Common Mistakes In Exam Scripts

Introductory speech on the nature of mistakes students commit:

The meaning of "Error" or "mistake" in Exam. Scripts?

An error in exam script is a systematic deviation made by learners which wouldn't be acceptable to the Examiner/experts. And the mistakes occur when students fail to perform their competence.
Common Mistakes In Exam Scripts
  • In-writing ID & other information
  • In writing Answer No-
  • Common mistakes regarding Grammar & language -
  • In Spelling
  •  In punctuation, margin, format & in the stylistic features.
In writing ID & other information
  •  Overwriting / obscurity on the last three digits.
  • Wrongly or shortly spelt course title (like-Litt. Or literature Criticism, strategic management, etc.
  • Course teacher's name. & Sign in the wrong place---
In Writing Ansar No -
  •  Such as -1 No answer/answer the ques-1/And.To.The.Ques.No.1/
  • Correct format: the ques.No- 1(a) / (b)...etc

Spelling Mistakes

Mistakes in Spelling are found as one of the most widely spread problems in the scripts of our students. 40% of the total number of mistakes of their scripts is in Spelling. Sometimes words like alys, or allwayes were written for always. One of the reasons for committing this kind of mistakes could be the confusion of students with the words of nearly the same sounds (Homophony).

Examples are This for these, dose for does,thay for they, studying for studying,stoped for stopped, belive for believe, usualy for usually, bron for born, hiard for hired, socity for Society, sucessful for successful and many more. If I try to analyze the nature of these mistakes, it would be evident that most of the errors have something to do with“sounds".

So, in most cases, the sounds of different words are the same but the spelling of these words are different. The students are sometimes not careful about the spelling of English words.
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