JSC English Question with Answer

Part A: Seen (20 Marks) Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2. [Dhaka Board 2019]
Shamima's misery started the day she was married. Her husband was a greedy person and he used to abuse her verbally and physically. Within a few months into her marriage, she had to leave her husband Kamal Uddin Joardar, Now Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. She has 43 female members in her organization working for her. She herself trains the members and then provides them with work. She designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered saris. She also makes three-piece dresses for women and fatuas for men. She sells these products in her shop and supplies them outside.

Shamima has a dream now, a dream to do something for the helpless people. She wants them to feel useful. They can live with self-respect and dignity. With this in view, she goes out looking for such people.
Shamima finished her story with a smile. Shamima has no complaints, no regrets, no grudges. Her husband could destroy her outward beauty but not the beauty of her mind. All she wants to do 15 to bring a smile on the faces of those women who are unfortunate, Shamima wants to become a famous designer.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x7= 7

(iThe word 'grudge' means. 
(a) objection
(b) anger
(c) regret
(d) complaint
Answer: anger

(ii) The number of female members is -- in her organization.
(a) 34
(b) 39
(c) 43
(d) 45

(iii) Shamima's husband used to abuse her-
(a) orally and mentally
(b) mentally and physically
(c) verbally and physically
(d) only verbally women.
Answerverbally and physically

(iv) Shamima works with
(a) helpless
(b) dishonest
(c) rich
(d) kind
Answer: helpless

(v) Shamima's misery started-
(a) from childhood
(b) before marriage
(c) from the day of her marriage
(d) from infancy designer.
Answerfrom the day of her marriage

(vi) Shamima wants to become a-
(a) renowned
(b) stylish 
(c) semi-skilled 
(d) Infamous
Answer: renowned

(vii) Shamima makes dresses for-
(a) children and women
(b) men and children 
(c) both males and females
(d) either men or women
Answer: both males and females

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text. 2x4=8
(a) Why did Shamima leave her husband Kamal Uddin Joarder?
(b) What is Shamima's vow now?
(c) What are the products that Shamima sells in her shop?
(d) Why did she search for helpless people?

(a) Shamima's husband Kamal Uddin Joardar was, by nature, an extremely greedy man who used to ill-treat her on regular basis. So, Shamima left her husband back from her covetous

(b) After coming back from her covetous husband. Shamima's vow is to work with women especially those women who are unfortunate like her.

(c) Shamima engages some helpless women in her organization. With their support, she designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint, hand-embroidered saris, makes three-piece dresses for women and fatuas for men. She sells those products in her shop.

(d) After facing a bitter experience, Shamima had a noble dream to do something for the helpless people around her so that they can live with self-respect and dignity. So, she went out to find out such destitute women. 

3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one. 1x5=5
Folk songs have enriched our culture tremendously. The (a) - styles are followed in themes words and (b) – of these songs. In the minds of common people, the folk songs have (c) for a long time. The history and (d) of folk songs in our country are very rich. The most (e) are Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Lalongiti, etc.

Answer: (a) traditional/conventional; (b) tunes; (c) existed; (d) collection/tradition: (e) popular/famous/ favourite. 

Part B: Unseen (25 Marks)

Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.
The Charter on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women known as the cup Charter was adopted on 18 December in 1979 by the United Nations General Assembly and came Bangladesh ratified this charter so far. A special feature of this charter is that it is a complete charter into effect on September 3, 1981, with the support of 20 countries, 132 countries including eliminating discrimination against women.

4. Complete the table below with appropriate information from the given passage. 1x5=5
Where /When
adopted CEDAW
 in 1979
was adopted
(iii) )…..
came into effect 
on September 3, 1981
(iv) )…..
supported CEDAW
132 countries including Bangladesh 
(v) )…..


Answer: (i) The United Nations General Assembly; (ii) 18 December 1979; (iii) CEDAW: (iv) 20 countries: (v) ratified the CEDAW Charter.
5. Read the passage again and write whether the statements are true or false. Give the correct answer if the statement is false.
(a) CEDAW was adopted to eliminate discrimination against a female child.
(b) The United Nations General Assembly did not approve CEDAW
(c) The number of countries that supported CEDAW was 20.
(d) CEDAW is a complete charter on the rights of women.
(e) Comprising different issues CEDAW was adopted only once.

Answer: (a) False. correct answer: CEDAW was adopted to eliminate discrimination against women. (b) False. correct answer: The United Nations General Assembly approved CEDAW.
(c) True.
(d) True.
(e) False. correct answer: Comprising different issues CEDAW was adopted at different times.

6. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using clues given in the boxes. There are more words than necessary. One word can be used once only.




People use internet for personal and (a) .... Communication. They can send email and (b) ....on the internet. Email is a (c) ... Communication system and goes from one (d)... to another. On the other hand, (e)... chat can happen between two people (f)... in groups. The internet is very(g)...to students too. Students download and (h)... useful materials when necessary. Students now (i)... attend real classes from a distance (j).. the internet.

