Importance of Reading Newspaper
Introduction: The world is going to be more and more information-based. Someone who has more information is supposed to do better in real-life situations.
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The newspaper helps us by providing information. The newspaper provides all kinds of information local, national and international. It also helps form public opinions for the welfare of society. So, there are many benefits of newspaper reading.
Trade and Commerce: By reading the newspaper we can be updated about trade and commerce. The newspaper publishes news of the market condition regularly. It publishes share prices of the stock exchange every day. It often acts as a watchdog about the market prices of all the daily necessaries. When the prices go up, it forms public opinions against it. It saves the common, people from the dishonest traders who store goods and crate artificial crisis.
Political affairs: By reading newspaper, we can be aware of national and international politics. The newspaper helps to uphold democracy by criticizing the Govt. As a citizen, we must know the overall political situations of the country and newspaper helps us a lot in this regard. Newspaper not only helps us to know the domestic or national political affairs, but it also helps us to know what is happening in other parts of the world.
Science and Technology: Tremendous development is going ón in areas of science and technology. Almost every day new knowledge is being produced. It is the newspaper that disseminates the new knowledge: Therefore, by reading newspaper one can be updated about the latest development about the latest inventions, researches, discoveries, etc.
Entertainment: Newspaper is a big source of entertainment. It publishes colourful photos of the film stars and news about them. It publishes the news of the TV and film worlds. It provides us with a lot of fun by publishing amusing cartoons, funny jokes etc. So a newspaper reader can have entertainment from the newspaper.
Sports World: Almost every newspaper keeps a page for sports news. Sports fans can get news of their interest on the sports page.
Conclusion: One can be immensely benefitted by reading the newspaper. Those who do not read newspaper have a very narrow outlook on life. They cannot be good citizens of the country. So everyone should form the habit of reading newspaper.
The Benefits of Reading Newspaper
Newspaper is called the mirror of the world and reading newspaper means having a grasp over the happenings all over the world. In this age of information technology, we have access to a number of mass media. But none of them is comparable to a newspaper because reading a newspaper has a number of benefits. The most important thing about reading a newspaper is that it takes us to a storehouse of knowledge. It adds to our general knowledge and keeps us up-to-date. It broadens our mind and outlook.
Secondly, the newspaper gives us deeper insight into an event than other media do. We can read an article in a newspaper in a leisurely fashion as many time as we like.
Thirdly, reading the newspaper is never boring. it is because newspaper covers a variety of interesting topics appealing to reader of all tastes. If we go through a daily newspaper, we can get knowledge about current news, business, sports, education, literature, entertainment, fashion, food and so on.
Fourthly, reading the newspaper is the proper utilization of our time because it gives us both pleasure and knowledge. More importantly, from a newspaper, we learn easily and quickly as the fit is both pleasing and practical.
Fifthly, reading the newspaper sharpens our reading habit. This helps in our academic development. Finally, reading a newspaper is not like reading and believing. We read something in the newspaper, use our judgment and, then, take a decision whether to believe that or not. So, our critical mind is always involved in the process. As a result, reading newspaper develops our ability to criticise.
The importance of reading the newspaper can never be overstated. It is a unique gift of modern civilization and we must take our benefit out of it.
The paper which brings us the news of home and abroad is a newspaper. It is the sum and substance of the current world, It comes to our door every morning. We also wait for it eagerly.
The history of the newspaper goes back to the long past. It was first published in China. In Europe, Venice was the first city to publish a newspaper. The India Gazette was the first newspaper in this sub-continent. It was in English. The Samachar Darpan was the first Bengali newspaper in our country. It was published by the Missionaries of Sreerampur near Kolkata. Now, every country has hundreds of newspapers.
There are many kinds of newspapers. They are mainly the daily, the weekly, the monthly and the periodicals. The daily carry the news of the day. The others publish articles, stories, poems and other writings and advertisements. The newspaper is the mirror of the day. It brings us the news of the world.
It is also a storehouse of knowledge. The students can know many interesting things by reading a newspaper. The public read it for news, the traders for the market of their goods and the sportsmen for the games and sports. The politicians can know the political situation of their own country and that of the other countries of the world through it. The people seeking jobs can find vacancies in it.
The Government can circulate their plans and policies through the newspapers. The public can also ventilate their grievances The newspaper is not free from abuses. Sometimes, it does us much harm by publishing false and partisan news.
Thus, it creates public sentiments and enmity among the political parties. The newspaper ís the gift of modern civilization and the blessing of science. We cannot do even for a day without it. So it should publish impartial news for the good of the country and the people.