Bangladesh At a Glance Paragraph

(a) Where is Bangladesh situated/located?
(b) When did she get her freedom/independence? (c) How is the climate in Bangladesh?
(d) Which are the main rivers in Bangladesh?
(e) What are the main attractions of this country? (f) What are its main tourist spots?
(g) How do you feel about your country?

Our Homeland/Bangladesh at a Glance 

Bangladesh is a small country which is situated in the south-east Asia. Though small in area, she has a huge population. She got her independence in 1971. The name of the capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka which was formerly pronounced as 'Dacca'. Most of the people are Muslims by religion. There are also the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Christians who live together peacefully. Bangladesh has a cool and moderate climate. The usual dress in Bangladesh for men is 'longi' and 'panjabee' while the dress for women is 'blouse' and 'sari' The Padma, the Meghna, the Brahmaputra, the Surma are some of the major rivers of Bangladesh. Jute, paddy, tea are the main cash crops of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has many places bearing historical interests which attract the tourists of home and abroad. She also has three World Heritage Sites namely Shatgombuj Mosque of Bagerhat, the Buddist Vihara at Paharpur and the Sundarbans which attract the tourists of the world. Bangladesh has its own customs and traditions and festivals such as 'Pahela Baishakh', 'Nobanna' festival, 'Celebration of Spring' and so on. But unfortunately the people of Bangladesh are helpless in the face of destructive natural calamibes If we can bring calm and order in society, we shall soon become one of the developed COuntrics in the world. I feel proud of my country.

Bangladesh is one of the South Asian nations on the world map. It is surrounded by India by three sides and one side by Myanmar. It became independent in 1971 through a bloody war of nine months. Dhaka is the capital of it. Its land area is 1,47,570 square kilometres and its population is about 160 million. It is a land of rivers. The big rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, The Jamuna, The Kornofuli etc. Its soil is very fertile. Different kinds of crops like rice, jute, wheat, potatoes, tea and many kinds of fruits like mango, Jackfruit, pine-apple and other juicy fruits are grown here. Different communities live here in peace and happiness.

The natural scenery of our country is very charming and it assumes in different colours in different seasons. Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. Nature has decorated our country with her beauty and glamour. We have lots of tourist spots and attractive places like Cox's Bazar, the Sundarbans, Paharpur, Foyes-lake, Kuakata etc. We have a glorious past and cultural heritage. As no other country in the world is as beautiful as our loving country, I love my country very much and feel proud of it.

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