Different between Spoken language and Written language

Different between Spoken language and Written language

Different between Spoken language and Written language
Spoken language or speech-language is the primary form of a language. If we look spoken a form of the English language. We will find that it is in many ways different from the written form. Let us consider the features of the spoken language and written language as presented below. Written language is the secondary form of language. It is visible, written, or printed and hence more permanent then spoken language. As written language is strictly governed by grammatical rules, non-native users are very more aware of the rules of written language than those of spoken language. we can express our feelings Ideas, emotions, sentiments, and so forth more freely in a written language than in spoken language because the reader cannot show a direct and immediate reaction. Written language may be set checked, changed, or reformulated if necessary grammatically and pragmatically. The Syntax of spoken language is much less structured than that of written language. The spoken language contains many incomplete sentences, often simple sequences of phrases, for example, ok that'll do.

Spoken language processes rather little subordination. The spoken language contains a lot of active declarative sentences. A very few examples of passive. in spoken language in the spoken language, the speaker typically uses a lot of rather generalized vocabulary, for example, a lot of, thing, got nice do, stuff, place, etc. However, this device is not taken in written language. In spoken language the speaker frequently repeats the same syntactic form several times over, that is, repetition and hesitations being involved in spoken but not in written language, for example, “ I looked at your face, I looked at your shoes,  I looked at your face, I looked at your eyes, etc.

The use of is found in a written language while not in speech or spoken language. In spoken language, the speaker establishes and maintains a rule relationship with the listener. In spoken language, there is a kind of approximately between the speaker and listener. Spoken language makes no visual form that is obligatorily held in written language.  Spoken language is a smaller amount dense with the aim of enabling the perceiver to know the data to understand the information or message easily. Spoken language echo in some contacts of a situation and direct reaction of the listener. The spoken language contains interactive markers and planning filler and thus makes communication effective.

Spoken language takes place in some context of a situation and hence is supported by extralinguistic elements including al in the surrounding. The spoken language the chunks of utterances are connected by “And", “Then”“If",.But in written language, an extensive set of multilingual markers exists to mark the relationship between clauses. In written language, heavily premodified noun phrases are quite common. In spoken language to find more than two premodified adjectives. In face to face conversation use in spoken language. Written language is more accurate than the spoken language. Written language is more formal than the spoken language. While speaking, the speaker has available to him/her the full range of 'Voice quality'' effects as well as paralinguistic expressions.


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