Environment Pollution Composition
Introduction: Environmental Pollution is the most discussed topic of the present world. Climatologists as well as the conscious people of the world are much concerned about it. It is being said that if we cannot prevent environmental pollution, the world will soon become uninhabitable.
What is environmental pollution: Environment refers to the natural world in which people, animals and plants live. On the other hand, pollution means the process of making anything dirty or harmful. Air, water, soil, sound etc. are the elements of the environment. So, the process of making these elements dirty or harmful for people, animals and plants is environmental pollution. In a broader sense, environmental pollution means a remarkable change in the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the environment.
Ways of environmental pollution: Our environment is polluted in many ways. Air is polluted by smoke and water is polluted by waste and filth. Another form of environmental pollution is sound pollution. Sound is polluted by vehicle horns and microphones, Odour is polluted by untreated human waste. The most serious way of environmental pollution is the greenhouse effect. It is the result of indiscriminate eat cutting down off trees and emission of carbon dioxide.
Effect of environmental pollution: Environmental pollution creates a ruinous effect. If our environment is polluted, we cannot live a comfortable life. Pollution causes various fatal diseases and the death of millions of people all over the world. The world's climate changes and brings about different kinds of natural disasters. In a word, it hinders the balance and harmony of the environment.
How to prevent environmental pollution: To prevent environmental pollution, first of all, indiscriminate cutting down of trees should be stopped. Besides, we have to plant more and more trees. Action should be taken against the indiscriminate use of chemicals and the throwing of waste and filth here and there. Above all, public awareness has to be created through the mass campaign in the mass media.
Conclusion: All things that make up the environment are interrelated. If one element is polluted, all the other parts are affected. So, it is our bounden responsibility to prevent the environment from being spoilt. By keeping our environment pollution-free, we can ensure a healthier and happier life for our future generation.
Environmental Pollution essay 1000 words
Environmental pollution has become a matter of great concern all over the world in recent years. The existence of human life mainly depends on the environment and a sound environment is a must for sound health. Considering the importance of a sound environment and its continuous trend of degradation, more and more people are becoming aware of these environmental concerns and trying to discover the proper methods or ways to check them.
Concept of environmental pollution
Simply, environment means surrounding conditions and circumstances and environmental pollution means any sorts of disorder of these conditions and circumstances. Any sorts of natural disorder that negatively affect our social, economic, and political life may be termed environmental pollution. Surrounding conditions consist of many objects and forces both natural and man-made. There should be an optimum relationship between these elements. If these relationships are disturbed or some of their objects or/and forces are contaminated, environmental pollution occurs which affects human life.
Types of environmental pollution
Since the environment is composed of everything around us, there are many forms or types of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can mainly be classified as follows:
1. Air Pollution: Air pollution is the contamination of the air by substances such as fuel exhaustion, smoke etc. Any kind of alteration in the properties of air contributes to air pollution. A number of natural processes work to keep the constituents of the atmosphere in balance. Air pollution occurs when industries, vehicles etc. produce smoke and harmful gas. Besides, nuclear radiation, deforestation, aerosols etc. are air pollutants also.
According to WHO, about one-fifth of the world's people are exposed to hazardous levels of air pollutants. In our country overpopulation, vehicles which use petrol and diesel industries, brick factories etc. are major pollutants of air. An environmental study by the BAEC (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission) shows that one cubic meter of air of Dhaka Contains 463 nanometer lead whereas Mumbai and Mexico, the worst polluted countries of the world, contain 360 nm and 383 nm.
2. Water Pollution: The alteration in the composition of water in any way which may create a threat to a living being is called water pollution. Sewage, toxic chemicals, metals etc. are various substances of water pollution. Arsenic is another substance of water pollution. At present, nuclear tests and dumping of nuclear wastage are causing serious water pollution.
3. Soil Pollution: Soil pollution may be defined as the alteration of the soil which reduces its utility. Soil pollutants help to reduce essential soil elements and to increase such elements which are harmful. Bacteria, fungi, small animals etc. are names of various essential soil elements which increase the fertility of the soil. Chemical fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation etc. can damage the soil in the long run. Another alarming soil pollutant is polythene which is not decomposable at all. Acid rain can also reduce the fertility of the soil.
4. Sound Pollution: It is another form of environmental pollution. Over noise is very harmful to the animal. But, there is no specific definition of noise pollution. Sound exceeding the maximum acceptable limit may be termed noise pollution. Machines, aeroplanes, motor, chaos in the market places, public meeting etc. create sound pollution.
What is the impact of environmental pollution?
All forms of pollution have more or fewer impacts on both the plants and am animals. So, environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity and other life forms on our planet today. The most important impacts are shown below:
1. Some air pollutants have reduced the capacity of the atmosphere to m out the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. Many scientists believe that these air pollutants have begun to change the climate of the world. The greenhouse effect is a result of air pollution. If the global temperature is raised by 1.5°c, about 17.5% of Bangladesh may go underwater.
2. Besides, the ultraviolet ray may create serious disease like cancer due to increased CFCs. 805 Water pollution also creates a number of diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid, liver neurosis etc.
3. Polluted water is a great threat to aquatic animals. Due to water pollution, the production and growth of fish have been reduced significantly in our country.
4. Soil pollution decreases the fertility of soil as well as its productivity which is an impediment to the alleviation of the food problem.
5. Soil pollution or polluted soil directly harms the plants which may be a cause of desertification
6. Noise pollution causes serious health hazards to man and animal such as hearing problem, blood pressure, fright or any stress reaction etc. So, it is clear that all sorts of environmental pollution bear far-reaching impacts.
How to control environmental pollution
It is impossible to drive away environmental pollution. But, we can control environmental pollution by controlling pollutants, for which the following steps may be recommended:
1. Since it is a worldwide problem, the world community should take effective measures to preserve the world environment;
2. The strong and acceptable policy should be taken by the UN;
3. Legal framework should be strengthened both nationally and internationally:
4. Two-stroke engine and use of leaded fuel should be banned:
5. Use of polythene and plastic materials should be banned also:
6. We have to use the alternative of wood. Besides, social forestry may be encouraged;
7. Peasants have to reduce the usage of chemical fertilizer;
8. Detaching industrial areas from residential areas;
Finally, the relationships among all the living and non-living in an environment make up an ecological system which is called an ecosystem. Due to this ecosystem, pollution that seems to affect only one part of the environment may also affect other parts. So, a comprehensive programme is required to check all forms of pollution.
Awareness has been increased amongst the scientists, political leaders and common people at present regarding environmental pollution and its effects. It is good news. In 1992, the world conference on the environment organized in Rio-de-Janeiro. In this conference, it is realised that the developed countries use a major portion of the world resources and they are mainly responsible for environmental pollution. Poverty and overpopulation of third world countries are also vital factors of environmental pollution. Actually, the universe is ours.
So, it is our duty to protect it from all sorts of threat in order to save our lives. The developed countries cannot neglect it as well as the underdeveloped countries cannot deny their responsibility Individual efforts are also essential to curve pollution.