Lockdown Paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on Lockdown.

(a) What is a lockdown?
(b) Why is it important?
(e) What has forced the countries worldwide to impose complete or partial lockdown recently?
(d) What is the situation caused by COVID-19 in Bangladesh?
(e) What are the challenges of imposing lockdown?
(f) What are the negative effects of lockdown?

Lockdown is a state of isolation at different levels. It is an emergency protocol initiated by the authority preventing people from leaving an area. All organisations are usually closed, and citizens are required, or at least strongly encouraged, to stay home to avoid a certain negative consequence.

Lockdowns are imposed when public safety is at risk during situations like political riots or when there is a risk of spreading an infectious disease. Recently, COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the Novel Coronavirus has forced the countries worldwide to impose complete or partial lockdowns to check the spread of the disease.

More than a million have been infected within months and it eventually has reached Bangladesh. Bangladesh government has initially imposed partial lockdown in several areas where patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and later, a complete lockdown throughout the country has been initiated. It is always a challenge to restrict and control the public movement in a densely populated country like Bangladesh.

It is hard for the people who enjoy free movement and socializing in a large scale to be confined in their houses for an indefinite time, Our worst fear is if the lockdown is prolonged, the wheel of the economy not only of our country but also of the entire world will be at stake, We are yet to face the worst.
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