Narration exercise | Direct and indirect speech

Narration exercise | Direct and indirect speech

Assertive Sentence Narration exercise

1. Direct: The boy said to me, “I am fine today.”
Indirect: The boy told me that he was fine that day.

2. Direct: John said, “I shall go home today.”
Indirect: John said that he would go home that day.

3. Direct: He says, “I know you well.”
Indirect: He says that he knows me well.

4. Direct: She will say to you, “I don't like you.”
Indirect: She will tell you that she doesn't like you.

5. Direct: He said, “I write a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he wrote a letter.

6. Direct: He said, “I am writing a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he was writing a letter.

7. Direct: He said, “I have written a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had written a letter.

8. Direct: He said, “He has been writing a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had been writing a letter.

9. Direct: He said, “I wrote a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had written a letter.

10. Direct: He said, “I was writing a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had been writing a letter.

11. Direct: He said, “I had written a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had written a letter.

12. Direct: He said, “I had been writing a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had been writing a letter.

13. Direct: The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
Indirect: The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.

14. Direct: John said, “I walk for an hour every morning.”
Indirect: John said that he walks for an hour every morning.

15. Direct: John Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
Indirect: John Keats said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Narration exercise Direct to Indirect speech
16. Direct: He said to me, “Akbar conquers Gujarat.”
Indirect: He told me that Akbar conquers Gujarat.

17. Direct: He said to me, “We are mortal.”
Indirect: He told me that we are mortal.

18. Direct: The Daily Star says, “We publish truest news of Bangladesh.”
Indirect: The Daily Star says that it publishes truest news of Bangladesh.

19. Direct: John said to Peter, “I will meet you tomorrow.”
Indirect: John told Peter that he would meet him the following day.

20. Direct: He said, “I can do the sum.”
Indirect: He said that he could do the sum.

21. Direct: Daniel said to me, “I want to do this work”.
Indirect: Daniel said to me that he wanted to do the work.

22. Direct: He said to me. “I wonder if the book is available.”
Indirect: He told me that he wondered if the book was available.

23. Direct: Peter said to Jack, “I am going abroad tomorrow.”
Indirect: Peter told Jack that he was going abroad the next day.

24. Direct: Jack said to me, “You will get it back soon.”
Indirect: Jack told me that I would get it (that) back soon.

25. Direct: You said to me, “He is a liar and therefore, I do not trust him.”
Indirect: You said to me that he was a liar and you did not trust him.

26. Direct: They said to me, “We went to college yesterday.”
Indirect: They said to me that they had gone to college the previous day.

27. Direct: Michael said to James, “I shall go to school tomorrow.”
Indirect: Michael said to James that he (K) would go to school the next day.

Narration Change exercises

28. Direct: Peter said to Ria, “The virtuous are blessed.”
Indirect: Peter told Ria that the virtuous are blessed.

29. Direct: Riva said to Rita, “I will help you if I can.”
Indirect: Riva told Rita that she (Riva) would help her (Rita) if she (Riva) could.

30. Direct: The Independent says, “We draw the attention of the Mayor of this matter.”
Indirect: The Independent says that it draws the attention of the Mayor of that matter.

31. Direct: Tania said, “I was writing a letter to my friend.”
Tania said that he had been writing a letter to her friend.

32. Direct: The teacher will say, “I did the work.”
Indirect: The teacher will say that he did the work.

33. Direct: Adam said to me, “I saw you long ago.”
Indirect: Adam told me that he had seen me long before.

34. Direct: Harry said to me, “You were very small when I saw you last.”
Indirect: Harry told me that I had been very small when he had seen me last.

35. Direct: He said, “That's bad.”
Indirect: He said that it was bad.

36. Direct: “I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a email before starting from home,” he said.
Indirect: He told me that he had gone to Dhaka that morning and added that he had sent a email before starting from home.

37. Direct: The young man said, “I can't stay any longer. The king had sent me to do very important work.”
Indirect: The young man said that he could not stay any longer and added that the king had sent him to do very important work.

38. Direct: Rima said to Rita, “I have lost my friend my friend get me it. I have to buy another.”
Indirect: Rima told Rita that she had lost her pen and added that her friend had given her that and also said that she had to buy another.

39. Direct: James said to me, “I gave you a book yesterday. Have you read it? Return the book within two days.”
Indirect: James told me that he had given me a book the previous day and asked me if I had read that and also requested me to return the book within two days.

