The History Of The Anglo-Saxon Period

Although the Indian subcontinent ruled for two hundred years, their island-state also long won the outer Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman nations. In the British Islands for 600 years (655-1066 AD) the Anglo-Saxon era saw a huge social change in Britain; Language and literature were also developed at this time. For these reasons, the history of Britain's, Anglo-Saxon era is marked as a significant milestone. Anglo-Saxon era  island-state to became Great Britain in England, which means: 'Land of Angels.'

Map of the British Islands

Before the British Islands Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman arrived, the British Islands ''Britons'' lived. They were a branch of the Celtic nation.
The Anglo-Saxons reached the British Islands in the fifth and sixth centuries. The juntas were also with them. Juntas people in the northern region of Denmark Earlier, in 43 BC, the Roman were attacked and captured by the British Islands. Then, for 400 years, in particular, Roman rule continued in South Britain. In 410, the Romans left the British Islands, due to the weakness of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the 5th century BC and that time Britain was of little importance to the Romans, in that case, The Romans left the British Islands.

In the fifth and sixth centuries, the Anglo-Saxon and Judeans from the North Sea (North Sea) came to Britain. They went to the British Isles mainly from North Germany, Denmark, and North-Holland. They were the main mixes. But most of them were Saxon, Engels, and  Judeans.
Anglo-Saxons were included in the German nation. They went to the British Islands mainly from North Germany, Denmark, and North-Holland. The northern part of Europe was known as 'Germania'. The Anglo-Saxon was one of the reasons for the arrival in the British Islands because of a flood.
The Roman occupation of Britain was built by the walled city. Although they lived in the walled city, they lived in the village for the rural mentality of the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxons build villages, sometimes outside of the Roman wall, clean the forests, never or inside the Roman Wall. The Anglo-Saxons were skilled in the navy because their villages were near the river. The chief house of the village was the largest house in the village. The chief of the tribe stayed with the army in that house. There was also a separate house for soil work and clothes for the villages of Anglo-Saxon. The foothills were the Angola property of the Anglo-Saxons.

Anglo-Saxon Village

Since the Anglo-Saxon entered the British Islands, the situation in the British Islands was contradictory. Opponents are mainly Briton and Vikings. That is why in the Anglo-Saxon society, the whole time of war, the war situation prevailed throughout the year. King was a war leader; The responsibility of the King was to lead and win the war. If the king was weak, he would have been killed. The seven-foot-long spear used mainly in the war. Only the rich and elite could use the sword. The nobility lived under the king. Land and servants living in their possession.

Anglo-Saxon hut

The woods are made of roofs of Anglo-Saxon hutments. A wooden fence is made around the buds to protect from a wolf, fencing and bear attacks. There was only one room inside the hut. The room used to cook, heat and for the light. Regular festivals were held in the village's huge hall. The stew was prepared by boiling the meat and vegetables in a big pot. Anglo-Saxon makes bread, wheat and rice. Grate carrots, copies, borders, beans and garlic. Apple, cherry and palm in the fruit. They used to save pig and herring fish with salt.

Anglo-Saxon's main god Oden

The first time when the Anglo-Saxons came to the British Islands - they were polytheism - they were pagans. They used to preserve valuable materials in the tomb. There were certain days of the week in the name of God; Anglo-Saxon's main deity was Oden. The god dresses like the king; The spear symbolizes the nobility in the hands. Devi Freya of Love. This is Oden's wife. Freya is so beautiful that she did not carry anything. The Sun God was the Angel of the Anglo-Saxon. The Moon was the hunter's goddess. Wear long white dress; Arrow of arms. The god of war was the Tianyi. The god Tianyi dress was like the Anglo-Saxon warrior; axe her hand.

Anglo-Saxon senate

In 596 BC, the Anglo-Saxon Christian saints took the initiative to convert to Christianity. St. Agustin played an important role in this regard. As a result of these incidents, entire England became converted to Christianity by 650. However, the Anglo-Saxons believed in the church, but their previous Anglo-Saxon society believes Pagan. However, converted to Christianity, warlords in the Anglo-Saxon society have come down.

The alphabet of the Anglo-Saxon called Futhorc runic alphabet and the language is known as 'Old English'. The language is used in the British Islands for centuries. A few specimens survive. Saxons would speak their language - Englisc; In Old English, SC is like SH That means English pronunciation of Englisc. The original structure of the current English language and the source of the word 'Old English'. Later, after the Norman conquest, the new word in French has just added.

The Norwegian Anglo-Saxon era ended in the British Islands in 1066, due to the conquest of the Norman Empire in northern France.  Normandy William Duke II  led this expedition. England was the second Harold of that time. On 14 October 1066, he was defeated by the French Norman Joint Forces in the Battle of Hertings. Nordic Duke II William 1066 Christmas Day Lolan Crusades. The new era begins.
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