Preposition Exercise

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
A book fair is a fair where books are (a) — sale and show. It is a very popular fair. It is a great festival (b) — the book lovers. (c) — our country, it is generally held in January and February. Though it is held (d) —  almost every city, the largest book fair is held (e) — Bangla Academy in Dhaka. It is held (f) — the occasion of International Mother Language Day. A book fair helps to create new writers and readers. It inspires people to form the habit (g) — reading. A book fair bears the national culture of a country. It reminds us (h) — that books are our best companions. Books should be sold (i) — a cheap price so that the book lovers can buy their favourite books easily (j) — a book fair.
Answer: (a) for; (b) for/to; (c) In; (d) in; (e) at; (f) on; (g) of ; (h) about; (i) at; (j) in/from
 2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Hester Prynne wins our admiration (a)--- virtue (b)---her candor, her strength, her power (c)---endurance, her deep maternal attachment (d)---Pearl, and the spirit (e)--- service which, (f)---course (g)---time, develops (h)--- her. Standing (i)--- the scaffold, and exposed (j)--- public disgrace, Hester Prynne shows a haughty dignity.
Answer: (a) by; (b) of; (c) of; (d) to; (e) of; (f) of; (g) in; (h) in; (i) on; (j) to.
3. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
Education is one of the basic needs (a)--- human being. It is for the development (b)--- mind. Many illiterate people do not have any knowledge (c)--- health. If they were educated, they could live a healthy and planned life. Education teaches us how to live well. It enables us to make right choices (d)---life. It enhances our ability to perform our duties properly and solve our everyday problems. In fact, it is education which brings positive changes (e)--- our life.
Answer: (a) of; (b) of; (c) about; (d) in; (e) in.
4. Complete the text with suitable preposition.
You letter is just (a)--- hand. I am happy (b)--- learn that you have cut a good figure (c)--- the admission test. I know that you have longed (d)--- studying a good subject (e)--- a renowned university. A good university is a university equipped (f) ---a bunch of good teachers who will provide you (g)---quality education and at the same time instill (h)---you a spirit that will shape your personality (i)--- an admirable level. Probably you are (j)--- threshold of the fulfilment of your dream.
Answer: (a) to; (b) to; (c) in; (d) for; (e) in; (f) with; (g) with; (h) in; (i) at; (j) on.
5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Folk music is a song that belongs (a)--- a community and that are not influenced (b)--- any sophisticated music rules or any standard music styles. Folk music includes both religious and secular songs. This type (c)--- music has some characteristics. They are that they are composed (d)---rural folk, not influenced (e)--- classical or modern music, may be sung (f)---groups or individually with regular practice. The performers (g)--- these songs are illiterate or semi-illiterate people. Its language is easy that is it is (h)--- local dialect. Subject matter of these songs is culture, festivals, views (i)--- life, natural beauties, rivers and riverine life. Actually folk music is deeply rooted (j)---
our hearts.
Answer: (a) to; (b) by; (c) of; (d) by; (e) by; (f) in; (g) of; (h) in; (i) of; (j) in.

Also Read: Preposition rules

6. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
The havoc done (a) — flood beggars description. It causes a heavy damage (b) — our life and properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed (c) —, crops are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. The weak, the invalid and the children meet watery grave. The strong climb (d) — the trees or housetops and save themselves. Thousands of people become homeless or shelter less. They remain without food for many days (e)— house tops or on the branches (f) — trees. The flood of 1988 broke the records of the past. The whole country went (g) — water. All communication was cut (h) —. Normal activities were stopped (i) — a long time. Many people suffered greatly (j) — want of food.
Answer: (a) by; (b) to; (c) away; (d) up; (e) on; (f) of; (g) under; (h) off; (i) for; (j) for.
7. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Tea is a popular drink. We get it (a)--- the leaves (b)--- the tea plants. These plants grow (c)--- the slopes of hills. They grow well (d)--- China, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In Bangladesh, it grows (e)--- Sylhet and Chittagong Hill-Tracts. This drink needs boiling water, milk and sugar (f)--- its preparation. Tea is a common drink and it is (g)--- a cheap drink. I take tea twice a day. It refreshes my body and mind and removes fatigue and drowsiness. I like to drink tea very much. Bangladesh earns a lot (h)--- foreign currency (i)--- exporting tea to other countries of the world. It is one (j)--- the main cash crops of Bangladesh.
Answer: (a) from; (b) of; (c) on; (d) in; (e) in; (f) for; (g) like; (h) of; (i) by; (j) of.
8. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
You must have come across the name of Leo Tolstoy, a great writer in world literature. No novelist stands parallel (a)---him. All his novels and short stories convey a message. His purpose of writing was the purification of human mind and soul (b)--- all kinds of evils and misjudgements. His heroes suffer (c)--- inner conflict, pass (d)--- ups and downs of life and struggle (e)--- deprivation caused by feudal and bourgeois society.
Answer: (a) to; (b) of; (c) from; (d) through; (e) against

9. Complete the text with suitable preposition.
Two cats lived (a)--- a house. Once they stole a piece of cake. They could not decide how (b)--- divide the cake (c)--- themselves. So they began to quarrel (d)--- the share. At last they came to a monkey and asked him to make two equal divisions of the cake. The clever monkey took the opportunity to deprive them (e)--- the thing. So he began to weigh the cake (f)--- breaking it in two parts. Each time he put the unequal portions (g) the scale and bit a part of it to make them equal. Thus he ate (h)--- the entire cake. (i)--- this way the two cats were befooled (j)--- the monkey and went away.
Answer: (a) in; (b) to; (c) between; (d) about; (e) of; (f) by; (g) into; (h) up; (i) In; (j) by.
 10. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
Dear Mohona,
I have decided that I will spend my winter vacation (a)--- my village home this year. So, I am leaving the town (b)---the afternoon. I was supposed (c)--- leave at 3 of clock but I am already a bit late. I will probably start at half (d)---3. I will stay there (e)--- five days. My two younger sisters Sadia and Rumu will be staying (f)--- me then. I will come back (g)--- Monday night. I will catch the 8 o' clock train and will be here again (h)--- twelve midnight, may be at 11:45. (i)--- the next Tuesday, I will be busy again with my daily activities. This vacation, I think, will free me (j)--- the monotony of life.
Yours ever
Answer: (a) at; (b) in; (c) to; (d) past; (e) for; (f) with; (g) on; (h) by; (i) From; (j) from