40. Direct: He said, “I am going to school.”
Indirect: He said that he was going to school.

41. Direct: ‘I have cut my finger!’ cried Mrs Riva
Indirect: Mrs Riva cried that she had cut her finger.

42. Direct: The son said to his mother, “I shall never be rude to you.”
Indirect: The son promised his mother that he would never be rude to her.

43. Direct: The boy said, “I brush my teeth every day.”
Indirect: The boy said that he brushes his teeth every day.

44. Direct: The teacher said, “The Sun rises in the east.”
Indirect: The teacher said that the Sun rises in the east.

45. Direct: She said, “My son wants to be an actor.”
Indirect: She said that her son wants to be an actor.

46. Direct: He said, “I am bored.”
Indirect: He said that he was bored.

47. Direct: Mira said, “We are going to the movies.”
Indirect: Mira said that they were going to the movies.

48. Direct: Rita said, “My friends gave me a treat.”
Indirect: Rita said that her friends gave her a treat.

49. Direct: He said to her, “You are beautiful.”
Indirect: He said to her that she was beautiful.

50. Direct: “You must write neatly,” the teacher told her pupils.
Indirect: The teacher advised her pupils that they must write neatly.

51. Direct: I said, “They have gone out.”
Indirect: I informed that they had gone out.

52. Direct: Nila said,“‘These books are theirs.”
Indirect: Nila said that those books were theirs.

53. Direct: She said, “I may attend the meeting.”
Indirect: She said that she might attend the meeting.

54. Direct: Eva said, “I have finished my homework.”
Indirect: Eva said that she had finished her work.

55. Direct: The interviewer said to the young man, “We will let you know our decision by tomorrow.”
Indirect: The interviewer said to the young man that they would let him know their decision by the next day.

56. Direct: ‘These are the documents you will require,’ the travel agent informed the tourist.
Indirect: The travel agent informed the tourist that those were the documents she would require.

57. Direct: He said to me, “I do not believe you”.
Indirect: He told me that he did not believe me.

58. Direct: You said to me, “You do not do your duty”.
Indirect: You told me that I did not do my duty.

59. Direct: Adnan said, “I must write a letter.”
Indirect: Adnan said that he had to write a letter.

60. Direct: You will say, “I am ill.”
Indirect: You will say that you are ill.

61. Direct: Laila said to me, “When I got home, I found that I had lost my umbrella”.
Indirect: Laila told me that when she had got home, she had found that she umbrella had lost her umbrella.

62.Direct: He told to me, “Man is mortal.”
Indirect: He said to me that man is mortal.

63. Direct: Mona said to her son, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
Indirect: Mona told her son that she had often told him not to play with fire.

64. Direct: “I will do it today”, the boy said.
Indirect: The boy said that he would do it that day.

65. Direct: “Brother, take this golden key and open the door”, said the Magician.
Indirect: Addressing as brother, the magician told the person spoken to take that golden key and (to) open the door.

66. Direct: He said to me, “We should do our duty.”
Indirect: He said to me that we should do our duty.

67. Direct: The Daily Star says, “We published that report on environmental pollution.”
Indirect: The Daily Star says that it published the report on environmental pollution.

68. Direct: Dryden said, “I must go home.”
Indirect: Dryden said that he had to go home.

69. Direct: Father said to his son, “You must obey your teacher.”
Indirect: Father told his son that he must obey his teacher.

70. Direct: William said, “We must leave the house if the rent is increased.”
Indirect: William said that they would have to leave the house if the rent was increased.

71. Direct: Eva said to Umma, “I like to read novels.”
Indirect: Eva told Umma that she liked to read novels.
Or: Eva said to Umma that she liked to read novels.

72. Direct: “I'll have a cup of tea,” my father said, “Because I'm not hungry”
Indirect: My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.

73. Direct: Farida said to her mother, “I shall go to bed now.”
Indirect: Farida told her mother that she would go to bed then.

74. Direct: Anis said, “I must write a letter.”
Indirect: Anis said that he had to write a letter.

75. Direct: He said, “I could do it tomorrow.”
Indirect: He said that he could have don it the next day.

76. Direct: He said to us, “I waited an hour.”
Indirect: He told us that he had waited an hour.

77. Direct: “You have all done very badly!” remarked the teacher.
Indirect: The teacher remarked that they had all done it very badly.

