Internet Composition
Introduction: Twentieth century is the period of the wonderful development of science. Man has brought the world in his fist at the present period by dint of his own effort. One of the unique contributions of this period is the Internet. This combined process of satellite technology and the computer has brought an all pervading possibility of human welfare.
Meaning of Internet: The word Internet is the abbreviated form of International Network. The network of all networks Is the most modern success of information technology. It can collect and send messages, Information and pictures very quickly from one corner of the world to another. More than one person can procure Information by following a number of terminals with a chief computer. Network after network joining together has created a large dimensioned network throughout the world. There is a symbolic meaning of the Internet. It is WWW by which we mean World Wide Web and it is attributed properly because of its worldwide activities of communication.
History of the Internet: The history of the origin of the Internet does not go far. In 1960 the defense service of the Pentagon of the USA used It for the first time. The computer experts of the defense service introduced a system of internal relation among four different computers. This system was called ARPANET. In 1984 National Science Foundation of the USA introduced another system like this for the common people. It was called Nesfonet. In the course of three years, it gained wide circulation.
In the meantime there emerged other small and middle dimensioned networks. Consequently, there arose some problems in communicating information through computers. To get rid of those difficulties a central network was formed at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. In 1993 it was exposed for commercial use.
Within a short period, millions of members were connected with the Internet. At present more than twenty thousand networks are connected with an international network. Its users are increasing rapidly in every nook and corner of the world.
Kinds of the Internet: An ordinary user can be a recipient of an Internet in two ways. Those two ways are known as online and offline methods, Through telephone one can connect his computers directly with any service provider. This method is an ‘online’ method. In this method, users can be involved in service provider at any time of the day. Besides through the IP process, one can communicate with the Internet.
On the other hand, using an adjacent server as a medium of the Internet a user can take the advantage of the Internet. It is called ‘off-line’ the Internet or E-mail, In this process, the users send all their messages through computers to their nearer server. Through the interconnected server, this central server sends all those information to necessary computers at one definite time of the day. Besides, the recipients can collect the incoming messages at a fixed time of a day through a local call.
So it is found that off-line is an available cheap medium of communication. Importance of the transmit and receive messages quickly through the Internet/E-mail process, the message can be sent very quickly in a few seconds. It is the cheapest medium of communication. To send a letter in America one is to spend twenty to thirty taka whereas through E-mail it will cost 0.50 to 2,50 taka only. Its low cost is a threat to the use of Fax.
Other uses of the Internet: Sitting home a man in Bangladesh can study at any library of London. One can sort books of his own accord through the Internet. Even he can print some pages of a book in the screen of his computer. It any man in any country desires, he can read the newspapers and magazines etc. setting them in his computer. Job seekers can apply to different institutions through the Internet.
He can easily send his resume to the defined Institution through a computer on the basis of advertisement. Many opportunities can be availed through the Internet such as communicating with foreign doctors, meeting friends and relatives, giving proposal of marriage, shopping, office management, entertainment and many other affairs of daily life.
The Internet communication in Bangladesh: Bangladesh first started using the Internet in November 1993. Information Services Network (ISN) began the Internet Service at Dhaka for the first time. Then came forward the Grameen Cybernet with a view to sending IT to the grassroot level. BTCL has permitted flve Institutions to set up VSATS. Those institutions are REUTER, WORLD BANK MISSION in Dhaka, CYTEC, ISN and BEXIMCO.
Some universities and newspapers have set up the Internet services in Bangladesh. Since its inception the Internet service was limited to E-mail. On-line connection was Introduced on 15 June, 1996. In the year 2002 sixty thousand the Internet connections in total were given to our country. The main objective behind the invention of the Internet is to our country.
Demerits of the Internet: Darkness behind light and evil behind good is an experienced 1 In the same way, some demerits also lark behind the innumerable merits of the Internet. This because the indecency and nakedness of the forbidden world of the Internet has been leading our young generation to the bottomless pit of moral decadence. Blackmailing, virus infection and stealing of Information cause great harm to the users of computers.
Conclusion: In spite of having demerits the Internet is a must for every country of the present world. But the price of computer is beyond the reach of our common people, Bangladesh has ample opportunity in Software export and data entry industry in the world market. Like garment industry Bangladesh can earn a lot of foreign currency through this industry.