superlative: He is the biggest of all boys.
3. Comparative: Vatican City is smaller than most other countries in the world.
Superlative: Vatican City is one of the smallest countries in the world.
4. Comparative: Dhaka is bigger than most other cities in Bangladesh.
Superlative: Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh.
Superlative into Positive Exercise
1. Superlative: Ricky is the smallest player in the team.
Positive: No other player in the team is as small as Ricky.
2. Superlative: He is one of the best players in the team.
Positive: Very few players in the team are as good as he.
Superlative into comparative Exercise
1. Superlative: He is the best player in the team.
Comparative: He is better than any other player in the team.
2. Superlative: She is the most active member of the group.
Comparative: She is more active than any other member of the group.
3. Superlative: He is the best of all men.
Comparative: He is better than all other men.
4. Superlative: He is the most honest of all men.
Comparative: He is more honest than any other men.
5. Superlative: Milton is one of the best players in the team.
Comparative: Milton is better than most other players in the team.
6. Superlative: Canada is one of the coldest countries in the world.
Comparative: Canada is colder than most other countries in the world.