A Street Accident Paragraph

A street accident is an unpleasant and unexpected event. It snatches away many valuable lives and cripples many people.

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In Bangladesh road accident has become a great problem. Almost every day there occurs serious road accidents. But there are many causes of street accidents. Reckless driving is one of them. Drivers are not careful enough to maintain the safety of the road. Driver's skill is also a big question. In Bangladesh, many unskilled drivers procure their driving license by giving bribe. At the hands of these drivers, the lives of the passengers are at great risk. The bad condition of our roads is also another issue. Most highways have no one-way system. The roads are so narrow that two vehicles from the opposite direction can't cross properly in some areas. As a result, vehicles are often seen to fall in the ditch. Many vehicles have no fitness. They lose control of the street and become the cause of an accident. It is necessary to prevent them or at least reduce them to save the lives of people. For this, we have to take the necessary steps and we should work together along with the government.

A Street Accident I Witnessed

A street accident is an unpleasant and unexpected event causally caused by different vehicles while moving on the streets. Nowadays it has become a common incident in Bangladesh. 

Every day we find the news of the street accident in the dailies. Some days ago, a tragic accident took place just before my eyes at Debidwar. I was walking along the pavement. I noticed that a truck was coming at a high speed. All of a sudden I saw a teen-aged boy crossing the road.

He was very careless and did not notice at all that a truck was coming with such a breakneck speed. The truck driver tried his best to stop his truck but by the time the boy was knocked down. A crowd rushed to the spot. I ran to the boy and saw that he was senseless. There was blood flowing on the street. I took the wounded boy into a car and told the driver to proceed to the Upazila Health Complex.

There the doctors and nurses took every care of him. But it is a matter of great regret that he died there, I could not bear to watch the sight. I came back home with a heavy heart.

A Street Accident I Witnessed 250 words

(a) When and where did the accident take place?
(b) How did the accident take place?
(c) Who was the victim of the accident?
(d) What was your feeling?

Last week I witnessed a street accident in front of Sher-E-Bangla National Cricket Stadium. I was walking along Stadium Road in the afternoon, At that time I saw a little boy crossing the busy road.

Suddenly a speedy motorcycle hit the boy from behind. He immediately fell flat on the ground and fainted. I rushed to the spot. Fortunately, the injury was not serious. With the help of some people I took him in an auto-rickshaw and transferred him to a nearby hospital. He was taken to the Emergency Ward.

One of the doctors of the Emergency Ward examined him. They assured me that he was out of danger. I sat beside him. Then I took his father's cell phone number. I informed him of the accident and asked him to come to the hospital. He came within half an hour. He thanked me for helping his son.

I left the hospital and came back home. I felt very bad for the boy but the timely help I provided him also gave me heavenly pleasure. The accident is still fresh in my mind.
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