Homer Epic Poem Iliad Hero Achilles

Achilles is a character in Greek mythology. Achilles, the central character of the Iliad epic of Homer's Troy War, is the hero of the war, the best warrior. It is believed that Achilles was the most handsome person in the fight against Troy.

According to the later legend, Achilles' body was unbeatable except for ankle. In spite of this weakness of ankle, this legend mentions Achilles as half-indestructible. Achilles died in the ankle by poisoning the tooth. For this reason, the term "Achilles Hill" (or Achilles' heel), is used to denote a person's major weakness.

Achilles Life

Achilles was the son of Nymph Thetis and Peleus of Mirmidam-king. Zeus and Poseidon were the wanderers. For this reason, both of them had intense competition. Meanwhile, it was foretold that the Thetis would give birth to a child that would be much stronger than his father. If the fire-maker Prometheus warned Zeus about this prediction, both the gods abandoned the determination to marry Thetis and gave him marriage to Peleus.

Similar to most mythologies, these incidents have been described differently in another epic: Arongonteika (four, 760) states that Hira indirectly brought of the Thetis to Zeus's brood; But the Thetis was extremely loyal to Hera's marriage, she refused Zeus on a cold head.

In the first century of the Christian era, it is known that, when Achilles was born, Thetis drowned in the Styx River in the heart of the newborn. But the part of the ankle that the Thetis dipped the Achilles to the water, the part is left alive. But there is no support for this story from any other source. It is not clear whether the state of this incident was previously known. According to another report, Thetis used Ambrosia all over the body of Achilles and put him on fire, to destroy all the mortal parts of his body. But when Peleus resisted him, the angry Thetis abandoned both father and son.

Although nobody before Statius did not hear the story of Achilles' unbeaten. On the other hand, the description of the Achilles injury in Homer's Iliad episode was as follows: In the twenty-second episode Piano's son, Pioneer Alexander Assteropusus called Achilles to battle along the Scamander River. He threw two spears simultaneously, one of which touched the elbows of Achilles and "bleed out the pins".In addition to the epic circles, Achilles' abnormalities are found: Cypriya (author unknown), Arthritis of Miletus by Ethiopians and Illu Parsis and Late of Metelen, Little Iliad. But his general absurdity or his famous weakness (heel) is not found anywhere; The subsequent collapse of Achilles in the painting of the Achilles painting shows that one is bitten by the arrow in his death.

Once upon a time, the Greeks had to stop without a pre-planned trip to the War of Troy, in the state Telephus-ruled state of Mysia. As a result, both wars were fought and telephone wounded by Achilles in battle. In many cases, he did not get the wounds, then the king turned to Oracle or the predecessor. The prophet said, "The injury that hit, will hit the trail". King Telephus attended Argo, listening to the prophecies. There Achilles cured the king on condition that he would be their guide on the way to Troy.
From a few accounts related to a lost drama about Telephus, the Telephus appeared in the incognito mode of a beggar and prayed to Achilles to heal her wound. Achilles refused to help him by speaking about his ignorance of medical science. Then Telephus Aristes was betrothed. In exchange for his release, he claimed that Achilles's help to heal his wounds. Odysseus argues, since the wounds caused by the use of the spear, it certainly will be able to cure it. Telephus was cured if some pieces of the spear were switched on the wounds.


In the epic series of epic chronicles, the history of Achilles' epic explanation of the epic narrative is that of Cypria. According to this book, Achilles rescues them if the Achaeans want to return home. Later, he attacked Aeneas group of animals, plundered the neighbouring towns and killed Trollius.
The story of Achilles was known in medieval Europe through a Latin summary entitled Account of the Destruction of Troy described in Dears Frugius. According to this story, Troilus was a Trojan prince. He was the son of King Priam (secondly, Apollo) and the most legitimate son of Hecuba. while he was young, he was one of the main fighters of Trojan. Troilus's fate was accompanied by the fate of Troy on the basis of prophecy. So he was hiding since an abduction attempt. Achilles was seduced by the beauty of both Troilus and his sister Polyxena.

Plagued by sexual attention, he wished young Troilus. But Troilus refused to surrender to Achilles' wishes and was crowned on the altar of Apollo's. In the later text of this story, it is narrated that Achilles accidentally killed Troilus in an overwhelmingly aggressive manner. According to this lesson, the death of Achilles came as a punishment for the profanity. In the writings of ancient writers, Troilus was the analogy of those dead children, whose deaths were caused by their parents. In the first Vatican mythology, if Trollius lived till maturity, Troy would have been invincible.

