The Politics of Aristotle

The Politics of Aristotle

In politics, the whole of the thought of the state has been perfected. The topic of this book format is quite confusing. Because of this confusion, many people think that Aristotle's style of political manuscripts has not been done by itself. It is mainly caused by this that politics seems to be an incomplete book. In the Politics texts, he talks about the state in different books The main reason for this randomized order of politics is that he did not write his book for the sake of publication of a story. For the purpose of publication, if he had the opportunity to review his manuscript, then perhaps this error of the format would not have been possible, There was no reason for the inconvenience.
Aristotle was a realistic philosopher. He made the first political study science. Whenever Aristotle took the decision, he verified it in terms of history and realization. Throughout his political book, it was originally formed on the basis of a reviewed interpretation of the real rule of more than one hundred states. The method was largely inductive The main point of the approach is to first take a project or guess and collect various types of information to establish it. To make decisions by observing and analyzing them. He followed the method of comparative analysis of history-backed events. Aristotle implies the follow-up method. It is also known as Empirical. Apart from Aristotle in his pursuit of the Purpose Teleology.

Since the book format of "The Politics" is randomly sorted, we are reviewing according to the content of this book,  its components are, the category of the people of the state, the constitution of its governance system, the type of governance system, the ruler and the rule Relationship, governance of the ruler and the citizen, the argument for the cause of slavery, etc. The regime unrest, rebellion, and revolution are possible to cause the resistance way, he discussed all these matters.

Politics book
Aristotle has interpreted one thing state and the Constitution. When pointing to the constitution, he said that the constitution is the arrangement of the highest powers of the state. In Chapter 1 of the book, Politics, it has been said that there is no better achievement than the organization, And all other organizations belong to that organization, they are the object of achieving utmost good and so on. According to him, the change in the Constitution indicates the change of the state. On the other hand, this uniformity is the renaming of state and party uniformity. If new parties come to power, if there is a change in the constitution, then there is a change in the state.

But at present, the unity of the state and the party cannot be supported. Because the party cannot change the constitution if the party wants it. Currently, the support of all parties and groups is necessary for the functioning of the state in the Welfare state. The Opposition must play an active role in changing the constitution.

Firstly, Aristotle has divided the constitution according to two basic principles-

1st, according to the Constitutional goals and object.
Second, according to the number of rulers,

According to the difference in objective and purpose, the constitution is of two types
1st, correct
Second, distorted

According to the number of sovereign capabilities in which both the sovereign power is reserved, the constitution is divided into 3 categories. Namely-
1st, One rule
Second, the governance of several
3rd, civilian governance.
Basically, the total number of classifications of the Aristotle Constitution is mainly due to the six types. These are given in table form:
Number of rulers
One ruler: Monarchy

The governance of several: Aristocracy
General citizen ruler: Polity
By concluding a comparative analysis of all the constitution from the real perspective, he has finally concluded that 'polity' is best in the current constitution. The polity is not a deviation. A polity is a mixed form of democracy. Polity is a system of governance where there is a continuity of the constitution, the acceptance of the middle class is prevailing, in which the rule of governance involves the absence of doubt and quality balance.
But at the present time, it is seen that democracy is best in the states. Because governance is governed by the rule of the people.

Politics is the ideal state, Aristotle discussed in his book chapter seventh and eighth. In the first phase, he used to describe the ideal state in the manner of the dialectical analysis, as in Plato, but when he came to know from the review of anti-democratic claims of democracy and capitalism, he discarded this kind of idealistic state, He started discussions about the problem of the best. Aristotle believes that the achievement of the noble life of the people in the achievement of the state and in order to achieve this goal, both conditions must be observed in physical and mental terms. In particular, it is noteworthy that Aristotle did not mention the government in the discussion of the ideal state. But in fact, he talks about the government when he talks about the best state. About the ideal state, Aristotle believes that it must be governed by ideological goodness and the best people will govern the government. He mentioned that if the ruler is a good person, then he will be a democracy, otherwise it will be the aristocratic state.
Aristotle imposed certain material and social conditions in order to protect the integrity of the best state.
Firstly, the number of residents of this state should be needed for self-sufficiency without causing law and order problems.

In addition, Aristotle said in the 7th chapter of his Politics book, that the size of the state will be of medium type - not too big, nor too small. The size of the terrain should be possible to take proper planning for defences. According to geographical location, the state will be adjacent to the ocean. Nevertheless, it is desirable for the communication of the sea with both the military and the state economy. The best characteristic of citizens in the best state will be mixed nature. The ideal state emphasizes the law rather than emphasizing the importance of the person. Most of the development is possible through the rule of law. Moreover, he said that people should take a look at the conditions of public health, the defence, the positive environment of positive work and the beauty. The marriage arrangement in the state will be regulated by the government and he said about the state-controlled education system.
After discussing the various causes of the Aristotle revolution in the first book of Politics, one way is to explain how to avoid it. He used the term "revolution" in an extensive sense. This resulted in any kind of political instability revolution. Democracy, dictatorship, any change in aristocracy, any amendment to the constitution - in a way, he has included any change in the constitution. In describing the Aristotle revolution, the Greek states used the term. The correct transformation of the term is not upset. "States implies an existent, that the savagery in the unstable condition is inevitable".Therefore, the expressions of the statics can't be a revolution, without a revolution or variability. How Aristotle has mentioned the reasons for the evolution of the revolution and how to change the regime.

