George Orwell complete works

George Orwell complete works

George Orwell's real name is Eric Arthur Blair. He was born in the place of Motihari in the Indian territory of Bengal in 1903. His dad works at the Indian civil service. They moved to England in 1907. George Orwell's development of literary talent flourished at Eton in 1917. At that time, he was writing regularly in different college magazines.  He is an English novelist, critic, journalist and essayist. He was working as a police officer in Myanmar. His famous allegorical novel is the animal Fram, where he presented the anti-Soviet story. His famous essay is Shooting An Elephant. The George Orwell pseudonym was named after the name of River Orwell located in Suffolk County, England.
George Orwell complete works

George Orwell workplace

From 1922 to 1927, Orwell worked for the Indian Police Department in Burma. This job experience inspired him to write his first novel. His "Burmese Days" was published in 1934. "After some years, he was suffering from poverty, he spent two years in Paris before returning to England, where he had to live, sometimes a tutor, sometimes at school teacher, sometimes he used to sell books in bookstores, and also he continues his writing in several journals. His Non-Fiction Book “Down and Out in Paris and London” was published in 1933.

In 1936, he went to visit Victor Gollancz work in the unemployment areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire. Later on from this experience, he wrote “The Road to Wigan Pier”. It was published in 1937. In this book, George Orwell shows the real picture of poverty and also he faces this poverty. He describes the real picture of poverty.

In 1936, Orwell moved to Spain to fight and wound in support of the Republic. The experience of civil war, he wrote ‘Homage to Catalonia’. In 1938, he lived in a Sanatorium for a few days. Since then he has never been completely healed. He stayed in  Morocco for six months. At this time, ‘Cumming Up for Air’ was written. During World War II he worked with the Home Guard and the BBC's Eastern Service. From 1941 to 1943, he was engaged in the work mentioned above. Later, he joined the literary editor “Tribune” newspaper. At that time, he used to write regularly about politics and literature. Also, he wrote on the two newspaper 'Observer' and ‘Manchester Evening News’. An excellent political novel ‘Animal Farm’ was published in 1945. In 1995, W. H. Smith and Penguin Books have won the Best Books of the Century. Originally ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ (published in 1949), George Orwell has famous all over the world. This famous writer died in London in January 1950.

George Orwell's major literary works

George Orwell Novels

1. Burmese Days(1934)
2. A Clergyman's Daughter(1935)
3. Coming Up for Air (1939)
4. Animal Farm (1945)
5. Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)

1. Burmese Days (1934): Once upon a time, as a police officer, Orwell worked for Barma. This novel is written in light of that experience. The protagonist of this novel a disappointed young man named Flori. He is a wood businessman in Burma.

2. A Clergyman's Daughter (1935): The story of this novel has been developed with the daughter of a priest named Dorothy. Once she lost her memory of sexual abuse, she left home. In the end, she returned home with the bitter experience, took her home and raised her father's care.

3. Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936): The novel is about the story of Gordon Comstock's, the son of a poor gentle family. Gordon has suffered the same loss of young Orwell among the relatively wealthy boys while attending school. It is a similar novel of Burmese's Day. This book is also an autobiographical novel by Orwell.

4. Coming Up for Air (1939): The story of middle-class insurance agent George Bowling has been described in the novel. From the wounded experience in many ways, the story of the novel has got Orwell. The lifestyle of London seemed like a nightmare to him, this experience brought him deep hatred. There was a great fear of awakening war on him. Added to this is the yearning of childhood for imagined safety. In all, Orwell's diverse experience has been reflected in the role of George Bowling.

5. Animal Farm (1945): The significance of the novel by the fable of animals is the mythological significance of this novel. This novel has been written in Russian under the name of Stalin, which is ridiculing the leftist regime of the period. The Russian Revolution that took place in October 1917, during the reign of Stalin, the ideology of this revolution was totally futile. To say, Stalin betrayed the policy and ideals of the Russian revolution. In the novel, this inconsistent activity of Stalin has been cited in an intriguing manner.

6. Nineteen Eighty-Four' (1949): This novel has been criticized against the totalitarian regime. When Orwell saw this book, he saw the nightmare of future nightmares standing in that period. In this story, some of the novel heroes Winston Smith have found terrible experiences.

George Orwell Non-Fiction Books

1. Down and Out in Paris and London
2. The Road to Wigan Pier
3. Homage to Catalonia
4. The English People

1. Down and Out in Paris and London (1933): Orwell, writes his personal experience of living in Paris and London, the world's two biggest cities. In this essay, his personal relationship with the lower-level people of French and English society has been found.  These people are disfellowshiped, someone stranger, someone criminal and someone prostitute.

2. The Road to Wigan Pier (1937): Orwell, writes from the experience of visiting places in England and including the industrial city Wingone. The conditions of these places have greatly disappointed him.

3. Homage to Catalonia (1938):  Orwell, writes Spain's Civil War experience in this book. He took part in the war for a short time.

George Orwell Essays

1. Shooting An Elephant
2.Bookshop Memories
3. Books Vs Cigarettes
4. Freedom of the Park
5. How the Poor Die
6. Poetry and The Microphone
7. Pleasure Spots
8. Why I write
9. A nice cup of Tea
10. The Moon Under Water
11. Politics and the English language
12. The lion and the Unicorn
13. The Spike

George Orwell has written a lot of articles, essays and letters, published in various magazines. His pieces were published in a huge of four volumes, the series named "Collected Sage, Journalism, and "Letters of George Orwell".

Volume 1 An Age Like This: Duration 1920-1940.
Volume 2, My Country Right or Left: Period 1940-1943.
Volume 3 As I hope please 1943-1945.
Volume 4 In the front of the year knows; From the period 1945 until death.

Note: Orwell writes in his autobiography ‘Such, Such Were the Joyce’. Basically, the bitter experiences of school life have got a place in it. This autobiographical book, published after the death of Orwell. In this book, written in 1947, Orwell recollects the sad days of the St. Cyprian School that spent six years from the age of eleven years to seventeen years.


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