Preposition worksheets with answer

1. He lives — his sister’s money.
a) with
b) for
c) on
d) from
Answer: c

2. Mr. Nasir lives — hones means.
a) by
b) on
c) for
d) within
Answer: a

3. The intellectuals can on longer be said to live — the margins of society.
a) against
b) beyond
c) inside
d) before
Answer: b

4. Marrying — daughters at an early age is a standard practice in many rural families in Bangladesh.
a) with
b) off
c) of
d) to
Answer: b

5. Mamtaz was married — Shajahan.
a) with
b) to
c) for
d) of
Answer: b

6. The martyrs — the liberation war are the heroes of our country.
a) at
b) to
c) into
d) with
Answer: a

7. He is no match — me .
a) for
b) to
c) into
d) with
Answer: a

8. Be mindful — your duties.
a) of
b) on
c) with
d) to
Answer: a
9. His motive — the murder is not known.
a) in
b) for
c) to
d) at
Answer: b

10. In space, the primary necessities — survival are air, food and water.
a) in
b) to
c) for
d) by
Answer: b

11. Rest is necessity — me now.
a) in
b) to
c) for
d) by
Answer: b

12. He is named — his father.
a) to
b) of
c) with
d) after
Answer: d

13. His boss often found him negligent — work.
a) of
b) in
c) at
d) with
Answer: b

14. I am obliged — you for your help.
a) at
b) to
c) with
d) for
Answer: b

15. She was oblivious — her surroundings.
a) of
b) about
c) for
d) on
Answer: a

16. The novelist is observant — public feeling.
a) of
b) with
c) for
d) of
Answer: d

17. Access to the internet is obtained only — subscription.
a) by
b) for
c) through
d) against
Answer: a

18. It did not occur — my mind at any time.
a) to
b) at
c) with
d) by
Answer: a

19. I am offended — you — your conduct.
a) with, at
b) with, on
c) at, on
d) with, for
Answer: a

20. I am in favour of fishing but opposed — hunting.
a) of
b) by
c) to
d) at
Answer: c

21. We opted — a reconcilictioin — the dispute.
a) for, of
b) for, to
c) with, at
d) in, to
Answer: b

22. People believe that honey is a panacea — all diseases.
a) to
b) for
c) against
d) upon
Answer: b

23. His work partakes — the prose style of his time.
a) in
b) of
c) at
d) up
Answer: b

24. He parted —  his friends in tears.
a) with
b) from
c) against
d) beside
Answer: b

25. It is difficult to part — a long – held belief.
a) with
b) from
c) against
d) beside
Answer: a

26. He is partial — his son/her father.
a) about
b) with
c) for
d) to
Answer: d

27. Five teams will — the tournament.
a) participate with
b) participate in
c) participate  
d) participate under

Answer: b

28. He passed — but did not notice me.
a) out
b) on
c) by
d) at
Answer: C

29. I have a passion — games.
a) to
b) for
c) about
d) with
Answer: b

30. Pay attention — your study.
a) at
b) in
c) to
d) on
Ans: c

31. Pen — the first line.
a) across
b) at
c) to
d) though
Answer: d

32. Identify the correct sentence.
a) Cut up this word
b) Cut this word
c) Cut off this word
d) Pen through this word
Answer: d

33. He persisted — misunderstanding me.
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) about
Answer: c

34. He persists — a noise.
a) to make
b) in making
c) from making
d) to making
Answer: b

35. Give an example pertinent — the case.
a) as
b) for
c) out
d) in
Answer: d

36. The police picked — the thief.
a) of
b) off
c) out
d) in
Answer: b

37. He was pleased — the job.
a) for
b) under
c) on
d) with
Answer: d

39. He pleased with me — justice.
a) on
b) in
c) for
d) from
Answer: c

40. Mistakes should be pointed — in a student’s work.
a) in
b) up
c) out
d) on
Answer: c

41. The writer was popular — young readers.
a) at
b) upon
c) with
d) for
Answer: c

41. He is popular — all — his goodness.
a) to, for
b) with, for
c) to, with
d) to, by
Answer: b

42. He poured the tea — the mug.
a) into
b) on
c) to
d) in
Answer: a

43. On the night before the exam , she was seen poring — the books.
a) into
b) through
c) over
d) in
Answer: c

44. I;d — a blue bed cover — a green one.
a) prefer, to
b) like , to
c) prefer, for
d) buy , in
Answer: a

45. She prefers stories — poems.
a) than
b) of
c) for
d) to
Answer: d

46. He prefer reading — writing.
a) than
b) but
c) to
d) without
Answer: c

47. Death is preferable — humiliation.
a) for
b) to
c) after
d) than
Answer: b

48. He — prefers — speak very little.
a) doesn’t , to
b) himself, to
c) himself, for
d) does, for
Answer: b

49. Society is prejudiced — left handed people.
a) of
b) for
c) against
d) between
Answer: c

50. I don’t have prejudice — poetry.
a) over
b) on
c) against
d) for
Answer: c

51. I presented her — a book.
a) with
b) by
c) for
d) in
Answer: a

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