Physical Exercise Composition

Introduction: Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. None can enjoy good health without physical exercise. It keeps good health and promotes strength. It also keeps us free from diseases.

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Kinds of physical exercise: There are many kinds of physical exercise such as walking, swimming, running etc. Different kinds of games like football, cricket, hockey, badminton etc. are also good forms of physical exercise. All forms of exercises are not equally suitable to all. Games are quite good for the young. Walking is good for people of all ages.

Time of physical exercise: Morning and evening are the best time for taking physical exercise. We should take exercise in the open air. We should not take exercise on an empty stomach immediately after taking a meal.

The necessity of physical exercise: Physical exercise is very necessary to us. Our life is full of activities and actions. One needs to tackle theirs by his physical fitness. Physical exercise improves our health and makes us strong and active. There is a proverb, 
A sound mind lies in a sound body
If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. Obviously, a sound body depends on regular exercise which improves our power of digestion. It keeps a man free from diseases. Physical exercise is very important for the students. They do hard mental work. So they need a sound body and sound mind which depend' on regular exercise. Those who do not take regular exercise, soon lose their health. They do not find interest and happiness in life. They become a burden to their family.

Conclusion: Health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise enables us to achieve this wealth. So we should take physical exercise regularly.

Benefits of physical exercise essay 150 words

Introduction: Physical exercise is the regular Introduction of movement of all the limbs of our body. It keeps our body healthy; strong and active. It is very useful to us for the improvement of health.

Kinds of Physical exercise: There are many kinds. of physical exercises such as walking, running, swimming, racing, riding and all kinds of outdoor games. All kinds of physical exercises are not suitable for all ages and seasons' Some are for the old, some are for the youth, some are for the children, some are for the female and some are for the male. The old and the sick do not take part in games. They can walk in the morning. But the young can take all forms of exercise.

Time of exercise: We should take our exercise at the right time. After a meal, no exercise should be taken. It must not be taken on an empty stomach either. So, we should be aware of all these matters. Morning is the best time and again it may be taken in the evening, too.

Importance of Physical exercise: The importance of physical exercise is great. To be successful health is very important. Physical exercise is the precondition of sound health. We all know that there is a good relationship between the body and the mind. Physical exercise builds our body. It builds our personality. It keeps us physically fit. It provides us with. energy. It keeps us tension free. It helps our normal blood circulation. It removes our monotony. It helps a student to a great extent. It helps him to concentrate his mind on his studies. It is very helpful for sound sleep. It keeps us immune from all diseases.

Effect of over-exercise: We should not take over-exercise. It is very bad for our health. It breaks down our health. Over exercise may even cause death.

Conclusion: To conclude, we can say that physical exercise is very important for good health. To lead a happy life is very important. So, we all should take physical exercise regularly.

Importance of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound.

Physical exercise is of various kinds. Good forms of exercise are walking, swimming, riding, racing, rowing, gymnastics, wrestling and playing many outdoor and indoor games. re, All forms of exercise are not suitable for all men. If a weak man takes part in a football game or hockey, he will get tired. It does no good to him. Those who are strong and stout can take all forms. of exercise.

On the other hand, those who are weak can not take all forms of exercise. Walking is the best kind of exercise for all in all circumstances. It is of special use to the weak and the old. Walking in the morning and evening refreshes our body and mind. It also enables a mind. to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Swimming is also a good exercise. It strengthens all the limbs of our body.

Gymnastic exercises are not suited to people of all ages. The weak and the old cannot stand the strains of gymnastic exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best suited to the young, students and members of well-organised clubs. Riding, racing, rowing, wrestling, indoor and outdoor games offer ample opportunity for the exercise of our body.

Among all forms of exercise swimming and walking are the best because they cost nothing. An oft-quoted proverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Mere acquisition of knowledge without sound health is of no use to society. There lies a close connection between the body and the mind. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. We can not think of a sound mind without sound health. It is a physical exercise that enables us to build good health which is the key to success.

There are many people who do not take physical exercise. They can hardly realize that they themselves are ruining their health. They fall a victim to many diseases. Life becomes dull to them. They are always peevish and ill-tempered. It needs no telling the importance of physical exercise. We build good health and a sound mind through physical exercise.

Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also. improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. Many good habits are formed through outdoor games. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and punctuality.
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