Homer Epic Poem Iliad

Homer's Iliad The most popular story of the Achilles deed in the Trojan War. This Homeric epic contains only a few weeks' descriptions of the Trojan war; There is no description of Achilles' death. The beginning of the story of Achilles 'escape from the battle of the Achilles' insult by the chief commander of the Achaean army, Agamemnon. Agamemnon had a slave girl named Chryses. The girl's father, Chryses, was Apollo's priest. When he asked Agamemnon to beg for his daughter, Agamemnon refused to release him.

Apollo was angry and sent a plague to the Greeks. Predictor Calchas correctly misinterprets the cause of this misery. But until Achilles protects him, he does not open his mouth. Having received security from Achilles, Calchas announced that Chryseis will have to return to his father. Agamemnon agreed. But instead of ordering, Achilles' prize Briseis would have to send him to Chryseis instead. It was disrespectful (because later Achilles told that he loved Briseis)and refused to fight Achilles in Thetis' inspiration or to manage his army with other Greek soldiers.

When the war broke out against the Greeks, Nestor declares that the Trojans are going to win the war. Because Agamemnon has angered Achilles. He said that Agamemnon should bring Achilles back to life. Agamemnon agreed and he sent Odysseus and two different gifts, Ajax and Phoenix, to Achilles, Briseis, and alternative gifts. But Achilles refused. He said the Greeks should return home, just as he is planning to do.

However, after hoping to recover from the loss of the war on the battlefield, Achilles prayed to his mother Thetis that he should appeal to Zeus and thwart the Greeks by the Trojans.
The Trojans, led by Hector, really bring the Greek army up to the beach. There they plundered Greek ships. Patroclus came forward with the leadership of the Myrmidons army to defend Greek forces in front of the destruction. Achilles remains in the tent to Patroclus are able to get rid of the Trojans' beaches. But before conquering Troy City, he became killed by the leader of Hector.

Kill the Hector

Achilles received death news of Patroclus from Antilochus. He became very fond of the death of a close companion. In his honour, many funeral sports competitions were arranged. Mother Thetis came to console mourning Achilles. He made an armour called Hephaestus. Because Achilles' armour later went to the Patroclus War, take it, Hector. The part of this new armour was  Shield of Achilles', which has a beautiful and detailed description of the poet.
Achilles was very angry when he heard the death news of Patroclus, Achilles changed his mind and decided to go to war. In anger, he killed many and searched for Hector. Even Achilles was involved in a battle with the river god Scamander.  Achilles was angry because Hector was killing the Patroclus, and throw the dead body in the Scamander River. When Scamander Achilles drowned, Hera and Hephaestus prevented him. Zeus himself got upset by the wrath of Achilles and tried to calm him by sending the gods to prevent him from attacking Troy. Because the time to destroy Troy has not yet arrived.

Finally, Achilles found his prey. Athena, in the form of Hector's favourite dearest brother Daiephaus, Hector was not allowed to go in front of Achilles. Achilles chased the Hector three times around Troy's wall. Finally, after catching Achilles' tactics, Hector realized that death was inevitable. He accepted his intention. At the front, he attacked Achilles with only one sword. Achilles hit a single blow on the neck of Hector and killed him and retaliated himself. Then Hector body with his chariot and wandered it in the battlefield for nine days.
 The last verse of the Iliad is described by Hector's funeral. After that, Troy was waiting for the time being.

Penthesilea: After a temporary ceasefire with Priam, Achilles defeated Amazonian warrior Panthesilia killed him in the war. Initially, Achilles did not want to fight with Pantheasilia. Later, he realized that the trickery of Pantheasilia could be worse than Achilles, and his attraction towards him might be fatal to Achilles. For this reason, he fought and killed Panthasilia. But he killed a beautiful woman and fell asleep and mourned. In it, notorious Greek ridicule named Therescetos laughed at him and killed Achilles Theresitsas with a punch on his face.

Memnon, and the collapse of Achilles

 After the death of Patroclus, Nestor's son Antelocus became Achilles's closest companion. Achilles killed Ethiopia's King Memnon Antelocus, and once again turned to the battlefield for retaliation. The Achilles-Memnon battle against Antillocus was the only prototype of the Achilles-Hectorian war against Patroclus. Memnon was also the son of a goddess.
According to many Homer-experts, this episode molecule many detailed descriptions of the death of Patroclus in the Iliad epic and then in response to Achilles. This episode later formed the basis of the Epic Book of Ethiopian, which was probably composed in the 7th century BC after Iliad. This book is currently lost. It is known only from the various references to this book that were retrieved from later writers' writings.

