One word substitution
1. A book published after the death of its author means- Posthumous
2. A book written by an unknown author means -Anonymous
3. A flesh eating animal means- Carnivorous
4. A game in which no one wins means- Draw
5. A Government by a king or queen means- Monarchy
6. A Government by one means- Autocracy
7. A Government by the few means- Oligarchy
8. A Government by the Nobles means- Aristocracy
9. A Government by the officials means -Bureaucracy
10. A Government by the people means - Democracy
11. 11. A Government by the rich means - Plutocracy
12. A grass eating animal means- Herbivorous
13. A handwriting that cannot be read means- Illegible
14. A life history written by oneself means-Autobiography
15. A life history written by somebody else means- Biography
16. A person’s peculiar habit means- Idiosyncrasy
17. A place where orphans live means- Orphanage
18. A position for which no salary is paid means -Honorary
19. A sentence whose meaning is unclear means -Ambiguous
20. A study of ancient things means -Archaeology
21. A study of animals means - Zoology
22. A study of birds means - Ornithology
23. A study of derivation of words means - Etymology
24. A study of man means- Anthropology
25. A study of races means - Ethnology
26. A study of the body means- Physiology
27. A thing no longer in use means- Obsolete
28. Animal who preys on other animals means- Predator
29. A study of ancient things means- Archaeology
30. A study of animals means- Zoology
31. A study of birds means- Ornithology
32. A study of derivation of words means- Etymology
33. A study of man means- Anthropology
34. A study of races means- Ethnology
35. A study of the body means- Physiology
36. A professional rider in horse race means- Jokey
37. A number of sheeps means - Flock
38. A collection of flags means - Bunting
39. A number of stars grounded together means - Constellation
40. The house of an arab means- Dowar
41. A factory for manufacturing of beers means - Brewery
42. A place for the collection of dried plants means- Herbarium
43. A case in which the sword is kept means- Sheath
44. An unmarried woman means- Spinster
45. A person newly rich- Nouveau Rich
46. One who eats everything- Omnivorous
47. A place where birds are kept- Aviary
48. A place where bricks are baked- Kiln
49. To walk aimlessly- Wander
50. A hater of mankind - Misanthrope
51. A speech of too many worlds- Verbose speech
52. A heavy unnatural slumber- Coma
53. A place where money is coined- Mint
54. Decision that cannot be taken back - Irrevocable
55. One who foretells things by the starts- astrologer
56. A child of unusual or remarkable talent- Prodigy
57. A general pardon of political offenders- Amnesty
58. One who studies heavenly bodies - astronomer
59. Ideally perfect but impracticable- Utopian
60. A fair crack of the whip- A period of importance
61. A man whose wife has died is called a- widower
62. A person who undertakes a journey to a holy place- Pilgrim
63. A person who writes about his own life- Autobiography
64. An inscription on a tomb means - Epitaph
65. A vehicle for carrying dead body to the cemetery means -Hearse
66. A place where dead bodies are kept temporarily means -Mortuary
67. A person's own handwriting means - Autograph
68. An account of life written by self means- Autobiography
69. The life account of a person means -Biography
70. A list of books means- Catalogue
71. A book containing names and addresses of the persons means- Directory
72. An incident in a series of incidents means- Episode
73. A speech made without previous preparation means- Extempore
74. A list of special or technical words with definitions means- Glossary
75. A note to help memory means - Memorandum
76. A long speech by one man means -Monologue
77. A word or term no more in use means- Obsolete
78. A person who was before another person means- Predecessor
79. Murder of a father means- Patricide
80. Murder of a human being means- Homicide
81. Murder of a mother means- Matricide
82. Murder of an brother means- Fratricide
83. Murder of an infant means- Infanticide
84. Murder of self means- Suicide
85. Murder of the king means- Regicide
86. One incapable of being tired means - Indefatigable
87. One who always thinks himself to be ill means- Valetudinarian
88. One who believes in fate means- Fatalist
89. One who can do anything for money means- Mercenary
90. One who can speak two languages means- Bilingual
91. One who can throw his voice means- Ventriloquist
92. One who changes sides means- Turncoat
93. One who copies from other writers means- Plagiarist
94. One who dies without a Will means - Intestate
95. One who does not make mistakes means- Infallible
96. One who doesn't know to read/write means- Illiterate
97. One who doubts the existence of God means- Agnostic
98. One who cats too much Glutton One who goes on foot means- Pedestrian
99. One who has no money means- Pauper
100. Rising from the dead means- Resurrection
101. The dead body of a human being means -Corpse
102. The dead body of an animal means -
103. To dig up a corpse means- Exhume
104. The act of killing of the people of own kind means -Genocide
105. Term A list of the topics to be discussed at a meeting means- Agenda
106. The act of literary theft means- Plagiarism
107. Fear of work means - Ergophobia
108. Fear of marriage means - Gamophobia
109. Fear of birth means -Genophobia
110. Fear of old age means - Geraphobia
111. Fear of writing means - Graph phobia
112. Fear of pleasure means - Hedonophobia
113. Fear of travel means -Hydrophobia
114. Fear of women means - Gynophobia
115. Fear of getting fat means - Lipophobia
116. Fear of childbirth means - Maieusiphobia
117. Fear of snakes means -Ophiopobia
118. Fear of pain means - Aglophobia /odynophobia
119. Fear of getting fat makes young girl stop eating resulting in harmful effect means - Anorexia
120. Fear of males means- Androphobia
121. Fear of ugliness means- Cacophobia
122. Fear of doctors means- Catrophobia
123. Fear of depths means- Bathopobia
124. Fear of dogs means- Cynophobia
125. Extreme fear of beauty means - Cellophobia
126. Fear of thirst means - Dipsophobia
127. Fear of darkness means - Nyctophobia
128. Fear of ghosts means - Phasmophobia
129. Fear of deaths means - Thanatophobia
130. Fear of numbers means - Triskaidekaphobia
131. Fear of being robbed means- Harpaxophobia
132. Fear of cockroaches means - Katsaridaphobia
133. Fear of darkness means - Nyctophobia
134. Fear of ghosts means - Phasmophobia
135. Fear of deaths means - Thanatophobia
136. Fear of numbers means - Triskaidekaphobia
137. Fear of dark means - Lygophobia
138. Fear of failure means - Atychiphobia
139. Fear of God means - Zeusophobia
140. Fear of going to bed means - Clinophobia
141. Fear of poverty means - Peniaphobia
142. Fear of property means - Orthophobia
143. Fear of riding a car means - Amaxophobia
144. Fear of sex means - Xenophobia
145. Fear of speed means - Lalophobia
Fear of words means - Logophobia