Critical analysis the nurse song poem

The nurse song poem Analysis

The poem the voices of the happily playing and laughing children are heard on the hill. The nurse, the speaker in the poem says that her heart is filled with contentment. The nurse calls the children to come back as the Sun is going down. She urges them to leave off the play for they must retire to the house for the night. They can come back the following morning. The children do not want to go back home and they want to continue to play. They say that birds are flying in the sky and sheep are in the field.

Finally, the speaker tells them to play until the light fades away. The children are delighted and they shout in a laugh. While the echo of their happiness sounds and the hills text of a poem. when the voices of chilled. I heard on the green and laughing Izzard on the hill. We'll go and play till the light fades away and then go home to bed. The little one slept and shouted and laughed and all the hills echoed the form of the poem. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each the quad reins have the rhyme scheme ABC B. There is an internal rhyme in the third line of the poem.

The poem describes the affinities and dealings between children and adults. The children are happy in their world of play and joy. The nurse is worried about the night is descending. However, she is delighted to see them happily playing children the innocent and simple joy of the children is the basic theme of the poem. They are doing ascent to understand that adults always want their children safety and well-being.

The innocent children have played till evening. But they once again request their nurse to let them play till the light fades away. It shows that they are untouched by the fear that overpowers the adult world. The children are completely absorbed in their play and they think they are a part of nature. They tell the nurse that the birds are flying in the sky and the sheep are grazing in the field. They don't consider themselves different from the creatures.

They mentioned to their nurse there is a spontaneous natural feeling of belonging to nature in the attitude of the children. There is extreme optimism for they are not deterred by the impending nightfall rather. They are inspired optimistically to rejoice in nature until the last light fades away. The nurse is equally happy seeing the children play though she knows that it is the time. The children went back home. She surrenders before the pious wishes of the children for she does not want to spoil their pure joy.

The nurse seems to be a kind of angelic guardian who is present there though standing away from the children and not taking part in their games. The nurse's behaviour seems should be eloquently asserting that experience often leads to innocence.
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