78. Direct: Rony said, “The train reached at nine.”
Indirect: Rony said that the train had reached at nine.

79. Direct: Amin said, “I shall go to school.”
Indirect:Amin said that he would go to school.

80. Direct: He says, “I am ill.”
Indirect: He says that he is ill.

81. Direct: Luna says, “We are going to school.”
Indirect: Luna says that they are going to school. 

82. Direct: Mili will say, “He is a good boy.”
Indirect: Mili will say that he is a good boy.

83. Direct: He will say, “I am well.”
Indirect: He will say that he is well. 

84. Direct: He said, “I write a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he wrote a letter.

85. Direct: He said, “I shall do the work.”
Indirect: He said that he would do the work.

86. Direct: He said, “I have written a letter.”
Indirect: He said that he had written a letter.

87. Direct: Mina said to me, “You have done well in the examination.”
Indirect: Mina told me that I had done well in the examination.

88. Direct: Nina said to Nipa, “I have passed the examination.”
Indirect: Nina told Nipa that she (Nina) had passed the examination.

89. Direct: The boy said, “I am reading a book.”
Indirect: The boy said that he was reading a book.

90. Direct: The BBC says, “We publish truest news of the world.”
Indirect: The BBC says that it publishes truest news of the world.

91. Direct: Ram said to Gita, “I need your help.”
Indirect: Ram told Gita that he needed her help.

92. Direct: Gita said to Anjuli  Gupta, “I was happy for your gift.”
Indirect: Gita told Anjuli Gupta that she had been happy for her (A) gift.

93. Direct: She said to me, “I help myself.”
Indirect: She told me that she helped herself.

94. Direct: He said to me, “I helped myself.”
Indirect: He told me that he had helped himself.

95. Direct: Tina said to Gita, “I am well and you are unwell.”
Indirect: Tina told Gita that she (T) was well and she (G) was unwell.

96. Direct: The teacher said to the students, “The earth moves round the sun.”
Indirect: The teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun.

97. Direct: He said to me, “Everyday my mother reads the holy Quran.”
Indirect: He told me that everyday his mother reads the holy Quran.

98. Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Ice floats on water.”
Indirect: The teacher told the students that ice floats on water.

99. Direct He said to me, “My handwriting is better than yours.”
Indirect: He told me that his handwriting was better than mine.

100. Direct: Jena said to Eila, “I had an opportunity to work.”
Indirect: Jena told Eila that she had had an opportunity to work.

101. Direct: The father said the little girl, “I did not have your letter.”
Indirect: The father told the little girl that he had not had her letter.

101. Direct: He said, “We are all sinners.”
Indirect: He said that all of them were sinners.

102. Direct: The Captain said, “My friends, be always ready to face our enemy.”
Indirect: Addressing as his friends, the Captain ordered them to be always ready to face their enemy.

103. Direct: He said, “Sima, do not quarrel.”
Indirect: He ordered Sima not to quarrel.

104. Direct: Emma says, ”I did not go there”.
Indirect: Emma says that she did not go there.

105. Direct: You will say, “I am ill”
Indirect: You will say that you are ill.

106. Direct: He has said to me, “I shall go out but you will stay.”
Indirect: He has told me that he will go out but I shall stay.

107. Direct:: Harry says, “I did not go.”
Indirect: Harry says that he did not go.

108. Direct: Olivia said to me, “I want to go to Dhaka now.”
Indirect: Olivia said to me that she wanted to go Dhaka then.

109. Direct: He said, “I am well.”
Indirect: He said that he was well.

110. Direct: My friend said, ”I was ill.”
Indirect: My Friend said that he had been ill

111. Direct: You said to me, ‘You do not do your duty.’
Indirect: You told me that I did not do my duty.

112. Direct: You said to me, “You are right.”
Indirect: You told me that I was right.

113. Direct: He said to me, ”You are always unreliable.”
Indirect: He told me that I was always unreliable.

114. Direct: He said, “I finished reading the book.” is
Indirect: He said that he had finished reading the book.

115. Direct: He said, “The train reached at nine.”
Indirect: He said that the horse had died in the night.

116. Direct: He said, “The train reached at nine.”
Indirect: He said that the train had reached at nine.

117. Direct: He said, “I went to London.”
Indirect: He said that he had gone to London.

118. Direct: He said, “I come to see you.”
Indirect: He said that he had come to see me.

119. Direct: Noah said to us, ‘I waited an hour.’
Indirect: Noah told us that he had waited an hour. 

120. Direct: Amelia said, ”I was suffering from fever.” 
Indirect: Amelia said that she had been suffering from fever.

121. Direct: He said, “I saw him long ago.”
Indirect: He said that he had seen him long before.

122. Direct: “When I got home, I found I had lost my umbrella,” Charlotte said.
Indirect: Charlotte said that when she got home she found she had lost her umbrella.

