Simple to Compound sentences exercises
1. Simple: We work hard to prosper.
Compound: We want to prosper and so we work hard.
2. Simple: We eat to live.
Compound: We want to live and so we eat.
3. Simple: Besides giving him money, I gave him good advice.
Compound: I gave him no only money but also advice.
4. Simple: Despite hard labour, he failed.
Compound: He worked hard but failed.
5. Simple: In spite of his poverty, he is honest.
Compound: He is poor, but honest.
6. Simple: In spite of his laziness he did well in the examination.
Compound: He was lazy but did well in the examination.
7. Simple: Twenty years ago, I was living in Khulna.
Compound: It was twenty years ago and I was living in Khulna.
8. Simple: His polite behaviour charmed us all.
Compound: His behaviour was polite and so it charmed us all.
9. Simple: I know. your mistake.
Compound: You committed mistake and I know it.
10. Simple: Because of his merit, he was awarded the first prize.
Compound: He had merit and was awarded the first prize.
11. Simple: He could not shine in life because of poverty.
Compound: He was poor and could not shine in life.
12. Simple: I am aware of my faults.
Compound: I have faults and I am aware of them.
13. Simple: He was sure of his success.
Compound: He would succeed and he was sure of that.
14. Simple: The lunch being over, we left the hotel.
Compound: The lunch was over and therefore, we left the hotel.
15. Simple: Turning to the left he found the bank.
Compound: He turned left and found the bank.
16. Simple: The sun having set, we returned home.
Compound: The sun had set and then we returned home.
17. Simple: There was a grassy land.
Compound: There was a land and it was grassy.
18. Simple: They could not drink the salty sea water.
Compound: The sea water was salty and so they could not drink it.
19. Simple: The new building drew my attention.
Compound: The building was new and it drew my attention.
20. Simple: He kept the promise made by him.
Compound: He made a promise and kept it.
21. Simple: In case of your failure to pay the instalment you will be fined.
Compound: Pay the installment or you will be fined.
22. Simple: You hurt him by uttering a rough word.
Compound: You uttered a rough word and it hurt him.
23. Simple: My mouth watered at the sight of the mangoes.
Compound: I saw the mangoes and then my mouth water at the sight of them.
24. Simple: I failed to understand the meaning of his statement.
Compound: There was a statement and I failed to understand it.
25. Simple: He looks after his old parents.
Compound: His parents are old and so he looks after them.
26. Simple: Having forgotten him, I went outside the cabin.
Compound: I had forgotten him and went outside the cabin.
27. Simple: They are too nice to be used just at present.
Compound: They are very nice and so they can not be used just at present.
28. Simple: In spite of his doing best he could not progress in life.
Compound: He did his best but could not progress in life.
29. Simple: In spite of his old age, he maintains a good health.
Compound: He is old, but he maintains a good health.
30. Simple: Taking up his basket, the porter followed the girl.
Compound: The porter took up his basket and followed the girl.
31. Simple: On hearing the news of my success, all my friends came to our house.
Compound: All my friends heard the news of my success and came to my house.
32. Simple: On reaching home, he tried to tempt the monkey.
Compound: He reached home and tried to tempt the monkey.
33. Simple: We helped the poor man.
Compound: The man was poor and so we helped him.
34. Simple: We must work hard for our success.
Compound: We want success and so we must work hard.
35. Simple: He was pardoned for his underage.
Compound: He was underage and so he was pardoned.
36. Simple: He is tall and strong.
Compound: He is not only tall but also strong.
37. Simple: He could not go to college on account of his illness.
Compound: He was ill and could not go to college.
38. Simple: He ran away to escape arrest.
Compound: He wanted to escape arrest and so he ran away.
39.Simple: Sitting on a stone, he watched the people walking past him.
Compound: He sat on a stone and watched the people walking past him.
40. Simple: Finishing the work, we went to the play ground.
Compound: We finished the work and went to the play ground.
41. Simple: Closing the door, I went back to sleep.
Compound: I closed the door and went back to sleep.
42. Simple: Riva, being poor, could not buy a set of combs.
Compound: Riva was poor and could not buy a set of combs.
43. Simple: The water being very cold. I could not drink it.
Compound: The water was cold and so I could not drink it.
44. Simple: I was too young to have learnt to say "no" to a woman.
Compound: I was very young and so I had not learnt to say "no" to a woman.
45. Simple: In stead of obeying, he tumbled down on the couch.
Compound: He did not obey but tumbled down on the couch.
46. Simple: The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were going to the feast.
Compound: The marriage ceremony was over and the guests were going to the feast.
47. Simple: The weather being very cold, there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country.
Compound: The weather was very cold and so there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country.
48. Simple: Fatema, being slender, had mastered the art.
Compound: Fatema was slender and therefore, had mastered the art.
49. Owing to his father's untimely death, he had to take the job of a day labourer.
Compound: His father died untimely and so he had to take the job of a day labourer
50. Simple: Besides punishing the thief, they sent him to jail.
Compound: They not only punished the thief but also sent him to jail.
51. Simple: He could not join the picnic for his illness.
Compound: He was ill and could not join the picnic.
52. Simple: Being poor, he leads a better life.
Compound: He is poor and leads a better Life.
53. Simple: Having forgotten the answer, he started crying in the exam hall.
53. Simple: Having forgotten the answer, he started crying in the exam hall.
Compound: He had forgotten the answer and started crying in the exam hall.
54. Simple: In spite of his being old, he was very romantic.
54. Simple: In spite of his being old, he was very romantic.
Compound: He was old but he was romantic.
I solved a hard question(compound)
I solved a question and it was hard.
without walking fast,you cannot get the train
he is too weak to walk