Correct form of verbs exercises

1. If I (be) a king!
Answer: If I were a king!

2. It is 10 am now. The sun (shine) in the eastern sky.
Answer: It is 10 am now. The sun is shining in the eastern sky.

3. We often (fall) a victim of circumstances.
Answer: We often fall a victim of circumstances.

4. John (to be) ill for about a month.
Answer: John has been ill for about a month.

5. They (to dig) the pond for a month.
Answer: They have been digging the pond for a month.

6. We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year.
Answer: We have not had a holiday since the beginning of the year.

7. I (to live) here since 1972.
Answer: I have been living here since 1972.

8. He (move) to Chicago just a few months ago. 
Answer: He moved to Chicago just a few months ago.

9. All the books (to sell) yesterday.
Answer: All the books were sold yesterday.

10. I opened the door as soon as I (hear) the bell.
Answer: I opened the door as soon as I heard the bell.

11. I (to hang) the picture on the wall yesterday.
Answer: I hung the picture on the wall yesterday.

12. We were watching the news when the telephone (ring)
Answer: We were watching the news when the telephone rang.

13. As the sun (shine), I decided to go out.
Answer: As the sun was shining/shone, I decided to go out.

14. Don't make a noise while your father (sleep).
Answer: Don't make a noise while your father is sleeping.

15. The patient (die) before the doctor came.
Answer: The patient had died before the doctor came.

16. The train left after I (reach) the station.
Answer: The train left after I had reached the station.

17. I reached the station after the train (to leave)
Answer: I reached the station after the train had left.

18. She did not let me (see) what she was painting.
Answer: She did not let me see what she was painting.

19. I (go) on Saturday evening.
Answer: I am going on Saturday evening.

20. It's time you (realize) your mistakes.
Answer: It's time realized your mistakes.

21. It is time (do) the work.
Answer: It is time to do the work.

22. He talks as if he (to know) everything.
Answer: He talks as if he knew everything.

23. He looks as though he (see) a ghost.
Answer: He looks as though he saw a ghost.

24. Some days (pass) since my father died.
Answer: Some days have passed since my father died.

25. Five years (to pass) since I met you last.
Answer: Five years have passed since I met you last. 

26. I don't mind (help) with the cooking but I am not going to wash the dishes.
Answer: I don't mind helping with the cooking but I am not going to wash the dishes.

27. I am looking forward (see) you.
Answer: I am looking forward to seeing you.

28. He worked instead of (play).
Answer: He worked instead of playing.

29. Would you mind (sing) a folk song?
Answer: Would you mind singing a folk song? 

30. My father insists on (use) quality materials for the construction of our new house.
Answer: My father insists on using quality materials for the construction of our new house.

31. I saw him (go).
Answer: I saw him going.

32. He ran fast lest he (miss) the train.
Answer: He ran fast lest he should miss the train. 

33. Keep watch on my bag lest the thief (steal) it. Answer: Keep watch on my bag lest the thief should steal it.

34. I went to the market with a view to (buy).
Answer: I went to the market with a view to buying a book.

35. My uncle arrived while I (cook) the dinner.
Answer: My uncle arrived while I was cooking the dinner.

36. I wish I (win) the game this time.
Answer: I wish I could win/won the game this time. 

37. Time and tide (wait) for none.
Answer: Time and tide wait for none.

38. We have never (have) a car.
Answer: We have never had a car.

39. You must boil vegetables before (use) in the stew.
Answer: You must boil vegetables before using in the stew.

40. Eva talks to the pet bird asif it (understand) her.
Answer: Eva talks to the pet bird as if it understood her.

41. The effects of the climate change (be) devastating.
Answer: The effects of the climate change are devastating.

42. When water (freeze) it turns into ice.
Answer:. When water freezes it turns into ice. 

43. Mr. Michael (found) this factory in 1940.
Answer: Mr. Michael founded this factory in 1940.

44. There is plenty of time. You not (have) to hurry.
Answer: There is plenty of time. You don't have to hurry.

45. Harry has (to choose) the right path.
Answer: Harry has chosen the right path.

46. We (complete) a holiday since the beginning of this year.
Answer: We have completed a holiday since the beginning of this year.

47. He gave up (play) football when he got married.
Answer: He gave up playing football when he got married.

48. The sun (set), they went home.
Answer: The sun having set, they went home.

49. He watched you (to go) away.
Answer: He watched you go/going away.

50. Look! the girls (play) football.
Answer: Look! the girls are playing football.

51. I heard the baby (cry) for his food.
Answer: I heard the baby crying/cry for his food.

52. He (dare) go there.
Answer: He dared/dare go there.

53. Ronald walks as if he (be) lame.
Answer: Ronald walks as if he were lame.

54. Only after I (go) home, I remembered my doctor's appointment.
Answer: Only after I went home, I remembered my doctor's appointment.

55. He did not let me (play) the guitar.
Answer: He did not let me play the guitar.

56. I got my car (repair)
Answer: I got my car repaired.

57. The speaker failed to make the audience (listen) to him patiently.
Answer: The speaker failed to make the audience listen to him patiently.

58. Seeing is (believe).
Answer: Seeing is believing.

59. Bread and butter (be) my favourite breakfast.
Answer: Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast. 

60. He was so exhausted that he decided to (lie) down for a while.
Answer: He was so exhausted that he decided to lay down for a while.

61. New programs will be (telecast) next week in UK Television.
Answer: New programs will be telecast next week in UK Television.

62. Elizabeth (burn) her hand when she was cooking dinner. 
Answer: Elizabeth burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner.

63. I let him (go) there.
Answer: I let him go there.

64. He made me (do) the work.
Answer: He made me do the work.

65. I saw him (go) in silence.
Answer: I saw him go in silence.

66. I behold him (reap) the crops.
Answer: I behold him reap the crops.

67. I watched him (leave) the room.
Answer: I watched him leave the room.

68. I cannot but (shed) tears.
Answer: I cannot but shed tears.

69. I used to (live) alone.
Answer: I used to live alone.

70. I cannot (do) the work.
Answer: I cannot do the work.

71. It may (rain) today.
Answer: It may rain today.

72. You should (obey) our parents.
Answer: You should obey your parents.

73. You ought to (go) there.
Answer: You ought to go there.

74. He must (come) there.
Answer: He must come here.

75. You would rather (go) there.
Answer: You would rather go there.

76. You had better (go) to a doctor.
Answer: You had better go to a doctor.

77. You have to (do) this.
Answer: You have to do this.

78. You are to (go) there.
Answer: You are to go there.

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