123. Direct: Benjamin said’ “I take bath in the Padma every morning.”
Indirect: Benjamin said that he takes bath in the Padma every morning.

124. Direct: Sofia said, “I walk a mile every day.”
Indirect: Sofia said that she walks a mile everyday.

125. Direct: Zinnia said, “I read all sorts of the magazine.”
Indirect: Zinnia said that she reads all sorts of magazines.

126. Direct: Jakob said, “We are all sinners.”
Indirect: Jakob said that we are all sinners.

127. Direct: The saint said, “Man is mortal?”
Indirect: The saint said that man is mortal.

128. Direct: The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
Indirect: The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.

129. Direct: Alexander said, “I must write a letter.”
Indirect: Alexander said he had to write a letter.

130. Direct: He said, “All must go.”
Indirect: He said that they must go.

Interrogative Sentences Narration exercise

1. Direct: Father said to me, “How did you do the work?”
Indirect: Father asked me how I had done the work.

2. Direct: Charlie said to Liam, “Do you hear me?”
Indirect: Charlie asked Liam if he (L) heard him (C).

3. Direct: He said to them, “Do you want to return to Europe?”
Indirect: He asked them if they wanted to return to Europe.

4. Direct: George said to me, "Why shall I not go there?"
Indirect: George asked me why he would not go there.

5. Direct: Emily said to Elizabeth, “Did you go there in time?”
Indirect: Emily asked Elizabeth if she had gone there in time.

6. Direct: William said to me, “Shall I take your pen?”
Indirect: William asked me if he would take my pen.

7. Direct: I said to him, “Do you like to read novels?”
Indirect: I asked him if he liked to read novels.

8. Direct: The man said to you, “Are you going home tomorrow?”
Indirect: The man asked you if you were going home the next day.

9. Direct: He said to me, “Were you reading a book?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had been reading a book.

10. Direct: He said to you, “When will you start for Mumbai?”
Indirect: He asked you when you would start for Mumbai.

11. Direct: The old man said to me, “How long have you been staying here?”
Indirect: The old man asked me how long I had been staying there.

12. Direct: He said to me, “Which book do you want?”
Indirect: He asked me which book I wanted.

13. Direct: Oliver said to Joe, “Why do you always think about the bad side of things?”
Indirect: Oliver asked Joe why he (J) always thought about the bad side of things.

14. Direct: Have you seen her, Jerry?” said the writer.
Indirect: The writer asked Jerry if he had seen her.

15. Direct: Do you find your payment too little?” said the oldest of the girls to the porter.
Indirect: The oldest of the girls asked the porter if he had found his payment too little.

16. Direct: Eva said to Elizabeth, “What are doing now? Will you not go to college today? Is there any problem to you?”
Indirect: Eva asked Elizabeth what she was doing then and asked if she would not go to college that day and also asked/ further asked if there was any problem to her.

17. Direct: Rina said to Riya, “What are you doing now? Will you not go to school today? Is there any problem to you?”
Indirect: Rina asked Riya what she was doing then and asked if she would not go to school that day and also asked if there was any problem to her.

Direct: She said, “Where are you going, Eva?”
Indirect: She asked Eva where she was going.

19. Direct: “Is it bleeding very much?” Mr Shima asked.
Indirect: Mr Shima asked if it was bleeding very much.

20. Direct: “Why has the clock stopped?” thought Peter.
Indirect: Peter wondered why the clock had stopped.

21. Direct: Peter said, “What time does the bus come?”
Indirect: Peter asked what time the bus came.

22.Direct: Sara said, “When does the show begin.”
Indirect: Sara asked when the show began.

23. Direct: ‘Hello!’ my friend said to me. “How are you?”
Indirect: My friend greeted me and asked how I was.

24. Direct: Do you know India Cricket Team has defeated New Zeland ?” Babul said to Rafiq.
Indirect: Babul asked Rafiq if he knew India Cricket Team had defeated New Zeland.

