Assertive to Interrogative rules

Assertive to Interrogative Rules

1. অর্থের পরিবর্তন না করে সাহায্যকারী Verb যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative রুপান্তর করার সময় Sentence টি যদি Affirmative হয়।
Structure: Auxiliary verb + n’t + subject + V1 + বাকী +?

Note: Assertive Sentence এ can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, have, has, had, am, is, are, was, were etc. থাকলে interrogative রুপান্তর করার সময় can't, couldn't, shan't, shouldn't, won't, wouldn't, mayn't, mightn't, mustn't, haven't, hasn't hadn't, aren't, isn't, aren't, wasn't, weren't হয়.

Assertive: She is in school.
Interrogative: Isn’t she in school?

2. Auxiliary Verb যুক্ত Negative অর্থবোধক Assertive sentence কে Interrogative রুপান্তর করার সময় Negative (Not) উঠে যায় এবং সাহায্যকারী Verb প্রথমে বসে শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে

Assertive: He is not in school.
Interrogative: Is he in school?

3. Auxiliary Verb বিহীন Assertive Sentence কে Interrogative রুপান্তর করার সময় নিচের নিয়মটি ফলো করতে হবে।

Structure: Subject and Tense অনুযায়ী don’t/ didn’t/ doesn’t বসে + subject + verb এর base form + verb এর পরের অংশ +?

Assertive: He played good football.
Interrogative: Didn’t he play good football?

4. Assertive Sentence  Never থাকলে Ever হয় এবং Nothing থাকলে Anything হয় Auxiliary Verb না থাকলে Subject and Tense অনুযায়ী প্রথমে Auxiliary Verb বসাতে হয় শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে

Structure: Auxiliary verb + Subject + ever + V1 + object + ?

Assertive: You never play football.
Interrogative: Do you ever play football?

Note – Assertive Sentence
এর Subject যদি Nothing থাকে তাহলে Nothing এর জায়গায় What বসে
Structure: What + বাকি অংশ +?

Assertive – Nothing can ruin her.
Interrogative – What can ruin her?

5. Everybody/ Everyone/All যুক্ত Assertive Sentence কে Interrogative রুপান্তর করার সময় Everybody/ Everyone/All এর পরিবর্তে Who বসে + Subject and Tense অনুযায়ী don’t/ didn’t/ doesn’t বসে + verb এর Base form + verb এর পরের অংশ +?

Structure: Who + don't/doesn't/didn't + V1 + object/extension + ?

Assertive: Everybody wants to be a win.
Interrogative: Who doesn’t wish to be a win?

6. Nobody/None/No one যুক্ত Assertive Sentence কে Interrogative রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম।

Structure: Who + বাকী অংশ +?

Assertive: Nobody could ever count my love for you.
Interrogative: Who could ever count my love for you?

7. Every + Noun যুক্ত Assertive Sentence কে Interrogative Sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম।

Structure: Is there any + Every এর পরের Noun + who + doesn't + V1( Base form)+ বাকি অংশ +?

Assertive: Every man hates a war.
Interrogative: Is there any man who doesn't hate a war?

Note: কিন্তু এ জাতীয় বাক্য Must থাকলে Interrogative Sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার সময় doesn't না বসে will not বসে।

Assertive: Every man must die.
Interrogative: Is there any man who will not die?

8. Introductory তে There is no যুক্ত Assertive Sentence কে Interrogative Sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম।

Structure: Who/What/Is there any + বাকি অংশ + ?

Assertive: There is no use of this law.
Interrogative: What is use of this law?
Or: Is there any use of this law?
Note: There is no এর পরে ব্যক্তি থাকলে Who এবং অন্যান্য ক্ষেত্রে ‌What বসে।

Assertive into interrogative exercise

1. Assertive: They are fond of watching a football match.
Interrogative: Aren't they fond of watching a football match?

2. Assertive: We are proud of our freedom fighters.
Interrogative: Aren't we proud of our freedom fighters?

3. Assertive: It is the duty of us to educate the literate.
Interrogative: Isn't it the duty of us to educate the literate?