The reasons are:
Common reason
Special reason
He has divided the common cause into three parts

1.Psychological purpose;
2.The desire for profit and respect;
3.Primary conditions.
He said about the psychological purpose, those who are eager for equality if they believe that they are equal to those who are getting more, but they are getting less, but they have triggered the revolution. It is noteworthy that if any part of the society thinks that they are not judged, they become revolutionary.
When those who are in power become oppressors and when they are earning their profits, they hit them against each other. The present system of governance also strikes against the source of their power.

The special reasons for the revolution are:

→ The revolution took place in the capitalist system, mainly because of the injustice and oppression of the people, and as a result of the intransigence of the wealthy themselves.
→ The revolution started in the polity due to the faulty balance of the combination of democracy and capitalists in the policy.
→ Revolutions can also occur from racial, ethical conflict. Moreover, when power is concentrated in one or more people, there is a possibility of revolution.
→ Many times the revolution is in the franchise formation.

Revolutions took place in various government systems, such as one of the reasons for a revolution in a democracy is the lack of personality of the public. And, in some cases, the opposition is the biggest reason for some of the protests. In some cases, there is another reason for a revolution in internal conflict.
The main reason for the revolution in the aristocracy is that there are fewer qualified people.

Revolution appears in the monarchy - First of all, due to the internal conflict of the royal family, secondly, when the king becomes unarmed by the exception of the traditional rules of the state, and people become rebellious.
In the 8th chapter and 5th chapter, Aristotle discussing the methods of preventing the regime of revolution.
→ They have to demonstrate democratic attitude among people who participate in the administration and behave in their own way.
→ Be careful about lawlessness.
→ Demonstrations should be displayed in democracy.
→ Special attention should be given to the people who are not to the best of their ability.
→ Democracy and archetype must have mood in democracy and some democratic institutions have to be established.
→ Personal selfishness cannot grow up - a lot of attention should be taken to gain the excessive wealth of the classes.
Though the reasons for the analysis of Aristotle's revolution and the way in which it has been interpreted, in spite of the condition of the Greek city of the time, its significant parts are still in place. In modern times, some of the major revolutions that have occurred in the era are fully present in Aristotle. When most of the people in the country feel the intensity of deprivation, then they try to put an end to it through revolution. For example, in the bloody revolution that we were born in Bangladesh, we have seen many idiom expressions. Not only is the reason for the revolution, but the methods used to avoid the revolution are completely applicable as a way to prevent modern revolution.
Aristotle's thinking slavery occupies a prominent place. Not only since the law but the moral point of view, slavery has been declared as a legitimate practice. Slavery is the result of an eternal principle of nature and this principle is the combination of order and obedience. Aristotle mentioned in the 5th chapter of his book, Politics, that slavery is natural. There is a relationship between rulers and ruled everywhere in nature. There are people who do not have any reason to they have the power to understand the reason. These are the natural servants. According to Aristotle, some people are possessors and this prince is able to give orders only, and some people are physically able to work due to physical force. First-class people are Lord, second class people are slaves. Therefore, the relationship between the Lord and the slave is in relation to the order and obedience to the commandments. Aristotle believes that the slave tradition is reasonable for the welfare of both the Lord and the slave.

Aristotle discusses music in 5th, 6th and 7th chapters of the 8th book. Music is thought to be an incentive for the good of impact on the character. Music guarantees have a contribution to leisure and entertainment culture. Music is the most fun and beautiful subject. There is a close similarity of reality to rhymes and tunes in music. The reality is the manliness and vulgarity, courage and restraint, and the opposite of all the attributes of all the moral values. Music education will not the students have a distorted influence on future life activities.
He has identified the polity system as the best. Polity is not a deviation. Polity is another mixed form of democracy. Polity is a rule system where the constitution remains stable, the acceptance of the middle class is inherent; the absence of being suspicious between the rule and the ruler, the balance of the number and the quality.

Aristotle has been widely criticized abroad for his "The Politics" book. Firstly, his book arranged randomly, which makes readers confused in society. He believed that the people of Greece were the only people of good quality. And this can not be the only good thing in the world. That is why he called all the advanced people of the world as uncivilized. Which carries the identity of its narrow mentality. The theory of slavery erstwhile in a democratic society. Nature has not created any slave or any other person by a lord. Not only is Aristotle opposing slaves, but he also spoke of the possibility of friendship between the slave and the Lord. He was not favourably bound to enslave someone in the chains of slavery. He talked about the rule of a middle class in his realistic country, but there is no middle-class rule anywhere in the world. So it is criticized.
 In the category of the Aristotle government, there was no difference between the constitution and the government. But now the government and the constitution are two different subjects. The polity he said that the state system is not enough to implement. The biggest problem of polity is that it is mixed in nature. Moreover, he termed democracy as bad governance, but today, democracy is recognized as the best governing system. He did not include the list of working people's citizenship, which is incomplete in current social development. He also ignored important problems like taxation, public debt, permanent army and navy, inter-state relations, etc.
The totality is he is a realistic philosopher. In his Politics, there are many valuable elements that have been adorned with black tradition and have deeply influenced the thinking of many medieval and era contemporary eras.
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