Thomas Mann Nobel Prize winning Novel Buddenbrooks


Thomas Mann ‘Buddenbrooks’ novel was published in 1901. This novel describes the stories of four predecessors from a wealthy family in north Germany.

The novelist Thomas Mann family lived in Lübeck in Germany. Thomas Mann originally wrote the story of this novel in his family portraying.  This was his first novel. When the first novel was published, he was only 26 years old. Just two years after the book was published, its second edition was published in 1903.

The Novel ‘Buddenbrooks’ won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929. The Swedish Academy noted in their declaration, that they were given this award for one of Thomas's finest novels, Buddenbrooks.

Thomas Mann started writing ‘Buddenbrooks’ in 1897. He was only 22 years old. Three years later, in July 1900, the novel was finished. The book was published in October 1901. Thomas Mann was written about the conflict between the business and artists world in the novel. The biography of the twentieth century has been written in the novel. Thomas wrote some short stories before writing this novel.

Short Summary

The events of 1875. The Buddenbrooks family is on the verge of progress. The family's reputation spread all around the world. Johann plays the main responsibility of the family. Later, Johan was given the responsibility of managing wealth and business by inheriting his son, his eldest son, Jean. After Father, the responsibilities of the Buddenbrooks family came to her. Janny's daughter Antoinette. 

Tony grew up slowly. Har Grinch offered to marry young Tony. After receiving the offer of marriage, Tony's father, Jean, found out about the financial condition of the Grinch. But Tony met with medical student Morton.

Tony became weak with Morton. After receiving this news, his parents brought Tony back to his home. Quickly her marriage date was fixed with the Grinch. Tony could not resist the responsibility of the family.

And Gunnlich was calling for Tony to stop contact with all the friends. Tony admits her husband. Meanwhile, Tony's husband, Grünlich, was slowly sacked for a debt. His creditors pressure him to borrow money from a wealthy father-in-law and repay the debt. As a result, Jain's father understands that Grinch was actually married to Tony for her property.

Tony admits to his father do not give money to her husband. She goes to her father's house with her daughter. Tony's daughter Erica Grunlich grew up in a large house. In this, the Grinch was officially divided with Tony. Tony was again mixed with everyone in his own house. Brother Tommy had a lot of good relations with her. She started helping the brother to the business.

About the Author

Paul Thomas Mann was born in Germany on 6 June in 1875. He was a novelist, short story writer, social critic, writer etc. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929. Most of his novels have been mooted in the works of artists and intellectuals.

Thomas Mann was a family member of Hanseatic Value. In his first novel ‘Buddenbrooks’ he wrote about the social status of his family and the motivation of the members. Henry Mann, an elder brother of Thomas, was also a writer.

When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, Thomas surpassed and moved to Switzerland. When World War II began in 1939, Thomas moved to the United States. In 1952 he returned to Switzerland again.

This long time he had gone to Germany in birthland but did not live permanently. He was in Germany for some time in 1949. Thomas Mann died Zürich in 1955.
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