T.S.Eliot All Literary work's

T.S.Eliot major writings

Thomas Sterns Eliot was known as T.S.Eliot. T.S. Eliot is the famous twentieth-century poet.T. S. Eliot's literary works spreads over Forty-Five years. He wrote plays, poems, literary and social essays during this long time. He worked as the editor and a journalist. His writings may be divided into three parts. One is poetry, second is drama and third is prose.

T.S.Eliot's Poetry

T.S.Eliot's poetry career has been divided into five periods.
1. The First Period
2. The Second Period
3. The Third
4. The Fourth
5. The Fifth

1.The First Period: The First Period start in 1905 and end in 1909. This period called Eliot's Juvenilia. The poems of this period are teenage and mere schoolboy exercises. These poems still show signs of poetic talent. They were published in the many kinds of college and school magazines named the “Smith Academy  Record and the Harvard Advocate".

2.The Second Period: This period the most significant poems of this are listed below.

*The  Love-Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
*The Preludes
*Portrait of a Lady
*The Boston Evening Transcript
*Rhapsody on a Windy Night
*Mr. Apollinax

3. The Third Period: The Third period starts in 1918 and ended in 1925. The most significant poems of this are listed below.

*The Waste Land
*The Hollow Men
*A Cooling Egg
*Sweeney Erect
*Sweeney among the Nightingales
*Burbank with a Baedeker

4.The Fourth Period: This period started in 1925 and ended in 1935. This period called the period of “Eliot's Christian Poetry".The following are the important poems of this Christian period. The poems are listed below:

* The Journey of the Magi
* Ash Wednesda
* Coriolan
* Marina
* Animila
* A Number of minor and unfinished poems
* Choruses from The Rock

5.The Fifth Period: This period of T.S.Eliot's religious poetry is Independent of the previous Christian Poetry. It is the period of 4 Quartet which was published as the following poems. This poem is listed below:

*Little Gidding
*Burnt Norton
*The Dry Salvages
*East Coker

T.S.Eliot's DRAMA

T.S.Eliot endeavoured to revive English poetic drama. His poetic drama is listed below:

*The Elder Statesman
*The Confidential Clerk
*The Cocktail Party
*The Family Reunion
*The Rock, A pageant Play
*Murder in the Cathedral

T.S.Eliot's PROSE

Thomas Sterns Eliot's prose was published in the form of articles and essays in the various periodicals and journals of the day. The following prose is the literary essays which are highly admired because of his critical pronouncement.

* The English Metaphysical Poets
* On Poetry and Poets
* Tradition and Individual Talent
* The Frontiers of Criticism
* The Function of Criticism
* Poetry and Drama
* To Criticise the Critic
* The idea of the Christian Society
* Selected Essays
* The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism
* Notes towards a Definition of Culture

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