At the time of death, Achilles died as a result of the death of Paris's arrow (According to Statius, in Achilles) Achilles died. Apollo managed this arrow in some of the stories. In these two texts, noticeably the killer refused to honour the hero. It is also generally believed that Paris was part of the foothills of Achilles. His remains were mixed with the remains of Patroclus. The funeral sports competition is organized.

Achilles lived on the island of Leuke in the mouth of the Danube River after death. According to another story related to Achilles' death, he is in love with Princess of Polyxena. Achilles wants Priyam to accept plagiarism. Please agree. Because the marriage meant to him that he was at the end of the war and the relationship with the greatest hero of the world. She secretly arranged the wedding of Achilles and Polyxena. Meanwhile, if Achilles married Paris's sister, he should also withdraw his claim on Helen, so that Paris hid Achilles with the help of arrogant hiding behind the bushes.

Achilles Armor

After the death of Achilles, a dispute arose between Odesius and Telamonian Ajax (Ajax the Greater) with his armour. In order to get the heritage of the armaments, both of them got into the war. Their war was one of the greatest heroes after Achilles, and the trial of these war criminals was the prisoners of Trojans. After comparisons of two fighters, they reached the conclusion that Odysseus was the best hero after Achilles. Odysseus won. Angered by cursing Ajax Odysseus was cursed. The goddess Athena was shocked at this. He temporarily made Ajax mad by grief and anger. Ajax is trying to kill the sheep as his companions. Without a slight withdrawal of this craze over Athena Ajax, Ajax sees that he is actually killing sheep. Embarrassed, he became suicidal.

Later, Odysseus armour donated to Achilles' son Neoptolemus.
An archipelago preserved in Achilles' bronze fronted spear, located in the temple of Lysiane and Durgshahr (Acropolis) Fasilis on the banks of the Pampilian bay. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great came to this city. Alexander used to see himself as a new Achilles and used to take an island with himself. Nevertheless, there is no reference to this spear in his life-giving writers. However, it can be said that Alexander touched the spear with absolute excitement. However, this spear was displayed during Pausanias during the Christian second century.

Achilles and Patroclus

A very interesting topic of Achilles-related mythology is Achilles' relationship with Patroclus. From the classical era to the modern period, there was no debate about the true nature of this relationship. Their relation in Iliadham has been shown as a model of deep and faithful friendship. Although commentators from the classical era to modern times have explained this relationship from their respective cultural perspective. For example, in the 5th century BC, this relation was interpreted as Paiserasteia. These two warriors as "homosexual''


The following description is mentioned in Periplus of the Eugène C: "It is said that goddess Thesis raised this island from the ocean for his son Achilles. Achilles lived here. His temples and statues located here are considered an archetype. There is no human habitation on this island. Only those who come to the island to sacrifice to Achilles, their goats roam here. Although their numbers are not too much. In this temple, there are many precious gifts, pots, rings and expensive stones. These were dedicated to Achilles. People can still read the epitaph of the Greek and Latin temple. Achilles was extolled in this context. Some have been written again in honour of Patroclus. Because on the basis of human faith, Achilles molecule is found by honouring Patroclus. There are also numerous birds on this island that look after the temple. Every day they fly and fly wings in the seawater. Then fly over the temple and the wings of the wings are fluttering. Thus, they clean the altar in the temple by fluttering water. People say that some people bring special purpose to this island. They bring a sacrificial animal to the ship.

They kill some of the animals and leave some animals to charity on the island in honour of Achilles. But some people were forced to come to this island by storm. They do not have animal sacrifices. They talked with the Oracle of the island to get animal sacrifice from the island's gods. They want the pledge to sacrifice one of the freestyles of animals in exchange for money. But if the Oracle thought that the price of an animal is not enough, then this rogue is not available. As long as the rigours are found, animal prices have been increased.

Finally, when Oracle thinks that the price is found, the animal can not escape. He is waiting to catch up. In this way, the value of animal sacrifices is stored in the temple. It is said, Achilles appears to those who want to come to this island. Someone again found Achilles' horror during the boat. Achilles explores the right place for his anchor.
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