The Charge Of The Light Brigade Summary By Alfred Tennyson

The poem tells the story of a brigade consisting of 600 English soldiers. These soldiers rode through the valley, pushing half a league ahead. Their leader called them to charge for the enemy's guns.

It was a death mission and their leader had made a mistake. But the men calmly rode forward. Though they were surrounded by cannons, they entered into 'the jaws of Death', the 'mouth of Hell' with courage. They were attacked and the cannons sounded.
The Charge Of The Light Brigade Summary By Alfred Tennyson
The English held their sword and fought on. In the smoky air caused by the cannons, the soldiers bravely managed to run their sword into the flesh of some of their enemies.

Afterwards they could not hear the Russian cannons but many of their horses and friends lay wounded or lifeless on the ground. They came through the jaws of Death and mouth of Hell, those who were left of the six hundred.

At the end of the poem the poet asserts that their glory will never fade. He comments that the whole world marvels at them and honours the 'noble six hundred' of the Light Brigade.
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