Class Nine English 1st Paper assignment answer

Class Nine English Assignment

Unit 1 Lesson-4 Section;  C

1. Which persons and institutions do you have responsibilities for? Make a list. The first in the list done for you.

a. Parents
Answer: 1

a. Parents
b. Society/Teacher/Government
c. Friends and neighbours

2. Make s list of responsibilities you have as a student at home, school and in society.

Answer: 2

As a student, we have the following responsibilities at home, school and in society.

A. To help mother in cooking.
B. To take care of the old father in his ill condition.
C. To look after the younger brothers and sisters at home.
D. To lend support to the friends who are poor and ill.
E. To help neighbours if they are in troubles, such as road accident or the like.
F. To abide by the direction and guidelines of the teachers about our studies, group activities, cultural functions, debate etc.
G. To cast vote if we are 18 years age or above.

3. Make another list of things you shouldn't do at home, school and in society.

Answer: 3

As students, we should not do certain things because we know about our responsibilities, such as-

A. We should not disobey our parents.
B. We should not be careless of our younger and brothers and sisters.
C. We should not be intolerant to our neighbours and should not be jealous of their success.
D. We should not avoid our classmates while in group discussion.
E. We should not look down upon the poor friends.
F. We should not back out when our classmates are in the face of disaster or accident.

4. Who do you get help from to discharge the responsibilities you have listed C1? How do they help you?

Answer: 4

In Cl, we, as citizens of the country, know about our government's responsibilities to ensure our "basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care". The institutions like the ministry of food, home affairs, education, social welfare, health and family planning, and the law enforcing agencies work in our country to discharge responsibilities for our good. All the ministries mentioned above have these machinery to reach the citizens of the country and provide help to them.

5. Are there any difficulties in fulfilling the responsibilities? Briefly describe what might happen if they fail to fulfill the responsibilities.

Answer: 5 

Delay in reaching the people when they are in trouble, is a difficulty. For example, when students of opposition political parties clash together, the police arrives either late or takes a particular side. When fire breaks out in a bazar, the fire brigade vans reach the spot long after the fire has extinguished. 

6. Make a list of responsibilities other people have towards you. Briefly describe what might happen if they fail to fulfill responsibilities.

Answer: 6

The very responsibilities that I have towards others, other people too have the same responsibilities towards me. I understand that I have responsibilities to perform towards my parents, my other family members, my neighbours, my school, my society and my state. Similarly, my parents have the responsibility to admit me into the school, give support to me in my studies, and so on. If not, my studies will come to an end. If my society does not extend cooperation to me, I may have to face troubles in every step whenever I go out of my home. If the teachers in my school do not provide me due guidance, my studies will bring no fruit. If the law-enforcing agencies do not come forward when I am in the face of attacks by the hijackers or kidnappers, it may so happen that my life will be endangered.

7. (a) What rewards are you likely to get, if you fulfill to your responsibilities?

(b) What penalties or punishments may you get, if you do not carry out your responsibilities?

Answer: 7

(a) If I fulfil my responsibilities to my parents, they in their turn, will fulfil their responsibilities towards me. Similarly, if I play my part well in the school, my teachers will provide me with their due guidance and teaching. Surely all this will prove rewarding in the making of my career.

(b) No doubt that penalties will befall me if I do not do my responsibilities to my parents, my society, my teachers and to my country. Firstly, my parents will stop giving me money and turn me out of my house. Secondly, my society will boycott me if I do not talk to them politely and tolerate them sufficiently. Thirdly, my teachers will avoid teaching me.

8. What responsibilities do you think you can perform well when you go on a class picnic or when your school stages on a play as part of its annual prize giving ceremony?

Answer: 8

As a fellow student, 1 have a good deal of works to perform when we go on a class picnic. I can help the, picnic team, in raising funds, hiring a bus, contracting a band party and microphone and shopping of the domestic materials needed for the picnic dinner. The maintenance of discipline is an important factor in such affairs. I can try to the best of my ability to perform such responsibilities. I think, my cooperation with all my classmates will make the picnic party a success. 

Unit -4 Lesson-4 : Section C(3) The Ferry Boat

(a) If we have too many buyers of fish in the market, what is likely happen?

Answer: A

The price of fishes will go higher.

(b) If we have too many passengers at a bus or train station, what may happen?

Answer: (b)

If there are too many passengers gathered at a bus or train station, the situation becomes crowdy and noisy there.

(c) If we have too many people in village/town/city what will happen?

Answer: c)

If we have too many people in a village/town/city, first of all, the housing problem will arise. People will get very little or no land to build to their houses. In a village, the increase of people will cause a decrease if land property. The situation will give rise to another crisis: a shortage of production of food and agriculture. Roads will be overcrowded, employment opportunities will be cut short.

Unit 4 Lesson 4 Answer

Class Nine Story Assignment

Nila, a young girl of 14 is a student of class 9 of 'Noapara Girl's High school'. She was a poor girl but had an aspiration to help her family for a better life. On her way to school, a boy named Alam used to tease her very often. But she didn't get frustrated rather she faced boldly. She thought that the boy was disturbing her. Firstly the girl's talked about the problem with her family. The parents tried to solve the problem with the discussion of Alam's father and mother. But the boy's father's and mother's did not take any step. So this girl talked about the problem in their school with teachers and headteacher. Then the headteacher arranged a meeting of Alam's parents and Nila's parents. After a discussion, they took a decision this problem should be solved. The teacher wanted to solve the problem and he gave a solution that Alam's should be punished. Alam thought that he did bad work. Then Alam's parents took the decision to control his son. They expressed their sorrow to the Nila's family. Lastly, the problem was solved. Nila was able to go to school every day. 


Nila is a young girl of 14 is a student of class 9 of Noapara Girls’ High School, Noapara. She was a poor girl but had an aspiration to help her family for a better life. On her way to school, a boy named Alam used to tease her very often. But she didn’t get frustrated rather she faced boldly. Everyday Alam with some of his friends waited on the way of Nila’s coming. Alam stopped her and used to tease her in various ways. Nila told him that she had a dream to study higher and requested him to stop this. She also suggested to him to be modest. But he didn’t pay any heed to her words. She thought much over the problem. She also thought that if she took any rapid action against him, he might be more violent.

Thinking much, she informed the matter to the headmaster of her school. Realizing the fact, the headmaster informed it of her UNO. Justifying the truth of the matter, The UNO led an expedition secretly and arrest Alam and his friends at red headed. Thus she was able to get rid of this problem. It was her courage and intelligence.


Nila a young girl of 14 is a student of class 9 of Noapara Girl' High school, Noapara. She was a poor girl but had an inspiration to help our family for a better life. On her way to school, a boy named Alam used to tease are very often. But she did not get frustrated rather, She used to tell the boy not to disturb her. But the boy was very naughty. He did not pay heed to her speech. He started to disturb her again and again. Then, Nila thought a little bit what to do. she made a plan to change the boy's character. Nila offered the boy. If you're able to change your life, I'm ready to marry you. By listening herp proposal The boy agreed to study well and completed his graduation. Fortunately he got a government job. At last, They got married and became happy. By this way, they helped both of their family.

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