25. Direct: Mother said to me, “Have you written the letter?”
Indirect: Mother asked me if I had written the letter.

26. Direct: Teacher said to me, “Will you go home?”
Indirect: Teacher asked me whether I would go home.

Direct and indirect speech exercises

27. Direct: He said, “Do you like flowers?”
Indirect: He asked if I liked flowers.

28. Direct: She said, “Are you brothers?”
Indirect: She asked if we were brothers.

29. Direct: He said to me, “Did you go to school?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had gone to school.

30. Direct: The man said to me, “What is your name?”
Indirect: The man asked me what my name was.

31. Direct: He said to me, “Where is the boy?”
Indirect: He asked me where the boy was.

32. Direct: Mother said, “Which book have you read?”
Indirect: Mother asked which book I had read.

33. Direct: She said to him, “Why did you go there?”
Indirect: She asked him why he had gone there.

34. Direct: Aunt said to me, “When have you come?”
Indirect: Aunt asked me when I had gone.

35. Direct: She asked me, “Are you happy in your new job.”
Indirect: She asked me if I was happy in my new job.

36. Direct: I said to him, “Is he a doctor?”
Indirect: I asked him if he was a doctor.

37. Direct: He said to me, “Do you know me?”
Indirect: He asked me if I knew him.

38. Direct: He said to me, “Do you like this shirt?”
Indirect: He asked me if I liked that shirt.

39. Direct: He said to me, “Do you not like the pen?”
Indirect: He asked me if I did not like the pen.

40. Direct: They said to us, “Do you not love our sister?”
Indirect: They asked us if we did not love their sister.

41. Direct: “Are you brothers?” asked the mistress of the house turning to the dervishes.
Indirect: Turning to the dervishes, the mistress of the house asked them if they were brothers.

42. Direct: “Why do you beg?” asked the mistress of the house situated beside the Ganga.
Indirect: The mistress of the house, situated beside the Ganga, asked them why they begged.

43. Direct: She said to me, “You have remembered how she looked all these years?”
Indirect: Being surprised, she asked me if I had remembered how she had looked all those years.

44. Direct: “How did you do that?” they asked Edison.
Indirect: They asked Edison how he had done that.

45. Direct: He said to me, “Which book do you want?”
Indirect: He asked me which book/ wanted.

46. Direct: “Who was the first man to fly in the space?” the examiner asked the girl.
Indirect: The examiner asked the girl who was the first man to fly in the space.

47. Direct: He said to me, “Aryan can speak English well, can't he.”
Indirect: He asked me if Aryan could speak English well and assumed that he could.

48. Direct: She said to me, “You are going to the playground, aren't you?”
Indirect: She asked me if that I was going to the playground and assumed that I was.

49. Direct: She said to me, “You didn't cause much damage to the book, did you?”
Indirect: She asked me whether I had caused much damage to the book. and assumed that I had not.

50. Direct: He said to me, “Have you R passed?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had passed.

51. Direct: Mother said to me, “Did you spread the rumour?”
Indirect: Mother asked me whether I had spread the rumour.

52. Direct: “How dare you wake me up?” The lion roared at the mouse.
Indirect: The Lion roared and asked the mouse how it dared to wake him up.

53. Direct: He said to me, “Where were you born?”
Indirect: He asked me where I had been born.

Imperative Sentences Narration exercise

1. Direct: He said to me, “Please lend me a book.”
Indirect: He requested me to lend him a book.

2. Direct: Oscar told me, “Do it at once.”
Indirect: Oscar told (ordered)me to do that (it) at once.

3. Direct: The man said, “Friends, please help me.”
Indirect: Addressing them as friends, the man requested them to help him.

4. Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Don't make a noise in the class room.”
Indirect: The teacher advised (ordered) the students not to make a noise in the class room.

5. Direct: My father said to me, “Do not waste your time.”
Indirect: My father forbade me to waste my time.
Or, My father told/ordered/advised me not to waste my time.

6. DirectI said to him, “Let us drop the matter.”
Indirect: I proposed to him that we should drop the matter.

7. DirectThe General said to the soldiers, “March on.”
Indirect: The General ordered (commanded) the soldiers to march on.

8. Direct: The girl said to her teacher, “Let me come in.”
Indirect: The girl requested (told) her teacher that she might (might be allowed to) come in.

9. Direct: The servant said to his master, “Please excuse me, Sir.”
Indirect: The servant respectfully, (with respect) requested his master to excuse him.

10. Direct: The beggar said to the man, “Let me have a meal.”
Indirect: The beggar said to the man that he might have a meal. 

