Famous 7 Books In World History
Republic book was written by the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato was one of the greatest philosophers in the world. The main feature of this book is its unique composition. In this book, there has been a combination of philosophy with politics. The whole of the Republic book is divided into ten parts. The subject matter of this book, the formation of the state, the rich state, the characteristics of guardians.The choice of the ruler: the three-class correlation. Gender equality, joint family, democracy, character, and marriage,
Philosophical rulers: philosophical definitions philosopher-ruler, four layers of knowledge, dictatorship and dictatorial character.
Plato illustrates the ideals of the ideal state in this book and the characteristics of an ideal ruler.
Politics - Aristotle
Politics is one of Aristotle's famous books. Here he talks about government, governance, governance system, democracy, slavery, ideal state, constitution. Which has been followed by the rulers of different countries for many years? Aristotle grabs the quality of political life with the lives of animals so cleverly that the difference between the survival of life and the political ambiguity is that people are born with life, but it is actually absolute by living. The ultimate destination is the city-state, the ultimate fate of hope. This is an eminent quote from Aristotle Politics.Aristotle's governing structure: His famous quote in this book is that people are political creatures. The life of a creature is not true of its humanity, its true political power. Here are the places of difference between animals as well as species. Only after making this distinction, he decided that the politics of manhood is formed by another quality of politics, that is the language. People are linguistic animals. Therefore, in the comfort and pain of the organism, the life of the people is not narrow, but it develops between the languages 'good' and evil thoughts and injustice. People develop the political world or political atmosphere.
The Prince - Nicolò Machiavelli
Nicolò Machiavelli's reputation is mainly for The Prince's book. It is undoubtedly the most readable and well-written in philosophical works. The Prince is described as a textbook for a head of state. The main theme of this book is an administrator has to completely abandon the moral values for success in governing the state and depend on the energy and the strategy. Machiavelli gave the most importance to military preparedness. According to him, the army collected from the state's own citizens is the most reliable. The dependents of the mercenary soldiers are weak and endangered.Machiavelli advised the rulers to get people's support. Otherwise, he will have no support during the crisis. He certainly acknowledges that in order to strengthen the power of the new ruler, it is better for a winner to make his cruel acts in a similar way. So that they do not have to be repeated. The Prince is often referred to as a dictator's guide. But the events of Machiavelli's life and his other writings show that he loved Republicans from dictatorship. But he was shocked by Italy's political and military weaknesses. He wanted a powerful ruler who would liberate the national unity by liberating foreigners from exploitation and oppression. To note, Machiavelli advised the statesman to be a polite and ruthless realist, but he was an idealist and patriotic. They taught others themselves, but they could not achieve them. Very few political philosophers like Machiavelli have been so strongly condemned. For a long time, he has been portrayed in such a way that Satan is visiting. His name is used as a synonym for deception and hypocrisy.
Political theories that are considered from a much more realistic perspective nowadays, due to the influence of Machiavelli's much of him. That's because of him one of the main promoters of modern state thought is considered.
Social Contract - Rousseau
Philosopher Rousseau wrote a 'social contract'. Where he said - people were born free, but after birth, they just saw a bunch of boundaries. As a way of salvation, the rule of law is to establish, that the law will be the law of all people - a sort of social agreement. Although Rousseau was not directly talking about socialism, in his writings, he wrote about the liberation of the oppressed. Because of which the French Revolution, although almost 10 years after Rousseau's death, was thought to have contributed to the philosophy of Rousseau in the French Revolution.Russo's doctrine is based on the concept of natural equality, where people are just as equal, self-sufficient and satisfied. As a result of the development of human knowledge and the emergence of private property, the categorization of labour was appreciated and the natural well-being of the human species changed into a rich and poor division, consequently, the state was essential.
Rousseau said,
"There must be an ideal form of society in order to safeguard and secure the lives and resources of all the people of the society, and to be united with each other, obey your order and be free as before."
Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species
Darwin's famous book'' On the Origin of Species'', The Origin of Species, was published in 1859. This book, which is widely discussed due to evolution,.Das Capital - Karl Marx
German philosopher Karl Marx laid the foundation of his Marxist philosophy in this book. His philanthropic world has revolutionized how many youths have been united, how many cities have been transformed from capitalist to society. Das Capitol Written by Karl Marx, a book critical of capitalism. With social progress, the complex relationship of economics is the main part of Marxism. In the interpretation of social history, Marx has shown that any historical age is regulated by the contemporary product-manufacturing system. Generally, Marx did not produce products according to the production system. Marx stresses on the relationship between the product - which means, the relation of the social people and the relationship between the production system depends on each other.In the first volume of Das Capital, Marx analyzes the production process in capitalist society. In a capitalist society, two types of merchandise sold in the market are seen. In one, its practical value is revealed, the exchange value on the other.
Das Kapital's second volume alias, the capitalization process. Here Marx discusses the movement of capital in the capitalist economy, the rotation, the conversion of engaged capital goods, and finally the market-system, in the exchange system, the introduction of simple reproduction methods in the balance the production and value of different products, etc.
Das Kapital's epitome of the third volume is the process of capitalist production as a whole. Here Marx speaks about the profit from the question of special value, the capital's profit rate, and the surplus-value divide. Marx showed that the cost of production of the capital's owner and the production cost of the product is not equal to the product.