4. Assertive: You can be happy without it.
Interrogative: Can't you be happy without it?

5. Assertive: He is a good man.
Interrogative: Isn't he a good man?

6. Assertive: Man is mortal.
Interrogative: Isn't man mortal?

7. Assertive: The policemen are different.
Interrogative: Aren't the policemen different?

8. Assertive: The old sailor had a sane look.
Interrogative: Hadn't the old sailor a sane look?

9. Assertive: Oliver is a reasonable man.
Interrogative: Isn't Oliver a reasonable man?

10. Assertive: The executives were not unkind people.
Interrogative: Were the executive unkind people?

11. Assertive: The orphanage boys were not unhealthy.
Interrogative: Were the orphanage boys unhealthy?

12. Assertive: I shall not forget you.
Interrogative: Shall I forget you?

13. Assertive: John was not a dishonest boy.
Interrogative: Was John a dishonest boy?

14. Assertive: He is not my friend.
Interrogative: Is he my friend?

15. Assertive: They are unhappy.
Interrogative: Aren't they unhappy?

16. Assertive: He can live in his own house.
Interrogative: Can't he live in his own house?

17. Assertive: He can succeed in life.
Interrogative: Can't he succeed in life?

18. Assertive: It is raining.
Interrogative: Isn't it raining?

19. Assertive: The child is going to school.
Interrogative: Isn't the child going to school?

20. Assertive: Prevention is better than cure.
Interrogative: Isn't prevention better than cure?

21. Assertive: I will remind you.
Interrogative: Won't I remind you?

22. Assertive: I have not taken my revenge.
Interrogative: Have I taken my revenge?

23. Assertive: He did not give me a glass of milk.
Interrogative: Did he give me a glass of milk?

24. Assertive: The contractor did not finish the work in one day.
Interrogative: Did the contractor finish the work in one day?

25. Assertive: He does not go to the office at 9 o’clock.
Interrogative: Does he go to the office at 9 o'clock?

26. Assertive: She does not speak English fluently.
Interrogative: Does she speak English fluently?

27. Assertive: They did not arrive in the morning.
Interrogative: Did they arrive in the morning?

28. Assertive: He does not call his mother every day.
Interrogative: Does he call his mother every day?

29. Assertive: Sham did not pass the test.
Interrogative: Did Sham pass the test?

30. Assertive: Eva was not afraid of it.
Interrogative: Was Eva afraid of it?

31. Assertive: My mother works at a bank.
Interrogative: Doesn't my mother work at a bank?

32. Assertive: Riva sings really well.
Interrogative: Doesn't Riva sing really well?

33. Assertive: Martin gets along with his brother.
Interrogative: Doesn't Martin get along with his brother?

34. Assertive: My sister lives with my parents.
Interrogative: Doesn't my sister live with my parents?

35. Assertive: She likes vegetables.
Interrogative: Doesn't she like vegetables?

36. Assertive: I get up early in the morning.
Interrogative: Don't I get up early in the morning?

37. Assertive: I like reading more.
Interrogative: Don't I like reading more?

38. Assertive: We eat to live.
Interrogative: Don't we eat to live?

39. Assertive: I know the answer.
Interrogative: Don't I know the answer?

40. Assertive: I want to leave.
Interrogative: Don't I want to leave?

41. Assertive: The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas.
Interrogative: Doesn't the books of great writer contain noble thoughts and great ideas?

42. Assertive: My friend invited me to visit Cox’s Bazar.
Interrogative: Didn't my friend invite me to visit Cox's Bazar?

43. Assertive: She passed her time in reading and writing.
Interrogative: Didn't she pass her time in reading and writing?

44. Assertive: He inherited vast property from his father.
Interrogative: Didn't he inherit vast property from his father?

45. Assertive: The master enquired of the missing leg.
Interrogative: Didn't the master enquire of the missing leg?

46. Assertive: He felt very helpless.
Interrogative: Didn't he fell very helpless?

47. Assertive: He rejected the proposal.
Interrogative: Didn't he reject the proposal?

48. Assertive: I bought a pen.
Interrogative: Didn't I buy a pen?

48. Assertive: The boy killed the spider with his shoe.
Interrogative: Didn't the boy kill the spider with his shoe?

49. Assertive: She recognized him at once.
Interrogative: Didn't she recognize him at once?

50. Assertive: He apologized for his conduct.
Interrogative: Didn't he apologize for his conduct?

51. Assertive: Everybody likes a flower.
Interrogative: Who doesn't like a flower?

52. Assertive: Everybody knew this.
Interrogative: Who didn't know this?

53. Assertive: Everybody respects a truthful person.
Interrogative: Who doesn't respect a truthful person?

54. Assertive: Everybody knows about the Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans.
Interrogative: Who doesn't know about the Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans?

55. Assertive: Everybody works hard to gain his object.
Interrogative: Who doesn't work hard to gain his object?

56. Assertive: Everybody believed that education is the backbone of a nation.
Interrogative: Who didn't believe that education is the backbone of a nation?

57. Assertive: Everybody likes his magic spell.
Interrogative: Who doesn't like his magic spell?

58. Assertive: Everybody loves him.
Interrogative: Who doesn't love him?

59. Assertive: Everybody can be conscious of his health.
Interrogative: Who can't be conscious of his health?

60. Assertive: Everybody supported the freedom fighters.
Interrogative: Who didn't support free freedom fighters?

61. Assertive: Everyone can prosper in life with the industry.
Interrogative: Who can't prosper in life with the industry?