Answer: (a) social; (b) communicate; (c) world/distance; (d) user: (e) online: (f) and/or; (g) useful: (h) upload; (i) really; (j) through.
7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using suitable words to make it a meaningful text.1x5=5
Bangladesh is one of the most densely (a) countries in South Asia. Her total (b)is smaller in comparison to many (c)  but she has really a large (d) She lost three million people in (e)War of Liberation in 1971.

Answer: (a) populated/populous; (b) land/area; (c) countries; (d) population; (e) the

8. Match the part of sentences from Columns A and B to make five complete sentences. Column B has one more option than required.

Columns A

Columns B
 A. Everyone has to 

i. help you learn these values
B. Games and sports can
ii. rise early in the morning
C. Sports can also
iii. know the value of hard work, commitment and determination in achieving success
D. You too can 
iv. realise the need of these qualities to make their dreams true
E. All successful athletes and players could
v. teach you so much about yourself and the world around you
vi. modify your personality and habits positively by sports
Answer: (a+ii) Everyone has to know the value of hard work, commitment and determination in achieving success.
(b+i) Games and sports can help you learn these values.
(c+v) Sports can also teach you so much about yourself and the world around you.
(d+vĂ­) You too can modify your personality and habits positively by sports.
(e+iv) All successful athletes and players could realize the need of these qualities to make their dreams true. 
9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable suffix, prefix or both.
As human beings we should gain some moral qualities. In fact,(a)...(moral) is one of the (b).... (great) virtue. (c)....(moral) hampers all(d)....(develop) works of a country. So, morality should be (e)....(practise) since one's (f)...(boy). Educational (g)....(institute) can play important roles in this regard. This (h)....(ward) quality helps a man to be noble. (i)...(noble) is another virtue. This virtue can (j)...(rich) a man's life.

Answer: 9. (a) morality; (b) greatest; (c) Immorality: (d) development: (e) practised: () boyhood: (g) institutions: (h) inward: (1) Nobility: () enrich.

10. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the), put a cross (×) where no article is needed.
Once we went (a)... hunting in (b)...deep jungle. Many (c) beast was moving to and fro. Suddenly we noticed (d)...ewe. It was looking at us. (e)...ewe hand (f)... unique beauty. We could not kill (g)....ewe as it would be (h)... unkind deed. In fact, we are not rude by (i)... nature. We returned (j).... home happily for not killing any creature.

Answer: (a) a : (b) a/the; (c) a: (d) a; (e) The; (f) a; (g) the; (h) an: (1) x: () x. 

11.Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.
(a) Don't look down upon the poor.(Passive)
(b) Suddenly I noticed a very nice deer. ( Interrogative)
(c)  It only remained sleeping. (Negative)
(d)  What a sound sleep it slept! (Assertive)
(e) A deer is found nowhere but I'm the zoo now.

(a) Let not the poor be looked down upon.
(b) Didn't I notice a very nice deer suddenly?
Or, Did I not notice a very nice deer suddenly?
(c) It did nothing but remained sleeping.
(d) It slept very sound sleep. 
(e) A deer is found only in the zoo now.

12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech. 
“What were you doing? ”said he to me.  I said.“ I was doing my assignment.” You should play in the afternoon.  It will keep you fit.” “Thank you for your advice.”
Answer : He asked me what I had been doing. I replied that I had been doing my assignment. Then he told me that I should have played in the afternoon because it would keep me fit. I thanked him for his advice.

13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following passage.
the creator has provided us with many facilities in nature so we should be grateful to him for his wonderful gifts we should also praise him.

Answer :The Creator has provided us with many facilities in nature. So, we should be grateful to Him for His wonderful gifts. We should also praise Him.

Part D: Writing (30 Marks)

14. Suppose, you are Mahin/Zarin. You know mobile phone has become an essential device in our daily life. It has both merits and demerits. Now, make a dialogue between you and your friend Roni/Rina about it.

15. Suppose, your father lives abroad. He is anxious about your studies as you are a JSC examinee. Now, write an email to your father describing your preparation for the examination.

*write a subject line
*use proper greetings
*give a brief description of your preparation
*write the closing remark and your name.

Answer: To masraf007@gmail.com

Subject: My preparation for the ensuing JSC exam.

Dear Masrafi, In your email, you wanted to know about my preparation for the ensuing JSC Exam. My test examination is over and the result has also been published. I have done well. Now, I am trying to get a good preparation for the ensuing JSC Exam. I have subjects like Bangla, English, General Science and Math. I think I need to pay more attention to English and Math. I am taking help from my respective teachers. Please pray to the Almighty for my good result. I am well and hope you also are all well at home.
Yours ever, Imran

16. Write a paragraph on 'Our National Flag' in about 150 words answering the following questions.
(a) What is a national flag?
(b) How have we got the national flag?
(c) What is its width and breadth?
(d) When do we hoist our national flag?
(e) How can we uphold the honour of our national flag?

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