11. Direct: George said to you, “Let us go out for a walk.”
Indirect: George proposed to you that you and George should go out for a walk.

12. Direct: Jacob said, “Let us go out for a walk.”
Indirect: Jacob proposed that they should go out for a walk.
Or, Jacob suggested going out for a walk.

13. Direct: The girl said, “May I come in?”
Indirect: The girl asked if she could come in.

14. Direct: “Pay your taxes,” the king ordered his subjects.
Indirect: The king ordered his subjects to pay their taxes.

14. Direct: Kamal said to the boys, “Let us sing a song to celebrate the day.”
Indirect: Kamal proposed the boys that they should sing a song to celebrate the day.

15. Direct: My mother said to me, “Don't run in the sun.”
Indirect: My mother advised me not run in the sun.
Or, My mother forbade me to run in the sun.

16. Direct: He said to his master, “Grant me my prayer.”
Indirect: He begged his master to grant him his prayer.

17. Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home together.”
Indirect: He proposed to me that we should go hom together.

18. Direct: They said to me, “Kiaan, you will attend the meeting.”
Indirect: They asked me Kiaan to attend the meeting.

19. Direct: The student said, “Sir, I have a problem to solve.”
Indirect: Addressing as sir, the student said that he had a problem to solve.

20. Direct: Looking at my hands the beggar said, “Madam, please give me your cardigan.”
Indirect: Looking at my hands, the beggar addressed me as madam and requested me to kindly.

21. Direct: Father said to me, “Go home at once.” 
Indirect: Father ordered me to go home at once.

22. Direct: The officer shouted to his men, “Halt!”
Indirect: The officer ordered his men to halt.

23. Direct: The teacher said to me, “Don't come here.”
Indirect: The teacher forbade me to go there.
Or, The teacher ordered me not to go there. 

24. Direct: He said to me, “Please open the door.”
Indirect: He requested me to open the door.
Or, He told me politely to open the door.

25. Direct: He said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
Indirect: He requested me to wait there till he returned.

26. Direct: I said to him, “Please explain the passage.”
Indirect: I requested him to explain the passage. 

27. Direct: Mother said to him, “Don't run in the sun.”
Indirect: Mother advised him not to run in the sun.
Or, Mother forbade him to run in the sun.

28. Direct: He said to me, “Don't do it again.”
Indirect: He told me not to do it again.

Optative Sentence Narration exercise

1. Direct: My mother said, “May God bless you.”
Indirect: My mother prayed that God might bless me.

2. Direct: The mother said to her son, “May you succeed in the examination.”
Indirect: The mother wished (prayed) that her son might succeed in the examination. OR: The mother wished (prayed for) her son's success in the examination.

3. Direct: He told me, “May you long live.”
Indirect: He prayed that I might long live.

4. Direct: Father said to me, “May you pass the exam.”
Indirect: Father prayed that I might pass the exam.

5. Direct: He told me, “Good morning.”
Indirect: He wished me good morning.

6. Direct: She told me, “Good evening.”
Indirect: She bade me good evening.

7. Direct: I said to him, "Good-bye."
Indirect: I bade him good-bye.

8Direct: The teacher said to me, "May you shine in life."
Indirect: The teacher wished that I might shine in life. 

Exclamatory Sentences Narration exercise

1. Direct: The man said, "What a fool I am!"
Indirect: The man exclaimed with sorrow that he was a great fool.

2. Direct: The boy said, "What a terrible storm it is!"
Indirect: The boy exclaimed with fear that it was a very terrible storm.

3. Direct: He said, "Alas! How worthless I am."
Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that he was very worthless.

4. Direct: The boy said, "Hurrah! My father has come."
Indirect: The boy exclaimed (cried out) with joy that his father had come.

5. Direct: I said to you, "How obliged are you to me!"
Indirect: I exclaimed that you were greatly obliged to me.

6. Direct: The teacher said to him, "How funny you are!"
Indirect:  The teacher exclaimed with wonder that he was very funny.

7. Direct: ‘Wow! What a handsome man he is!’ the girls said.
Indirect: The girls exclaimed what a handsome man he was.

8. Direct: Ram said, ‘How hot the soup is!’
Indirect: Ram exclaimed that the soup was hot.

9. Direct: You told, “What a happy news.”
Indirect: You told that it was a very happy news.

10. Direct: They said to us, “How obliged are we to you?”
Indirect: They exclaimed to us that they were greatly obliged to us.


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