62. Assertive: Everyone was present there.
Interrogative: Who wasn't present there?

63. Assertive: Everybody has some desire.
Interrogative: Who hasn't some desire?

64. Assertive: Everyone must die.
Interrogative: Who mustn't die?

65. Assertive: Everyone has completed the job.
Interrogative: Who hasn't completed the job?

66. Assertive: Everyone would like to be rich.
Interrogative: Who wouldn't like to be rich?

67. Assertive: All love his motherland.
Interrogative: Who doesn't love his motherland?

68. Assertive: All help me.
Interrogative: Who doesn't help me?

69. Assertive: All must die.
Interrogative: Who mustn't die?

70. Assertive: None could count my love for you.
Interrogative: Who could count my love for you?

71. Assertive: No one likes him.
Interrogative: Who likes him?

72. Assertive: Nobody can escape death.
Interrogative: Who can escape death?

73. Assertive: None can save you.
Interrogative: Who can save you?

74. Assertive: Nobody will help him.
Interrogative: Who will help him?

75. Assertive: No one is absent.
Interrogative: Who is absent?

76. Assertive: None has done it.
Interrogative: Who has done it?

77. Assertive: None could count my love for you.
Interrogative: Who could my love for you?

78. Assertive: No one likes him.
Interrogative: Who likes him?

79. Assertive: Nobody can escape death.
Interrogative: Who can escape death?

80. Assertive: None could answer the question.
Interrogative: Who could answer the question?

81. Assertive: Nobody has touched it.
Interrogative: Who has touched it?

82. Assertive: None should deny the truth.
Interrogative: Who should deny the truth?

83. Assertive: No one can bear an unprovoked insult.
Interrogative: Who can bear an unprovoked insult?

84. Assertive: Nobody can trust such a liar.
Interrogative: Who can trust such a liar?

85. Assertive: Nothing can happen.
Interrogative: What can happen?

86. Assertive: Nothing can revive this worse situation.
Interrogative: What can revive this worse situation?

87. Assertive: Nothing comes or goes.
Interrogative: What comes or goes?

88. Assertive: Nothing is certain.
Interrogative: What is certain?

89. Assertive: Nothing remains certain.
Interrogative: What remains certain?

90. Assertive: Nothing terrible has happened.
Interrogative: What terrible has happened?

91. Assertive: Nothing was done.
Interrogative: What was done?

92. Assertive: Nothing is impossible.
Interrogative: What is impossible?

93. Assertive: Nothing can concern you.
Interrogative: What can concern you?

94. Assertive: Nothing comes from nothing.
Interrogative: What comes from nothing?

95. Assertive: Nothing is impossible in this world.
Interrogative: What is impossible in this world?

96. Assertive: Nothing can satisfy him.
Interrogative: What can satisfy him?

97. Assertive: Nothing is wrong.
Interrogative: What is wrong?

98. Assertive: Nothing’s moving.
Interrogative: What is moving?

99. Assertive: Nothing was wrong.
Interrogative: What was wrong?

100. Assertive: Nothing will happen.
Interrogative: What will happen?

101. Assertive: Nothing’s changed.
Interrogative: What is changed?

102. Assertive: Nothing’s missing.
Interrogative: What is missing?

103. Assertive: Nothing’s working.
Interrogative: What is working?

104. Assertive: Nothing is so necessary.
Interrogative: What is so necessary?

105. Assertive: Nothing seems to grow in this soil.
Interrogative: What seems to grow in this soil?

106. Assertive: Nothing remains certain.
Interrogative: What remains certain?

107. Assertive: Nothing was done.
Interrogative: What was done?

108. Assertive: Nothing happened.
Interrogative: What happened?

109. Assertive: Nothing more was said.
Interrogative: What more was said?

110. Assertive: Nothing’s broken.
Interrogative: What is broken?

111. Assertive: Nothing’s there.
Interrogative: What is there?

112. Assertive: Nothing’s wrong.
Interrogative: What is wrong?

113. Assertive: Nothing was funny.
Interrogative: What was funny?

114. Assertive: Nothing was taken. 
Interrogative: What was taken?

115. Assertive: Nothing came up. 
Interrogative: What came up?

116. Assertive: Nothing can force me to give it up.
Interrogative: What can force me to give it up?

117. Assertive: Nothing is certain in this world.
Interrogative: What is certain in this world?

118. Assertive: Nothing is certain. 
Interrogative: What is certain?

Assertive into Interrogative Exceptional exercise

1. Assertive: Every moment is important.
Interrogative: Which moment is not important?

2. Assertive: It is no use wasting time.
Interrogative: Why waste time?

3. Assertive: Fair words are of no avail in times of danger.
Interrogative: Of what avail are fair words in times of danger?

4. Assertive: There is no use of this statue.
Interrogative: What is the use of this statue?

5. Assertive: It does not matter if you fail in the exam.
Interrogative: What though if you fail in the exam?

6. Assertive: Nowhere in the world you will find a mountain peak higher than Everest.
Interrogative: Where in the world will you find a mountain peak higher than Everest?

7. Assertive: It doesn't matter if we fail.
Interrogative: What if I fail?

Important Questions and Answers

1. What are the two forms of assertive sentence?
Answer: Affirmative and Negative.

2. What 3 things describe an assertive person?
Answer: An active listener, good eye contact and reflecting back.
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