Assertive To Imperative rules

Assertive To Imperative
👉Assertive Sentence কে Imperative Sentence এ রুপান্তরের Structure হলো Verb এর Present form + Verb এর পরের অংশ. তবে শিষ্টতা/ভদ্রতা প্রকাশের জন্য Imperative Sentence এর শুরুতে/শেষে Please/Kindly ব্যাবহার করা হয়।

Assertive: You should speak the trust.          
Imperative: Speak the truth.

Assertive: You open the door.                       
Imperative: Please, open the door.

👉Assertive Sentence টি Negative হলে Imperative Sentence এর শুরুতে Do not/ don’t বসে।

Assertive: You should not go out.                 
Imperative: Don’t go out.

👉Assertive Sentence এর Subject যদি First person অথবা Third person হয় তবে তাকে নিচের নিয়মে Imperative করতে হবে। Let + Subject এর Objective form + Verb এর পরের অংশ

Assertive: He plays Football.                
Imperative: Let him play football.                            

Assertive: Matt does not tell a lie.        
Imperative: Let not Matt tell a lie.

Assertive to Imperative sentence exercise with answers

1. Assertive: You read the book.
Imperative: Read the book.

2. Assertive: She wants to go out.
Imperative: Let her go out.

3. Assertive: We do not look down upon the poor.
Imperative: Let's not look down upon the poor.

4. Assertive: You should not kill your time.
Imperative: Don't kill your time.

5. Assertive: He plays football.
Imperative: Let him play football.

6. Assertive: We should go out.
Imperative: Let's go out.

7. Assertive: Will you help my brother, please?
Imperative: Please help me.

8. Assertive: You should think before you leap.
Imperative: Think before you leap.

9. Assertive: You ought to obey your parents.
Imperative: Obey your parents.

10. Assertive: Johnny did not tell a lie.
Imperative: Let Johnny not tell a lie.

11. Assertive: You do not go out.
Imperative: Don't go out.

12. Assertive: Would you post the letter for me, please?
Imperative: Please, post the letter for me.

13. Assertive: You should not go out in cold weather.
Imperative: Don't go out in cold weather.

14. Assertive: We shall never tell a lie.
Imperative: Never tell a lie.

15. Assertive: Let him be warned.
Imperative: Warn him.

16. Assertive: You open the door.
Imperative: Please, open the door.
Or, Open the door, please.

17. Assertive: One should not ignore one’s duty.
Imperative: Let one not ignore one’s duty.

18. Assertive: I shall not miss the class.
Imperative: Let me not miss the class.

19. Assertive: I look after my parents.
Imperative: Let me look after my parents.

20. Assertive: He does not want it.
Imperative: Let him not want it.

21. Assertive: Elizabeth does not tell e lie.
Imperative: Let not Elizabeth tell a lie.

22. Assertive: You should always speak the truth.
Imperative: Always speak the truth.

23. Assertive: You never ought to disobey the rules.
Imperative: Never disobey the rules.

24. Assertive: You are advised to read the whole book.  
Imperative: Read the whole book.

25. Assertive: I request you to give me a glass of water.
Imperative:Please, give me a glass of water.
Or, Give me a glass of water, please.

26. Assertive: You are requested to help me.
Imperative: Please, help me. Or, Help me, please.

27. Assertive: If you do not hurry up you will miss the bus.
Imperative: Hurry up or you will miss the bus.

28. Assertive: You are asked to leave the room.
Imperative: Please, leave the room.

29. Assertive: I asked you to stand up.
Imperative: Please, stand up.

30. Assertive: I request you not to make a noise.
Imperative: Please, do not make a noise.

31. Assertive: Would you post the letter for me, please?
Imperative: Please, post the letter for me.

32. Assertive: He should be warned. 
Imperative: Let him be warned.

33. Assertive: Will you help my brother, please?
Imperative: Please, help my brother. 

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