Ben Jonson works

Ben Jonson works

Ben Jonson's full name is Benjamin Jonson. Although he started writing plays in the Elizabethan period, he wrote his famous plays at the Jacobean Period. In 1616 he was elected a poet laureate of England. His comedy known as “Comedy of Humour”. “Comedy of Humour” is related to the Medical Theory. Comedy of Humour has shown how human behaviour is influenced by four physiological elements. Four physiological elements are blood, Phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. William Shakespeare was an actor in Ben Jonson's play “Every Man in His Humor”. His unfinished play called “The Sad Shepherd”.

Ben Jonson works

Elizabethan period Plays

1. A Tale of a Tub( Comedy)
2. Every Man in His Humour
3. Every Man out of His Humour
4. The poetaster
5. Sejanus His Fall
6. Volpone
7. The Silent Woman
8. The Alchemist
9. Catiline His Conspiracy
10. The Devil in an Ass

Caroline Age Plays

1. The Staple of News
2. The New Inn, or the light Heart


1. The Coronation Triumph
2. The Masques of Blackness
3. Hymenaei
4. The Masques of Queens
5. The Masques of Beauty
6. The Hue and Cry After Cupid
7. Oberon, the Faery Prince
8. Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly
9. Love Restored
10. The Golden Age Restored
11. The Vision of Delight
12. Lovers Made Men


1. Epigrams
2. The Forest
3. On My First Sonnet, Elegy
4. A Discourse of Love
5. Underwood
6. To Celia


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