Franz Kafka Famous Novel The Castle

The Castle novel written by German writer Franz Kafka. The novel was published in 1926. Kafka said that ‘The Castle’ is one of the most beautiful and emotional writings of him. Kafka wrote the novel two years before her death. He could not finish the novel. Kafka was written in 20 chapters. But how to end the novel, he told his friend Max Broad his novel story once during the discussion. After the death of Kafka, his friend concluded his novel. However, many critics are not satisfied with the outcome of the novel.
The Castle

The Castle Summary

The author has described the main character of the story with 'K' only. Who is a land surveyor? Going to the village, trying to contact the administration. However, the details of K is not revealed. Why did he go to that village, why would he want to survey the land, that matter was left behind.

These administrators in the palace are mysterious and ordinary people never reach them. Despite repeated attempts, he has to accept the rate of bureaucratic complication. And through this incident, Kafka has created a story of despair and insolence.

Try again to meet with the palace administrators. He took shelter in a resident of the village. He continues to fall in love with them.

once he got the opportunity to meet the palace chairman. He said there was a misunderstanding. There is no land surveyor in this village. He has to go back without completing the job.

About Franz Kafka

On July 3, 1883, he was born in a high middle-class Jewish family in Prague. That time Prague was the capital of the state of Bohemia. The Austro-Hungarian Empire included Bohemia. Prague is currently the capital city of the Czech Republic.

Kafka has studied law at Prague University. He started his career as a lawyer. Kafka started work for an insurance company He writes in leisure time.

Kafka's writings novels have spread throughout the world. Among his notable works are ‘The Metamorphosis’, ‘The Trial’ and ‘The Castle’. The story of  ‘The Metamorphosis’ was written in 1912, which was published in 1915.

In Kafka's lifetime, a few of his literary works were published in different journals. Although they did not get much popular at the time. Kafka's friend Max Broad published unpublished articles after his death. These writings make Kafka very popular. Besides stories and novels, Kafka has more than one hundred letters written to the loved ones.

In order to fully concentrate on writing, in 1923, leaving Prague to Berlin, Kafka went to Germany. He died of tuberculosis in Berlin on June 3, 1924, only 40 years in Berlin.
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