Common Mistakes In Grammar And Language


1.Your present
2. Describing past vacation and
3. Your Future plan.

For example One of the answer scripts were as follows:

“I was a very nice vacation. Last month, I go to Paris. There I see many things. I was stay there ten days. It is very interesting vacation.” There example above were just Few of many such errors that the students committed in tense. From the sentences quoted it's clear that there are other errors in it as well. He started the paragraph willing to describe his past, and he proceeded to write the second sentence about his past vacation in present tense!
Common Mistakes In Grammar And Language

Different implications of agreement or disagreement...?

Agreement in writing is another major matter of concern as is evident in the writings of the students. Many of them fail to maintain even the elementary agreements in their writings.

Below are some of the errors in agreement found in the student's exam script.
  • All my student is very good. They loves me very much. (subject-verb- agreement)
  • At first, we goes the sea-beach (subject-verb- agreement)
  • My past vacation is very enjoyable for me.(a problem  tense and subject-verb-agreement)
  • Many people says that future plan is very good. (subject-verb-agreement)

Students committed some ridiculous errors on articles as well. In our country, these grammar items are taught at elementary levels. Therefore it is sometimes hard to believe that students are still making mistakes at this university level.

Some of the article errors found in their scripts are as follows:

*It was a very interesting vacation.
*Everyone must have a ambition.
*I could not pronounce an word.


Many learners, it seemed, did not know the right forms of the verb. Some students used the Past Or Past participle forms after an infinitive“To” as the example below would testify:

*He told me that I will build up my career.
*I always wants to complete my course. (both subject-verb-agreement and verb)
*I am wanted that I will be famous.
* The Examiners made us showed our identification in order to admitted to the exam centre.


It is evident in the writing of the students, the use of Auxiliaries is a major problem area for learners at this level. Many of the students don't even know they use of different Auxiliaries and they cannot differentiate between the primary and modal Auxiliaries. Also, they face a lot of problems when they have to change sentences into negative, interrogative or negative- interrogative. Their difficulties multiplied when they are asked to make these changes with sentences given different tenses. A few examples of such mistakes are given below:
*I am stay there ten days.
*I will must work hard for my ambition (two Modals)
*After I complete my Honour's, I am admit Dhaka University (a problem Tense& grammar & Auxiliaries).


Students often confused the active voice with the passive voice.
  • We (*) born as a child. (*No use of Auxiliary)
  • The author experienced many such errors related to voice on other occasions.

Students are very much confused about Proposition. It is quite clear to me that they were not taught the use of prepositions properly at the secondary or the higher secondary levels. Some of the mistakes on prepositions are listed below:
  • I regular want to listen (*) My mother's advice. (*no prepositions is used).
  • Once my mother was annoyed for me and told that she would not take me to school. (fault preposition, for the place of with).
  • I want to earn I better means for my father.
Lexical and Others

Some other mistakes I detected as an examiner is of mixed type category.
  • Past is those day* which we overcome with memories.
  • My past life was great. I cannot never get it. (double negative)
  • My mother gave some money for the journey and busy something.
  • My mother always wants to good result(?) And also make (subject-verb-agreement ???) an honest and braveful (??) person.
  • We kept busy our classroom when our class teacher absented.
  • I feel very boring. In university life, I have acute inhabitant problem.
  • I was the only one son of My parents.
  • When my group lost any match, then I showed them very bad behave (???).
  • I admitted (*) a renowned university in India. (*No preposition is used, apparently the following structure)

Common Mistakes in Exam Scripts

Introductory speech on the nature of mistakes students commit:

The meaning of ‘Error’ or ‘mistake’ in Exam. Scripts?

An error in exam script is a systematic deviation made by learners which wouldn't be acceptable to the Examiner/experts. And the mistakes occur when students fail to perform their competence.
  • In-writing ID & other information
  • In writing Answer No-
  • Common mistakes regarding Grammar & language -
  • In Spelling
  •  In punctuation, margin, format & in the stylistic features.
In writing ID & other information
  •  Overwriting / obscurity on the last three digits.
  • Wrongly or shortly spelt course title (like-Litt. Or literature Criticism, strategic management, etc.
  • Course teacher's name. & Sign in the wrong place---
In Writing Answer No -
  •  Such as -1 No answer/answer the ques-1/And.To.The.Ques.No.1/
  • Correct format: the ques.No- 1(a) / (b)...etc
Spelling Mistakes

Mistakes in Spelling are found as one of the most widely spread problems in the scripts of our students. 40% of the total number of mistakes of their scripts is in Spelling. Sometimes words like alys, or allwayes were written for always. One of the reasons for committing this kind of mistakes could be the confusion of students with the words of nearly the same sounds (Homophony).

Examples are This for these, dose for does, thay for they, studying for studying, stoped for stopped, belive for believe, usualy for usually,bron for born,hiard for hired, socity for Society, sucessful for successful and many more. If I try to analyze the nature of these mistakes, it would be evident that most of the errors have something to do with“sounds".

So, in most cases, the sounds of different words are the same but the spelling of these words are different. The students are sometimes not careful about the spelling of English words.
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